女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the messengers(信使) >


the messengers(信使)-第4部分

小说: the messengers(信使) 字数: 每页4000字

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     〃On the Nile;〃 repeated Mortimer。         〃All over Egypt。       Why?〃 

    Ainsley     made    no   answer。    Unclasping      his  hold;  he  suddenly     slid 

down the face of the rock; and with a bump lit on his hands and knees。 

With    one   bound    he  had   cleared   a  flower…bed。     In   two   more   he   had 

mounted   the   steps to   the   terrace;   and   in   another   instant had   disappeared 

into the house。 

     〃What happened to him?〃 demanded Elsie Mortimer。 

     〃He's gone to get a gun!〃 exclaimed Mortimer。            〃But he mustn't! How 

can he think of shooting them?〃 he cried indignantly。              〃I'll put a stop to 


    In the hall he found Ainsley surrounded by a group of startled servants。 

     〃You get that car at the door in five minutes!〃 he was shouting; 〃and 

YOU telephone the hotel to have my trunks out of the cellar and on board 

the Kron Prinz Albert by midnight。           Then you telephone Hoboken that I 

want a cabin; and if they haven't got a cabin I want the captain's。           And tell 

them anyway I'm coming on board to…night; and I'm going with them if I 

have to sleep on deck。       And YOU;〃 he cried; turning to Mortimer; 〃take a 

shotgun and guard that lake; and if anybody tries to molest those birds 

shoot    him!    They've    come    from   Egypt!     From   Polly    Kirkland!     She 

sent them!     They're a sign!〃 

     〃Are you going mad?〃 cried Mortimer。 

     〃No!〃 roared Ainsley。       〃I'm going to Egypt; and I'm going NOW!〃 

    Polly Kirkland and her friends were travelling slowly up the Nile; and 

had    reached    Luxor。    A    few   hundred     yards   below    the   village  their 

dahabiyeh was moored to the bank; and; on the deck; Miss Kirkland was 

watching a scarlet sun sink behind two palm…trees。              By the grace of that 

special   Providence   that   cares   for   drunken   men;   citizens   of   the   United 

States; and lovers; her friends were on shore; and she was alone。              For this 

she was grateful; for her thoughts were of a melancholy and tender nature 

and she had no wish for any companion save one。               In consequence; when 

a steam…launch; approaching at full speed with the rattle of a quick…firing 

gun; broke upon her meditations; she was distinctly annoyed。 


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                                     THE    MESSENGERS 

     But   when;   with   much   ringing   of   bells   and   shouting   of   orders;   the 

steam…launch rammed the paint off her dahabiyeh; and a young man flung 

himself over the rail and ran toward her; her annoyance passed; and with a 

sigh she sank into his outstretched; eager arms。 

     Half an hour later Ainsley laughed proudly and happily。 

     〃Well!〃   he   exclaimed;   〃you   can   never   say   I   kept   YOU   waiting。       I 

didn't lose much time; did I?          Ten minutes after I got your C。 Q。 D。 signal 

I was going down the Boston Post Road at seventy miles an hour。〃 

     〃My what?〃 said the girl。 

     〃The sign!〃 explained Ainsley。           〃The sign you were to send me to tell 

me〃he bent over her hands and added gently〃that you cared for me。〃 

     〃Oh; I remember;〃 laughed Polly Kirkland。               〃I was to send you a sign; 

wasn't I?     You were to 'read it in your heart';〃 she quoted。 

     〃And   I    did;〃  returned   Ainsley   complacently。         〃There     were   several 

false   alarms;   and   I'd   almost   lost   hope;   but   when   the   messengers   came   I 

knew them。〃 

     With puzzled eyes the girl frowned and raised her head。 

     〃Messengers?〃   she   repeated。        〃I   sent   no   message。    Of   course;〃   she 

went on; 〃when I said you would 'read it in your heart' I meant that if you 

REALLY   loved   me   you   would   not   wait   for   a   sign;   but   you   would   just 

COME!〃        She sighed proudly and contentedly。               〃And you came。          You 

understood that; didn't you?〃 she asked anxiously。 

     For    an  instant   Ainsley   stared    blankly;   and    then  to  hide   his   guilty 

countenance drew her toward him and kissed her。 

     〃Of course;〃 he stammered〃of course I understood。                  That was why I 

came。     I just couldn't stand it any longer。〃 

     Breathing   heavily   at   the   thought   of   the   blunder   he   had   so   narrowly 

avoided;     Ainsley     turned   his  head    toward    the   great  red   disk   that  was 

disappearing into the sands of the desert。             He was so long silent that the 

girl lifted her eyes; and found that already he had forgotten her presence 

and;   transfixed;   was   staring   at   the   sky。 On   his   face   was   bewilderment 

and wonder and a touch of awe。               The girl followed the direction of his 

eyes;   and   in   the   swiftly   gathering   darkness   saw   coming   slowly   toward 


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                                    THE    MESSENGERS 

them; and descending as they came; six great white birds。 

     They     moved    with   the   last  effort  of  complete    exhaustion。     In   the 

drooping   head   and   dragging   wings   of   each   was   written   utter   weariness; 

abject fatigue。     For a moment they hovered over the dahabiyeh and above 

the two young lovers; and then; like tired travellers who had reached their 

journey's end; they spread their wings and sank to the muddy waters of the 

Nile and into the enveloping night。 

     〃Some day;〃 said Ainsley; 〃I have a confession to make to you。〃 


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