女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > etymology >



小说: etymology 字数: 每页4000字

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                                   MOBY DICK

                                  OR THE WHALE

                               by Herman Melville


  (Supplied by a Late Consumptive Usher to a Grammar School)

  The pale Usher… threadbare in coat; heart; body; and brain; I see

him now。 He was ever dusting his old lexicons and grammars; with a

queer handkerchief; mockingly embellished with all the gay flags of

all the known nations of the world。 He loved to dust his old grammars;

it somehow mildly reminded him of his mortality。

  〃While you take in hand to school others; and to teach them by

what name a whale…fish is to be called in our tongue leaving out;

through ignorance; the letter H; which almost alone maketh the

signification of the word; you deliver that which is not true。〃


  〃WHALE。 * * * Sw。 and Dan。 hval。 This animal is named from roundness

or rolling; for in Dan。 hvalt is arched or vaulted。〃

                                            WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY

  〃WHALE。 * * * It is more immediately from the Dut。 and Ger。

Wallen; A。S。 Walw…ian; to roll; to wallow。〃

                                         RICHARDSON'S DICTIONARY

          KETOS;               Greek。

          CETUS;               Latin。

          WHOEL;               Anglo…Saxon。

          HVALT;               Danish。

          WAL;                 Dutch。

          HWAL;                Swedish。

          WHALE;               Icelandic。

          WHALE;               English。

          BALEINE;             French。

          BALLENA;             Spanish。

          PEKEE…NUEE…NUEE;     Fegee。

          PEKEE…NUEE…NUEE;     Erromangoan。

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