女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the civilization of the renaissance in italy >


the civilization of the renaissance in italy-第54部分

小说: the civilization of the renaissance in italy 字数: 每页4000字

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assion;  some features of which are immortal。 But these pearls lie scattered in  the ocean of artificial convention; and they are altogether something  very different from a complete objective picture of the inward man and  his spiritual wealth。

Italy; too; in the thirteenth century had; through the 'Trovatori;' its  share in the poetry of the courts and of chivalry。 To them is mainly  due the 'Canzone;' whose construction is as difficult and artificial as  that of the songs of any northern minstrel。 Their subject and mode of  thought represents simply the conventional tone of the courts; be the  poet a burgher or a scholar。

But two new paths at length showed themselves; along which Italian  poetry could advance to another and a characteristic future。 They are  not the less important for being concerned only with the formal and  external side of the art。

To the same Brunetto Latinithe teacher of Dantewho; in his  'Canzoni;' adopts the customary manner of the 'Trovatori;' we owe the  first…known 'versi sciolti;' or blank hendecasyllabic verses; and in  his apparent absence of form; a true and genuine passion suddenly  showed itself。 The same voluntary renunciation of outward effect;  through confidence in the power of the inward conception; can be  observed some years later in fresco…painting; and later still in  painting of all kinds; which began to cease to rely on color for its  effect; using simply a lighter or darker shade。 For an age which laid  so much stress on artificial form in poetry; these verses of Brunetto  mark the beginning of a new epoch。84

About the same time; or even in the first half of the thirteenth  century; one of the many strictly balanced forms of mere; in which  Europe was then so fruitful; became a normal and recognized form in  Italythe sonnet。 The order of rhymes and even the number of lines  varied for a whole century; till Petrarch fixed them permanently。 In  this form all higher lyrical and meditative subjects; and at a later  time subjects of every possible description; were treated; and the  madrigals; the sestine; and even the 'Canzoni' were reduced to a  subordinate place。 Later Italian writers complain; half jestingly; half  resentfully; of this inevitable mould; this Procrustean bed; to which  they were compelled to make their thoughts and feelings fit。 Others  were; and still are; quite satisfied with this particular form of  verse; which they freely use to express any personal reminiscence or  idle sing…song without necessity or serious purpose。 For which reason  there are many more bad or insignificant sonnets than good ones。

Nevertheless; the sonnet must be held to have been an unspeakable  blessing for Italian poetry。 The clearness and beauty of its structure;  the invitation it gave to elevate the thought in the second and more  rapidly moving half; and the ease with which it could be learned by  heart; made it valued even by the greatest masters。 In fact; they would  not have kept it in use down to our own century had they not been  penetrated with a sense of its singular worth。 These masters could have  given us the same thoughts in other and wholly different forms。 But  when once they had made the sonnet the normal type of lyrical poetry;  many other writers of great; if not the highest; gifts; who otherwise  would have lost themselves in a sea of diffusiveness; were forced to  concentrate their feelings。 The sonnet became for Italian literature a  condenser of thoughts and emotions such as was possessed by the poetry  of no other modern people。

Thus the world of Italian sentiment comes before us in a series of  pictures; clear; concise; and most effective in their brevity。 Had  other nations possessed a form of expression of the same kind; we  should perhaps have known more of their inward life; we might have had  a number of pictures of inward and outward situationsreflexions of  the national character and temperand should not be dependent for such  knowledge on the so…called lyrical poets of the fourteenth and  fifteenth centuries; who can hardly ever be read with any serious  enjoyment。 In Italy we can trace an undoubted progress from the time  when the sonnet came into existence。 In the second half of the  thirteenth century the 'Trovatori della transizione;' as they have been  recently named; mark the passage from the Troubadours to the poets that is; to those who wrote under the influence of antiquity。 The  simplicity and strength of their feeling; the vigorous delineation of  fact; the precise expression and rounding off of their sonnets and  other poems; herald the coming of a Dante。 Some political sonnets of  the Guelphs and Ghibellines (1260…1270) have about them the ring of his  passion; and others remind us of his sweetest lyrical notes。

Of his own theoretical view of the sonnet; we are unfortunately  ignorant; since the last books of his work; 'De vulgari eloquentia;' in  which he proposed to treat of ballads and sonnets; either remained  unwritten or have been lost。 But; as a matter of fact; he has left us  in his Sonnets and 'Canzoni' a treasure of inward experience。 And in  what a framework he has set them! The prose of the 'Vita Nuova;' in  which he gives an account of the origin of each poem; is as wonderful  as the verses themselves; and forms with them a uniform whole; inspired  with the deepest glow of passion。 With unflinching frankness and  sincerity he lays bare every shade of his joy and his sorrow; and molds  it resolutely into the strictest forms of art。 Reading attentively  these Sonnets and 'Canzoni' and the marvelous fragments of the diary of  his youth which lie between them; we fancy that throughout the Middle  Ages the poets have been purposely fleeing from themselves; and that he  was the first to seek his own soul。 Before his time we meet with many  an artistic verse; but he is the first artist in the full sense of the  wordthe first who consciously cast immortal matter into an immortal  form。 Subjective feeling has here a full objective truth and greatness;  and most of it is so set forth that all ages and peoples can make it  their own。 Where he writes in a thoroughly objective spirit; and lets  the force of his sentiment be guessed at only by some outward fact; as  in the magnificent sonnets 'Tanto gentile;' etc。; and 'Vede  perfettamente;' etc。; he seems to feel the need of excusing himself。  The most beautiful of these poems really belongs to this class the  'Deh peregrini che pensosi andate;' ('Oh; pilgrims; walking deep in  thoughts;' from Vita Nuova。) Even apart from the 'Divine Comedy;' Dante  would have marked by these youthful poems the boundary between  medievalism and modern times。 The human spirit had taken a mighty step  towards the consciousness of its own secret life。

The revelations in this matter which are contained in the 'Divine  Comedy' itself are simply immeasurable; and it would be necessary to go  through the whole poem; one canto after another; in order to do justice  to its value from this point of view。 Happily we have no need to do  this; as it has long been a daily food of all the countries of the  West。 Its plan; and the ideas on which it is based; belong to the  Middle Ages; and appeal to our interest only historically; but it is  nevertheless the beginning of all modern poetry; through the power and  richness shown in the description of human nature in every shape and  attitude。 From this time forward poetry may have experienced unequal  fortunes; and may show; for half a century together; a so…called  relapse。 But its nobler and more vital principle was saved for ever;  and whenever in the fourteenth; fifteenth; and in the beginning of the  sixteenth centuries; an original mind devotes himself to it; he  represents a more advanced stage than any poet out of Italy; given what is certainly always easy to settle satisfactorilyan equality of  natural gifts to start with。

Here; as in other things in Italy; cultureto which poetry belongs precedes the visual arts and; in fact; gives them their chief impulse。  More than a century elapsed before the spiritual element in painting  and sculpture attained a power of expression in any way analogous to  that of the 'Divine Comedy。' How far the same rule holds good for the  artistic development of other nations; and of what importance the whole  question may be; does not concern us here。 For Italian civilization it  is of decisive weight。

The position to be assigned to Petrarch in this respect must be settled  by the many readers of the poet。 Those who come to him in the spirit of  a cross…examiner; and busy themselves in detecting the contradictions  between the poet and the man; his infidelities in love; and the other  weak sides of his character; may perhaps; after sufficient effort; end  by losing all taste for his poetry。 In place; then; of artistic  enjoyment; we may acquire a knowledge of the man in his 'totality。'  What a pity that Petrarch's letters from Avignon contain so little  gossip to take hold of; and that the letters of his acquaintances and  of the friends of these acquaintances have either been lost or never  existed! Instead of Heaven being thanked when we are not forced to  inquire how and through what struggles a poet has rescued somethi

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