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the civilization of the renaissance in italy-第33部分

小说: the civilization of the renaissance in italy 字数: 每页4000字

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eproduction of antiquity in literature and life。 One word more on the  studies themselves may still be permissible。

Greek scholarship was chiefly confined to Florence and to the fifteenth  and the beginning of the sixteenth centuries。 The impulse which had  proceeded from Petrarch and Boccaccio; superficial as was their own  acquaintance with Greek; was powerful; but did not tell immediately on  their contemporaries; except a few; on the other hand; the study of  Greek literature died out about the year 1520 with the last of the  colony of learned Greek exiles; and it was a singular piece of fortune  that northerners like Erasmus; the Stephani; and Budaeus had meanwhile  made themselves masters of the language。 That colony had begun with  Manuel Chrysoloras and his relation John; and with George of Trebizond。  Then followed; about and after the time of the conquest of  Constantinople; John Argyropulos; Theodore Gaza; Demetrios  Chalcondylas; who brought up his sons Theophilos and Basilios to be  excellent Hellenists; Andronikos Kallistos; Marcos Musuros and the  family of Lascaris; not to mention others。 But after the subjection of  Greece by the Turks was completed; the succession of scholars was  maintained only by the sons of the fugitives and perhaps here and there  by some Candian or Cyprian refugee。 That the decay of Hellenistic  studies began about the time of the death of Leo X was due partly to a  general change of intellectual attitude; and to a certain satiety of  classical influences which now made itself felt; but its coincidence  with the death of the Greek fugitives was not wholly a matter of  accident。 The study of Greek among the Italians appears; if we take the  year 1500 as our standard; to have been pursued with extraordinary  zeal。 Many of those who then learned the language could still speak it  half a century later; in their old age; like the Popes Paul III and  Paul IV。 But this sort of mastery of the study presupposes intercourse  with native Greeks。

Besides Florence; Rome and Padua nearly always maintained paid teachers  of Greek; and Verona; Ferrara; Venice; Perugia; Pavia and other cities  occasional teachers。 Hellenistic studies owed a priceless debt to the  press of Aldo Manuzio at Venice; where the most important and  voluminous writers were for the first time printed in the original。  Aldo ventured his all in the enterprise; he was an editor and publisher  whose like the world has rarely seen。

Along with this classical revival; Oriental studies now assumed  considerable proportions。 The controversial writings of the great  Florentine statesman and scholar; Giannozzo Manetti (d。 1459) against  the Jews afford an early instance of a complete mastery of their  language and science。 His son Agnolo was from his childhood instructed  in Latin; Greek and Hebrew。 The father; at the bidding of Nicholas V;  translated the whole Bible afresh; as the philologists of the time  insisted on giving up the 'Vulgata。'

Many other humanists devoted themselves before Reuchlin to the study of  Hebrew; among them Pico della Mirandola; who was not satisfied with a  knowledge of the Hebrew grammar and ScriptureS; but penetrated into the  Jewish Cabbalah and even made himself as familiar with the literature  of the Talmud as any Rabbi。

Among the Oriental languages; Arabic was studied as well as Hebrew。 The  science of medicine; no longer satisfied with the older Latin  translations of the great Arab physicians; had constant recourse to the  originals; to which an easy access was offered by the Venetian  consulates in the East; where Italian doctors were regularly kept。  Hieronimo Ramusio; a Venetian physician; translated a great part of  Avicenna from the Arabic and died at Damascus in 1486。 Andrea Mongaio  of Belluno lived long at Damascus for the purpose of studying Avicenna;  learnt Arabic; and emended the author's text。 The Venetian government  afterwards appointed him professor of this subject at Padua。

We must here linger for a moment over Pico della Mirandola; before  passing on to the general effects of humanism。 He was the only man who  loudly and vigorously defended the truth and science of all ages  against the one…sided worship of classical antiquity。 He knew how to  value not only Averroes and the Jewish investigators; but also the  scholastic writers of the Middle Ages; according to the matter of their  writings。 In one of his writings he makes them say; 'We shall live for  ever; not in the schools of word…catchers; but in the circle of the  wise; where they talk not of the mother of Andromache or of the sons of  Niobe; but of the deeper causes of things human and divine; he who  looks closely will see that even the barbarians had intelligence  _(mercurium); _not on the tongue but in the breast。' Himself writing a  vigorous and not inelegant Latin; and a master of clear exposition; he  despised the purism of pedants and the current over…estimate of  borrowed forms; especially when joined; as they often are; with one… sidedness; and involving indifference to the wider truth of the things  themselves。 Looking at Pico; we can guess at the lofty flight which  Italian philosophy would have taken had not the counter…reformation  annihilated the higher spiritual life of the people。

The Humanists

Who now were those who acted as mediators between their own age and a  venerated antiquity; and made the latter a chief element in the culture  of the former?

They were a crowd of the most miscellaneous sort; wearing one face  today and another tomorrow; but they clearly felt themselves; and it  was fully recognized by their time that they formed; a wholly new  element in society。 The 'clerici vagantes' of the twelfth century may  perhaps be taken as their forerun… nersthe same unstable existence;  the same free and more than free views of life; and the germs at all  events of the same pagan tendencies in their poetry。 But now; as  competitor with the whole culture of the Middle Ages; which was  essentially clerical and was fostered by the Church; there appeared a  new civilization; founding itself on that which lay on the other side  of the Middle Ages。 Its active representatives became influential  because they knew what the ancients knew; because they tried to write  as the ancients wrote; because they began to think; and soon to feel;  as the ancients thought and felt。 The tradition to which they devoted  themselves passed at a thousand points into genuine reproduction。

Some modern writers deplore the fact that the germs of a far more  independent and essentially national culture; such as appeared in  Florence about the year 1300; were afterwards so completely swamped by  the humanists。 There was then; we are told; nobody in Florence who  could not read; even the donkeymen sang the verses of Dante; the best  Italian manuscripts which we possess belonged originally to Florentine  artisans; the publication of a popular encyclopedia; like the 'Tesoro'  of Brunetto Latini; was then possible; and all this was founded on d  strength and soundness of character due to the universal participation  in public affairs; to commerce and travel; and to the systematic  reprobation of idleness。 The Florentines; it is urged; were at that  time respected and influential throughout the whole world; and were  called in that year; not without reason; by Pope Boniface VIII; 'the  fifth element。' The rapid progress of humanism after the year 1400  paralysed native impulses。 Henceforth men looked only to antiquity for  the solution of every problem; and consequently allowed literature to  turn into mere quotation。 Nay; the very fall of civil freedom is partly  ascribed to all this; since the new learning rested on obedience to  authority; sacrificed municipal rights to Roman law; and thereby both  sought and found the favour of the despots。

These charges will occupy us now and then at a later stage of our  inquiry; when we shall attempt to reduce them to their true value; and  to weigh the losses against the gains of this movement。 For the present  we must confine ourselves to showing how the civilization even of the  vigorous fourteenth century necessarily prepared the way for the  complete victory of humanism; and how precisely the greatest  representatives of the national Italian spirit were themselves the men  who opened wide the gate for the measureless devotion to antiquity in  the fifteenth century。

To begin with Dante。 If a succession of men of equal genius had  presided over Italian culture; whatever elements their natures might  have absorbed from the antique; they still could not fail to retain a  characteristic and strongly…marked national stamp。 But neither Italy  nor Western Europe produced another Dante; and he was and remained the  man who first thrust antiquity into the foreground of national culture。  In the 'Divine Comedy' he treats the ancient and the Christian worlds;  not indeed as of equal authority; but as parallel to one another。 Just  as; at an earlier period of the Middle Ages; types and anti… types were  sought in the history of the Old and New Testaments; so does Dante  constantly bring together a Christian and a pagan illustration of the  same fact。 It must be remembered that the Christian 

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