女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > 魔法英语同步新课堂(高二·下) >



小说: 魔法英语同步新课堂(高二·下) 字数: 每页4000字

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    You should avoid such a person。你应该避免和这样的人打交道。    
    The driver braked his car suddenly to avoid a terrible accident。    
    Children should avoid eating unhealthy food。 小孩应该避免吃不卫生的食品。    
    14。It is not enough to simply decide where you want to go。(INTEGRATING SKILLS)仅仅决定你想去什么地方还不够。    
    We don’t  have enough time/time enough to finish the work。    
    Five men will be quite enough。五个人就足够了。    
    The question was how he could find enough work to support himself。    
    15。Try to use traveller’s cheques if possible and avoid bringing too much money。(INTEGRATING SKILLS)如果可能的话尽量带旅行支票,避免带过多的现金。    
    too much意为“太多”或“过多”,在句中多用作定语,修饰不可数名词。    
    Would you please let me keep my head in the tent to get warm? I won’t take up too much room。你让我把头探进帐篷取暖好吗?我不会占太多地方的。    
    We didn’t expect too much of him。我们对他没有期望过高。    
    But where there is too much; the waste and poison may do great harm to the things around us。但是,在有毒的废物太多的地方,这些有毒的废物就会给我们周围的东西带来很大的害处。

Unit 15   Destinations单元语法知识归纳

    Playing with fire is dangerous。玩火是危险的。 (泛指玩火)    
    To play with fire will be dangerous。玩火会很危险。 (指一次具体行为)    
    2。动词在句型“It is no use/no good/not any use/not any good/useless…”中作主语时,必须用动名词形式。    
    It’s no use talking too much about it。对这件事谈论太多没用。    
    3。句型“It is worth…”中的worth之后须用动名词的主动式。    
    The new type of bicycle is well worth buying。这种新型自行车很值得买。    
    ① 下列动词或短语动词后只接动名词作宾语,而不跟不定式:finish; enjoy; advise; allow; admit; avoid; consider; delay; excuse; look forward to; listen to; devote to; be/get used to; object to; stick to; give up; insist on; imagine; include; keep on; keep; mind; miss; put off; practise; risk; suggest; escape; appreciate; permit; forbid;can’t help(禁不住); can’t stand(无法忍受),feel like 等。    
    ② 下列动词后既可跟不定式,也可跟动名词:    
    A。 like; love; begin; start; continue; prefer等动词后跟不定式或动名词意义基本相同。    
    He continued going over his lessons。/He continued to go over his lessons。他继续复习功课。    
    注意:A。 上述动词后用动名词往往表示一般或抽象的多次性行为,用不定式则表示具体的或一次性的动作。    
    She began to play the piano half an hour ago。她半小时前开始弹钢琴。    
    She always begins playing the piano after supper。她总是晚饭后开始弹钢琴。    
    在love; hate; prefer等动词之后用动名词或不定式无多大区别。但说话人有所指的时候,通常用不定式。    
    start; begin; continue在书面语中多后接不定式。在should /would like/love等短语后接不定式。    
    B。 下列动词后跟不定式和动名词意义完全不同:    
    His coming late for class made the teacher very angry。    
    I don’t  like Tom’s/Tom smoking in the classroom。    
    Is there any hope of the necklace being found? 项链有希望找到吗?    
    I remember each of them saying it。我记得他们都说过这件事。(因为句子结构关系不便使用物主代词或名词所有格。)

Unit 15   Destinations单元同步小测试

    1。 The book is said to       into several languages。    
    A。 translate        B。 be translated   C。 have translated        D。 have been translated    
    2。 When the teacher came in; the children pretended       attentively。    
    A。 reading     B。 to be read    C。 being reading           D。 to be reading    
    3。 Everyone says he is a       boy。    
    A。 promised         B。 promising           C。 to promise        D。 promise    
    4。 She looked at me with      eyes。    
    A。 question       B。 questioning        C。 to question        D。 being questioned    
    5。 The second passenger the bus was a middle     aged woman。    
    A。 get on        B。 getting on           C。 got on         D。 to get on    
    6。 It’s too early for      anyone around here。     
    A。 there being         B。 there is         C。 there to be          D。 there to here    
    7。 To go to the ball with just a flower is      “I’m poor!”    
    A。 say          B。 saying             C。 to say          D。 to saying    
    8。 You     us by not coming to our party。We were      at your absence。 How      you were!    
    A。 disappointed; disappointing; disappointing    
    B。 disappointed; disappointed; disappointed    
    C。 disappointed; disappointed; disappointing    
    D。 disappointed; disappointing; disappointed    
    9。 He left the station     ; for she wasn’tin the train。    
    A。 in great disappointment            B。 in a great disappointment    
    C。 with great disappointment                D。 with a great disappointment    
    10。      his daughter failed in the exams again and again。 It seemed that she was      to her family。    
    A。 To the great disappointment; the disappointment    
    B。 To his great disappointment; a great disappointment    
    C。 With his great disappointment; great disappointment    
    D。 At his great disappointment; great disappointment    
    11。 A newly…built     is on the south      of the river。    
    A。 officebuilding; coast                B。 school; shore    
    C。 bank; bank                D。 cinema; sides    
    12。 She      him a few ideas to improve the plan; but he refused the。    
    A。 offer; offered                B。 offered; offer    
    C。 offered; offering           D。 offering; offering    
    13。 He      the club and      its activities。    
    A。 took a part in; joined                B。 joined; took part in    
    C。 joined; took a part in                D。 took part in; took part in    
    14。 This      me      what we did together during our holidays。    
    A。 says; about           B。 reminds; of          C。 tells; with       D。 reminds; 不填    
    15。 Try to      who broke the window。    
    A。 look for           B。 look out     C。 find out                D。 found    
    I grew up in a community called Estepona。  When I was 16; one morning; Dad told me I could drive him into a 16 village called Mijas; on condition that I took the car into be 17 at a nearby garage。 I readily accepted。  I drove Dad into Mijas; and 18 to pick him up at 4 p。m。; then dropped off the car at the 19。 With several hours to spare; I went to a theater。 20; when the last movie finished; it was six。 I was two hours late!    
    I knew Dad would be angry if he 21 I’d been watching movies。 So I decided not to tell him the truth。 When I 22 there I apologized for being late; and told him I’d 23 as quickly as I could; but the car had needed some major repairs。 I’ll never forget the 24 he gave me。    
    “I’m disappointed that you 25 you have to lie to me; Jason。” Dad looked at me again。 “When you didn’t 26; I called the garage to ask if there were any 27; and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car。” I felt 28 as I weakly told him the real reason。 A 29 passed through Dad as he listened attentively。 “I’m angry with 30。 I realize I’ve failed as a father。 I’m going to walk home now and think seriously about 31 I’ve gone wrong all these years。” “But Dad; It’s 18 miles!” My protests and apologies were 32。 Dad walked home that day。 I drove behind him; 33 him all the way; but he walked silently。    
    Seeing Dad in so much 34 and emotional pain was my most painful experience。 However; it was 35 the most successful lesson。 I have never lied since then。    
    16。 A。 lonely           B。 small           C。 distant            D。 familiar    
    17。 A。 kept         B。 washed            C。 watched                D。 serviced    
    18。 A。 agreed        B。 planned             C。 determined          D。 promised    
    19。 A。 village         B。 community          C。 garage         D。 theater    
    20。 A。 However         B。 Then           C。 Therefore           D。 Still    
    21。 A。 realized        B。 found out         C。 thought         D。 figured out    
    22。 A。 went          B。 ran            C。 walked        

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