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the civilization of the renaissance in italy-第34部分

小说: the civilization of the renaissance in italy 字数: 每页4000字

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er a Christian and a pagan illustration of the  same fact。 It must be remembered that the Christian cycle of history  and legend was familiar; while the ancient was relatively unknown; was  full of promise and of interest; and must necessarily have gained the  upper hand in the competition for public sympathy when there was no  longer a Dante to hold the balance between the two。

Petrarch; who lives in the memory of most people nowadays chiefly as a  great Italian poet; owed his fame among his contemporaries far rather  to the fact that he was a kind of living representative of antiquity;  that he imitated all styles of Latin poetry; endeavored by his  voluminous historical and philosophical writings not to supplant but to  make known the works of the ancients; and wrote letters that; as  treatises on matters of antiquarian interest; obtained a reputation  which to us is unintelligible; but which was natural enough in an age  without handbooks。

It was the same with Boccaccio。 For two centuries; when but little was  known of the 'Decameron' north of the Alps; he was famous all over  Europe simply on account of his Latin compilations on mythology;  geography and biography。 One of these; 'De Genealogia Deorum;' contains  in the fourteenth and fifteenth books a remarkable appendix; in which  he discusses the position of the then youthful humanism with regard to  the age。 We must not be misled by his exclusive references to 'poesie;'  as closer observation shows that he means thereby the whole mental  activity of the poet…scholars。 This it is whose enemies he so  vigorously combatsthe frivolous ignoramuses who have no soul for  anything but debauchery; the sophistical theologian; to whom Helicon;  the Castalian fountain; and the grove of Apollo were foolishness; the  greedy lawyers; to whom poetry was a superfluity; since no money was to  be made by it; finally the mendicant friars; described  periphrastically; but clearly enough; who made free with their charges  of paganism and immorality。 Then follows the defence of poetry; the  praise of it; and especially of the deeper and allegorical meanings  which we must always attribute to it; and of that calculated obscurity  which is intended to repel the dull minds of the ignorant。

And finally; with a clear reference to his own scholarly work; the  writer justifies the new relation in which his age stood to paganism。  The case was wholly different; he pleads; when the Early Church had to  fight its way among the heathen。 Nowpraised be Jesus Christ !true  religion was strengthened; paganism destroyed; and the victorious  Church in possession of the hostile camp。 It was now possible to touch  and study paganism almost _(fere) _without danger。 This is the argument  invariably used in later times to defend the Renaissance。

There was thus a new cause in the world and a new class of men to  maintain it。 It is idle to ask if this cause ought not to have stopped  short in its career of victory; to have restrained itself deliberately;  and conceded the first place to purely national elements of culture。 No  conviction was more firmly rooted in the popular mind than that  antiquity was the highest title to glory which Italy possessed。

There was a symbolical ceremony peculiar to the first generation of  poet…scholars which lasted on into the fifteenth and sixteenth  centuries; though losing the higher sentiment which inspired itthe  coronation of the poets with the laurel wreath。 The origin of this  custom in the Middle Ages is obscure; and the ritual of the ceremony  never became fixed。 It was a public demonstration; an outward and  visible expression of literary enthusiasm; and naturally its form was  variable。 Dante; for instance; seems to have understood it in the sense  of a halfreligious consecration; he desired to assume the wreath in the  baptistery of San Giovanni; where; like thousands of other Florentine  children; he had received baptism。 He could; says his biographer; have  anywhere received the crown in virtue of his fame; but desired it  nowhere but in his native city; and therefore died uncrowned。 From the  same source we learn that the usage was till then uncommon; and was  held to be inherited by the ancient Romans from the Greeks。 The most  recent source to which the practices could be referred is to be found  in the Capitoline contests of musicians; poets; and other artists;  founded by Domitian in imitation of the Greeks and celebrated every  five years; which may possibly have survived for a time the fall of the  Roman Empire; but as few other men would venture to crown themselves;  as Dante desired to do; the question arises; to whom did this office  belong? Albertino Mussato was crowned at Padua in 1310 by the bishop  and the rector of the University。 The University of Paris; the rector  of which was then a Florentine (1341); and the municipal authorities of  Rome; competed for the honour of crowning Petrarch。 His self…elected  examiner; King Robert of Anjou; would have liked to perform the  ceremony at Naples; but Petrarch preferred to be crowned on the Capitol  by the senator of Rome。 This honour was long the highest object of  ambition; and so it seemed to Jacobus Pizinga; an illustrious Sicilian  magistrate。 Then came the Italian journey of Charles IV; whom it amused  to flatter the vanity of ambitious men; and impress the ignorant  multitude by means of gorgeous ceremonies。 Start… ing from the fiction  that the coronation of poets was a prerogative of the old Roman  emperors; and consequently was no less his own; he crowned (May 15;  1355) the Florentine scholar; Zanobi della Strada; at Pisa; to the  great disgust of Boccaccio; who declined to recognize this 'laurea  Pisana' as legitimate。 Indeed; it might be fairly asked with what right  this stranger; half Slavonic by birth; came to sit in judgement on the  merits of Italian poets。 But from henceforth the emperors crowned poets  wherever they went on their travels; and in the fifteenth century the  popes and other princes assumed the same right; till at last no regard  whatever was paid to place or circumstances。 In Rome; under Sixtus IV;  the academy of Pomponius L'tus gave the wreath on its own authority。  The Florentines had the good taste not to crown their famous humanists  till after death。 Carlo Aretino and Leonardo Aretino were thus crowned;  the eulogy of the first was pronounced by Matteo Palmieri; of the  latter by Giannozzo Manetti; before the members of the council and the  whole people; the orator standing at the head of the bier; on which the  corpse lay clad in a silken robe。 Carlo Aretino was further honoured by  a tomb in Santa Croce; which is among the most beautiful in the whole  course of the Renaissance。 

Universities and Schools

The influence of antiquity on culture; of which we have now to speak;  presupposes that the new learning had gained possession of the  universities。 This was so; but by no means to the extent and with the  results which might have been expected。

Few of the Italian universities show themselves in their full vigor  till the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; when the increase of  wealth rendered a more systematic care for education possible。 At first  there were generally three sorts of professorshipsone for civil law;  another for canonical law; the third for medicine; in course of time  professorships of rhetoric; of philosophy; and of astronomy were added;  the last commonly; though not always; identical with astrology。 The  salaries varied greatly in different cases。 Sometimes a capital sum was  paid down。 With the spread of culture; competition became so active  that the different universities tried to entice away distinguished  teachers from one another; under which circumstances Bologna is said to  have sometimes devoted the half of its public income (20;000 ducats) to  the university。 The appointments were as a rule made only for a certain  time; sometimes for only half a year; so that the teachers were forced  to lead a wandering life; like actors。 Appointments for life were;  however; not unknown。 Sometimes the promise was exacted not to teach  elsewhere what had already been taught at one place。 There were also  voluntary; unpaid professors。

Of the chairs which have been mentioned; that of rhetoric was  especially sought by the humanist; yet it depended only on his  familiarity with the matter of ancient learning whether or no be could  aspire to those of law; medicine; philosophy; or astronomy。 The inward  conditions of the science of the day were as variable as the outward  conditions of the teacher。 Certain jurists and physicians received by  far the largest salaries of all; the former chiefly as consulting  lawyers for the suits and claims of the State which employed them。 In  Padua a lawyer of the fifteenth century received a salary of 1;000  ducats; and it was proposed to appoint a celebrated physician with a  yearly payment of 2;000 ducats; and the right of private practice; the  same man having previously received 700 gold florins at Pisa。 When the  jurist Bartolommeo Socini; professor at Pisa; accepted a Venetian  appointment at Padua; and was on the point of starting on his journey;  he was arrested by the Florentine government and on

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