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the civilization of the renaissance in italy-第3部分

小说: the civilization of the renaissance in italy 字数: 每页4000字

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od…forsaken existence。 When the last Carrara  could no longer defend the walls and gates of the plague…stricken  Padua; hemmed in on all sides by the Venetians (1405); the soldiers of  the guard heard him cry to the devil 'to come and kill him。'

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The most complete and instructive type of the tyranny of the fourteenth  century is to be found unquestionably among the Visconti of Milan; from  the death of the Archbishop Giovanni onwards (1354)。 The family  likeness which shows itself between Bernabo and the worst of the Roman  Emperors is unmistakable; the most important public object was the  prince's boar…hunting; whoever interfered with it was put to death with  torture; the terrified people were forced to maintain 5;000 boar  hounds; with strict responsibility for their health and safety。 The  taxes were extorted by every conceivable sort of compulsion; seven  daughters of the prince received a dowry of 100;000 gold florins  apiece; and an enormous treasure was collected。 On the death of his  wife (1384) an order was issued 'to the subjects' to share his grief;  as once they had shared his joy; and to wear mourning for a year。 The  _coup de main_ (1385) by which his nephew Giangaleazzo got him into his  powerone of those brilliant plots which make the heart of even late  historians beat more quickly was strikingly characteristic of the man 。

In Giangaleazzo that passion for the colossal which was common to most  of the despots shows itself on the largest scale。 He undertook; at the  cost of 300;000 golden florins; the construction of gigantic dikes; to  divert in case of need the Mincio from Mantua and the Brenta from  Padua; and thus to render these cities defenseless。 It is not  impossible; indeed; that he thought of draining away the lagoons of  Venice。 He founded that most wonderful of all convents; the Certosa of  Pavia and the cathedral of Milan; 'which exceeds in size and splendor  all the churches of Christendom。' The palace in Pavia; which his father  Galeazzo began and which he himself finished; was probably by far the  most magnificent of the princely dwellings of Europe。 There he  transferred his famous library; and the great collection of relics of  the saints; in which he placed a peculiar faith。 It would have been  strange indeed if a prince of this character had not also cherished the  highest ambitions in political matters。 King Wenceslaus made him Duke  (1395); he was hoping for nothing less than the Kingdom of Italy or the  Imperial crown; when (1402) he fell ill and died。 His whole territories  are said to have paid him in a single year; besides the regular  contribution of 1;200;000 gold florins; no less than 800;000 more in  extraordinary subsidies。 After his death the dominions which he had  brought together by every sort of violence fell to pieces: and for a  time even the original nucleus could with difficulty be maintained by  his successors。 What might have become of his sons Giovanni Maria (died  1412) and Filippo Maria (died 1447); had they lived in a different  country and under other traditions; cannot be said。 But; as heirs of  their house; they inherited that monstrous capital of cruelty and  cowardice which had been accumulated from generation to generation。

Giovanni Maria; too; is famed for his dogs; which were no longer;  however; used for hunting but for tearing human bodies。 Tradition has  preserved their names; like those of the bears of Emperor Valentinian  I。 In May; 1409; when war was going on; and the starving populace cried  to him in the streets; _Pace! Pace!_ he let loose his mercenaries upon  them; and 200 lives were sacrificed; under penalty of the gallows it  was forbidden to utter the words pace and guerra; and the priests were  ordered; instead of _dona nobis pacem_; to say _tranquillitatem_! At  last a band of conspirators took advantage of the moment when Facino  Cane; the chief Condotierre of the insane ruler; lay in at Pavia; and  cut down Giovanni Maria in the church of San Gottardo at Milan; the  dying Facino on the same day made his officers swear to stand by the  heir Filippo Maria; whom he himself urged his wife to take for a second  husband。 His wife; Beatrice di Tenda; followed his advice。 We shall  have occasion to speak of Filippo Maria later on。

And in times like these Cola di Rienzi was dreaming of founding on the  rickety enthusiasm of the corrupt population of Rome a new State which  was to comprise all Italy。 By the side of rulers such as those whom we  have described; he seems no better than a poor deluded fool。

Despots of the Fifteenth Century

The despotisms of the fifteenth century show an altered character。 Many  of the less important tyrants; and some of the greater; like the Scala  and the Carrara had disappeared; while the more powerful ones;  aggrandized by conquest; had given to their systems each its  characteristic development。 Naples for example received a fresh and  stronger impulse from the new Aragonese dynasty。 A striking feature of  this epoch is the attempt of the Condottieri to found independent  dynasties of their own。 Facts and the actual relations of things; apart  from traditional estimates; are alone regarded; talent and audacity win  the great prizes。 The petty despots; to secure a trustworthy support;  begin to enter the service of the larger States; and become themselves  Condottieri; receiving in return for their services money and immunity  for their misdeeds; if not an increase of territory。 All; whether small  or great; must exert themselves more; must act with greater caution and  calculation; and must learn to refrain from too wholesale barbarities;  only so much wrong is permitted by public opinion as is necessary for  the end in view; and this the impartial bystander certainly finds no  fault with。 No trace is here visible of that half…religious loyalty by  which the legitimate princes of the West were supported; personal  popularity is the nearest approach we can find to it。 Talent and  calculation are the only means of advancement。 A character like that of  Charles the Bold; which wore itself out in the passionate pursuit of  impracticable ends; was a riddle to the Italians。 'The Swiss were only  peasants; and if they were all killed; that would be no satisfaction  for the Burgundian nobles who might fall in the war。 If the Duke got  possession of all Switzerland without a struggle; his income would not  be 5;000 ducats the greater。' The mediaeval features in the character  of Charles; his chivalrous aspirations and ideals; had long become  unintelligible to the Italians。 The diplomatists of the South。 when  they saw him strike his officers and yet keep them in his service; when  he maltreated his troops to punish them for a defeat; and then threw  the blame on his counsellors in the presence of the same troops; gave  him up for lost。 Louis XI; on the other hand; whose policy surpasses  that of the Italian princes in their own style; and who was an avowed  admirer of Francesco Sforza; must be placed in all that regards culture  and refinement far below these rulers。

Good and evil lie strangely mixed together in the Italian States of the  fifteenth century。 The personality of the ruler is so highly developed;  often of such deep significance; and so characteristic of the  conditions and needs of the time; that to form an adequate moral  judgement on it is no easy task。

The foundation of the system was and remained illegitimate; and nothing  could remove the curse which rested upon it。 The imperial approval or  investiture made no change in the matter; since the people attached  little weight to the fact that the despot had bought a piece of  parchment somewhere in foreign countries; or from some stranger passing  through his territory。 If the Emperor had been good for anything; so  ran the logic of uncritical common sense; he would never have let the  tyrant rise at all。 Since the Roman expedition of Charles IV; the  emperors had done nothing more in Italy than sanction a tyranny which  had arisen without their help; they could give it no other practical  authority than what might flow from an imperial charter。 The whole  conduct of Charles in Italy was a scandalous political comedy。 Matteo  Villani relates how the Visconti escorted him round their territory;  and at last out of it; how he went about like a hawker selling his  wares (privileges; etc。) for money; what a mean appearance he made in  Rome; and how at the end; without even drawing the sword; he returned  with replenished coffers across the Alps。 Sigismund came; on the first  occasion at least (1414); with the good intention of persuading John  XXIII to take part in his council; it was on that journey; when Pope  and Emperor were gazing from the lofty tower of Cremona on the panorama  of Lombardy; that their host; the tyrant Gabrino Fondolo; was seized  with the desire to throw them both over。 On his second visit Sigismund  came as a mere adventurer; for more than half a year he remained shut  up in Siena; like a debtor in gaol; and only with difficulty; and at a  later period; succeeded in being crowned in Rome。 And what can be  thought of Frederick III? His journeys to Italy have the air of  holiday…trips or plea

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