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the civilization of the renaissance in italy-第40部分

小说: the civilization of the renaissance in italy 字数: 每页4000字

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in the wall; and through this  he drove in a gilded chariot like a Roman Triumphator。 The memory of  the scene is preserved by a noble triumphal arch of marble in the  Castello Nuovo。 His Neapolitan successors inherited as little of this  passion for antiquity as of his other good qualities。 

Alfonso was far surpassed in learning by Federigo of Urbino; who had  but few courtiers around him; squandered nothing; and in his  appropriation of antiquity; as in all other things; went to work  considerately。 It was for him and for Nicholas V that most of the  translations from the Greek; and a number of the best commentaries and  other such works; were written。 He spent much on the scholars whose  services he used; but spent it to good purpose。 There were no traces of  the official poet at Urbino; where the Duke himself was the most  learned in the whole court。 Classical antiquity; indeed; only formed a  part of his culture。 An accomplished ruler; captain; and gentleman; he  had mastered the greater part of the science of the day; and this with  a view to its practical application。 As a theologian; he was able to  compare Scotus with Aquinas; and was familiar with the writings of the  old fathers of the Eastern and Western Churches; the former in Latin  translations。 In philosophy; he seems to have left Plato altogether to  his contemporary Cosimo; but he knew thoroughly not only the 'Ethics'  and 'Politics' of Aristotle but the 'Physics' and some other works。 The  rest of his reading lay chiefly among the ancient historians; all of  whom he possessed; these; and not the poets; 'he was always reading and  having read to him'。 

The Sforza; too; were all of them men of more or less learning and  patrons of literature; they have been already referred to in passing。  Duke Francesco probably looked on humanistic culture as a matter of  course in the education of his children; if only for political reasons。  It was felt universally to be an advantage if the Prince could mix with  the most instructed men of his time on an equal footing。 Lodovico il  Moro; himself an excellent Latin scholar; showed an interest in  intellectual matters which extended far beyond classical antiquity。 

Even the petty despots strove after similar distinctions; and we do  them injustice by thinking that they only supported the scholars at  their courts as a means of diffusing their own fame。 A ruler like Borso  of Ferrara; with all his vanity; seems by no means to have looked for  immortality from the poets; eager as they were to propitiate him with a  'Borseid' and the like。 He had far too proud a sense of his own  position as a ruler for that。 But intercourse with learned men;  interest in antiquarian matters; and the passion for elegant Latin  correspondence were necessities for the princes of that age。 What  bitter complaints are those of Duke Alfonso; competent as he was in  practical matters; that his weakliness in youth had forced him to seek  recreation in manual pursuits only! or was this merely an excuse to  keep the humanists at a distance? A nature like his was not  intelligible even to contemporaries。 

Even the most insignificant despots of Romagna found it hard to do  without one or two men of letters about them。 The tutor and secretary  were often one and the same person; who sometimes; indeed; acted as a  kind of court factotum。 We are apt to treat the small scale of these  courts as a reason for dismissing them with a too ready contempt;  forgetting that the highest spiritual things are not precisely matters  of measurement。 

Life and manners at the court of Rimini must have been a singular  spectacle under the bold pagan Condottiere Sigismondo Malatesta。 He had  a number of scholars around him; some of whom he provided for  liberally; even giving them landed estates; while others earned at  least a livelihood as officers in his army。 In his citadl  'arx  Sismundea'  they used to hold discussions; often of a very venomous  kind; in the presence of the 'rex'; as they termed him。 In their Latin  poems they sing his praises and celebrate his amour with the fair  Isotta; in whose honour and as whose monument the famous rebuilding of  San Francesco at Rimini took place  'Divae Isottae Sacrum'。 When the  humanists themselves came to die; they were laid in or under the  sarcophagi with which the niches of the outside walls of the church  were adorned; with an inscription testifying that they were laid here  at the time when Sigismundus; the son of Pandulfus; ruled。 It is hard  for us nowadays to believe that a monster like this prince felt  learning and the friendship of cultivated people to be a necessity of  life; and yet the man who excommunicated hirn; made war upon him; and  burnt him in effigy; Pope Pius II; says: 'Sigismondo knew history and  had a great store of philosophy; he seemed born to all that he  undertook'。 

Propagators of Antiquity; Epistolography: Latin Orators

There were two purposes; however; for which the humanist was as  indispensable to the republics as to princes or popes; namely; the  official correspondence of the State; and the making of speeches on  public and solemn occasions。

Not only was the secretary required to be a competent Latinist; but  conversely; only a humanist was credited with the knowledge and ability  necessary for the post of secretary。 And thus the greatest men in the  sphere of science during the fifteenth century mostly devoted a  considerable part of their lives to serve the State in this capacity。  No importance was attached to a man's home or origin。 Of the four great  Florentine secretaries who filled the office between 1427 and 1465;  three belonged to the subject city of Arezzo; namely; Leonardo (Bruni);  Carlo (Marzuppini); and Benedetto Accolti; Poggio was from Terra Nuova;  also in Florentine territory。 For a long period; indeed; many of the  highest offices of State were on principle given to foreigners。  Leonardo; Poggio; and Giannozzo Manetti were at one time or another  private secretaries to the popes; and Carlo Aretino was to have been  so。 Biondo of Forli; and; in spite of everything; at last even Lorenzo  Valla; filled the same office。 From the time of Nicholas V and Pius II  onwards; the Papal chancery continued more and more to attract the  ablest men; and this was still the case even under the last popes of  the fifteenth century; little as they cared for letters。 In Platina's  'History of the Popes;' the life of Paul II is a charming piece of  vengeance taken by a humanist on the one Pope who did not know how to  behave to his chanceryto that circle 'of poets and orators who  bestowed on the Papal court as much glory as they received from it。' It  is delightful to see the indignation of these haughty gentlemen; when  some squabble about precedence happened; when; for instance; the  'Advocati consistoriales' claimed equal or superior rank to theirs。 The  Apostle John; to whom the 'Secreta caelestia' were revealed; the  secretary of Porsenna; whom Mucius Scaevola mistook for the king;  Maecenas; who was private secretary to Augustus; the archbishops; who  in Germany were called chancellors; are all appealed to in turn。 'The  apostolic secretaries have the most weighty business of the world in  their hands。 For who but they decide on matters of the Catholic faith;  who else combat heresy; re…establish peace; and mediate between great  monarchs; who but they write the statistical accounts of Christendom?  It is they who astonish kings; princes; and nations by what comes forth  from the Pope。 They write commands and instructions for the legates;  and receive their orders only from the Pope; on whom they wait day and  night。' But the highest summit of glory was only attained by the two  famous secretaries and stylists of Leo X: Pietro Bembo and Jacopo  Sadoleto。

All the chanceries did not turn out equally elegant documents。 A  leathern official style; in the impurest of Latin; was very common。 In  the Milanese documents preserved by Corio there is a remarkable  contrast between this sort of composition and the few letters written  by members of the princely house; which must have been written; too; in  moments of critical importance。 They are models of pure Latinity。 To  maintain a faultless style under all circumstances was a rule of good  breeding; and a result of habit。

The letters of Cicero; Pliny; and others; were at this time diligently  studied as models。 As early as the fifteenth century a great mass of  manuals and models for Latin correspondence had appeared (as off…shoots  of the great grammatical and lexicographic works); a mass which is  astounding to us even now when we look at them in the libraries。 But  just as the existence of these helps tempted many to undertake a task  to which they had no vocation; so were the really capable men  stimulated to a more faultless excellence; till at length the letters  of Politian; and at the beginning of the sixteenth century those of  Pietro Bembo; appeared; and took their place as unrivalled  masterpieces; not only of Latin style in general; but also of the more  special art of letter…writing。

Together with these there appeared in the sixteenth century the  classical style of Italian correspondence; at the head of wh

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