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the civilization of the renaissance in italy-第42部分

小说: the civilization of the renaissance in italy 字数: 每页4000字

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rentine Bruno Casini; who died of the plague in 1348。 With  the practical purpose of fitting his countrymen to speak with ease and  effect in public; he treated; after the pattern of the ancients;  invention; declamation; bearing; and gesticulation; each in its proper  connection。 Elsewhere too we read of an oratorical training directed  solely to practical application。 No accomplishment was more highly  esteemed than the power of elegant improvisation in Latin。 The growing  study of Cicero's speeches and theoretical writings; of Quintilian and  of the imperial panegyrists; the appearance of new and original  treatises; the general progress of antiquarian learning; and the stores  of ancient matter and thought which now could and must be drawn from;  all combined to shape the character of the new eloquence。

This character nevertheless differed widely according to the  individual。 Many speeches breathe a spirit of true eloquence;  especially those which keep to the matter treated of; of this kind is  the mass of what is left to us of Pius II。 The miraculous effects  produced by Giannozzo Manetti point to an orator the like of whom has  not been often seen。 His great audiences as envoy before Nicholas V and  before the Doge and Council of Venice were events not to be soon  forgotten。 Many orators; on the contrary; would seize the opportunity;  not only to flatter the vanity of distinguished hearers; but to load  their speeches with an enormous mass of antiquarian rubbish。 How it was  possible to endure this infliction for two and even three hours; can  only be understood when we take into account the intense interest then  felt in everything connected with antiquity; and the rarity and  defectiveness of treatises on the subject at a time when printing was  but little diffused。 Such orations had at least the value which we have  claimed for many of Petrarch's letters。 But some speakers went too far。  Most of Filelfo's speeches are an atrocious patchwork of classical and  biblical quotations; tacked on to a string of commonplaces; among which  the great people he wishes to flatter are arranged under the head of  the cardinal virtues; or some such category; and it is only with the  greatest trouble; in his case and in that of many others; that we can  extricate the few historical no… tices of any value which they really  contain。 The speech; for instance; of a scholar and professor of  Piacenza at the reception of the Duke Galeazzo Maria; in 1467; begins  with Julius Caesar; then proceeds to mix up a mass of classical  quotations with a number from an allegorical work by the speaker  himself; and concludes with some exceedingly indiscreet advice to the  ruler。 Fortunately it was late at night; and the orator had to be  satisfied with handing his written panegyric to the prince。 Filelfo  begins a speech at a betrothal with the words: 'Aristotle; the  peripatetic。' Others start with P。 Cornelius Scipio; and the like; as  though neither they nor their hearers could wait a moment for a  quotation。 At the end of the fifteenth century public taste suddenly  improved; chiefly through Florentine influence; and the practice of  quotation was restricted within due limits。 Many works of reference  were now in existence; in which the first comer could find as much as  he wanted of what had hitherto been the admiration of princes and  people。

As most of the speeches were written out beforehand in the study; the  manuscripts served as a means of further publicity afterwards。 The  great extemporaneous speakers; on the other hand; were attended by  shorthand writers。 We must further remember that not all the orations  which have come down to us were intended to be actually delivered。 The  panegyric; for example; of the elder Beroaldus on Lodovico il Moro was  presented to him in manuscript。 In fact; just as letters were written  addressed to all conceivable persons and parts of the world as  exercises; as formularies; or even to serve a controversial end; so  there were speeches for imaginary occasions to be used as models for  the reception of princes; bishops; and other dignitaries。

For oratory; as for the other arts; the death of Leo X (1521) and the  sack of Rome (1527) mark the epoch of decadence。 Giovio; but just  escaped from the desolation of the eternal city; described; not  impartially; but on the whole correctly; the causes of this decline:  'The plays of Plautus and Terence; once a school of Latin style for the  educated Romans; are banished to make room for Italian comedies。  Graceful speakers no longer find the recognition and reward which they  once did。 The Consistorial advocates no longer prepare anything but the  introductions to their speeches; and deliver the resta confused  muddleon the inspiration of the moment。 Sermons and occasional  speeches have sunk to the same level。 If a funeral oration is wanted  for a cardinal or other great personage; the executors do not apply to  the best orators in the city; to whom they would have to pay a hundred  pieces of gold; but they hire for a trifle the first impudent pedant  whom they come across; and who only wants to be talked of; whether for  good or ill。 The dead; they say; is none the wiser if an ape stands in  a black dress in the pulpit; and beginning with a hoarse; whimpering  mumble; passes little by little into a loud howling。 Even the sermons  preached at great Papal ceremonies are no longer profitable; as they  used to be。 Monks of all orders have again got them into their hands;  and preach as if they were speaking to the mob。 Only a few years ago a  sermon at mass before the Pope might easily lead the way to a  bishopric。'

The Treatise; and History in Latin

From the oratory and the epistolary writings of the humanists; we shall  here pass on to their other creations; which were all; to a greater or  less extent; reproductions of antiquity。

Among these must be placed the treatise; which often took the shape of  a dialogue。 In this case it was borrowed directly from Cicero。 In order  to do anything like justice to this class of literaturein order not  to throw it aside at first sight as a bore two things must be taken  into consideration。 The century which escaped from the influence of the  Middle Ages felt the need of something to mediate between itself and  antiquity in many questions of morals and philosophy; and this need was  met by the writer of treatises and dialogues。 Much which appears to us  as mere commonplace in their writings; was for them and their  contemporaries a new and hard…won view of things upon which mankind had  been silent since the days of antiquity。 The language too; in this form  of writing; whether Italian or Latin; moved more freely and flexibly  than in historical narrative; in letters; or in oratory; and thus  became in itself the source of a special pleasure。 Several Italian  compositions of this kind still hold their place as patterns of style。  Many of these works have been; or will be mentioned on account of their  contents; we here refer to them as a class。 From the time of Petrarch's  letters and treatises down to near the end of the fifteenth century;  the heaping up of learned quotations; as in the case of the orators; is  the main business of most of these writers。 Subsequently the whole  style; especially in Italian; was purified; until; in the 'Asolani' of  Bembo; and the 'Vita Sobria' of Luigi Cornaro; a classical perfection  was reached。 Here too the decisive fact was this; that antiquarian  matter of every kind had meantime begun to be deposited in encyclopedic  works (now printed); and no longer stood in the way of the essayist。

It was inevitable too that the humanistic spirit should control the  writing of history。 A superficial comparison of the histories of this  period with the earlier chronicles; especially with works so full of  life; color; and brilliancy as those of the Villani; will lead us  loudly to deplore the change。 How insipid and conventional appear by  their side the best of the humanists; and particularly their immediate  and most famous successors among the historians of Florence; Leonardo  Aretino and Poggio! The enjoyment of the reader is incessantly marred  by the sense that; in the classical phrases of Fazio; Sabellico;  Foglietta; Senarega; Platina in the chronicles of Mantua; Bembo in the  annals of Venice; and even of Giovio in his histories; the best local  and individual coloring and the full sincerity of interest in the truth  of events have been lost。 Our mistrust is increased when we hear that  Livy; the pattern of this school of writers; was copied just where he  is least worthy of imitationon the ground; namely; 'that he turned a  dry and walled tradition into grace and richness。' In the same place we  meet with the suspicious declaration that it is the function of the  historian just as if he were one with the poetto excite; charm; or  overwhelm the reader。 We ask ourselves finally; whether the contempt  for modern things; which these same humanists sometimes avowed openly;  must not necessarily have had an unfortunate influence on their  treatment of them。 Unconsciously the reader finds himself looking with  more interest and confidence on the unpretending Latin and Italian  annalists; 

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