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Scarcely knowing what to say; I made an observation at random。  

'You show; by your own conduct;' said I; 'that there are other 

things worth following besides dog…fighting。  You practise rat…

catching and badger…baiting as well。'

The dog…fancier eyed me with supreme contempt。

'Your friend here;' said he; 'might well call you a new one。  When 

I talks of dog…fighting; I of course means rat…catching; and 

badger…baiting; ay; and bull…baiting too; just as when I speaks 

religiously; when I says one I means not one but three。  And 

talking of religion puts me in mind that I have something else to 

do besides chaffing here; having a batch of dogs to send off by 

this night's packet to the Pope of Rome。'

But at last I had seen enough of what London had to show; whether 

strange or commonplace; so at least I thought; and I ceased to 

accompany my friend in his rambles about town; and to partake of 

his adventures。  Our friendship; however; still continued unabated; 

though I saw; in consequence; less of him。  I reflected that time 

was passing on … that the little money I had brought to town was 

fast consuming; and that I had nothing to depend upon but my own 

exertions for a fresh supply; and I returned with redoubled 

application to my pursuits。


Occupations … Traduttore traditore … Ode to the Mist … Apple and 

pear … Reviewing … Current literature … Oxford…like manner … A 

plain story … Ill…regulated mind … Unsnuffed candle … Strange 


I COMPILED the Chronicles of Newgate; I reviewed books for the 

Review established on an entirely new principle; and I occasionally 

tried my best to translate into German portions of the publisher's 

philosophy。  In this last task I experienced more than one 

difficulty。  I was a tolerable German scholar; it is true; and I 

had long been able to translate from German into English with 

considerable facility; but to translate from a foreign language 

into your own is a widely different thing from translating from 

your own into a foreign language; and; in my first attempt to 

render the publisher into German; I was conscious of making 

miserable failures; from pure ignorance of German grammar; however; 

by the assistance of grammars and dictionaries; and by extreme 

perseverance; I at length overcame all the difficulties connected 

with the German language。  But; alas! another difficulty remained; 

far greater than any connected with German … a difficulty connected 

with the language of the publisher … the language which the great 

man employed in his writings was very hard to understand; I say in 

his writings … for his colloquial English was plain enough。  Though 

not professing to be a scholar; he was much addicted; when writing; 

to the use of Greek and Latin terms; not as other people used them; 

but in a manner of his own; which set the authority of dictionaries 

at defiance; the consequence was that I was sometimes utterly at a 

loss to understand the meaning of the publisher。  Many a quarter of 

an hour did I pass at this period; staring at periods of the 

publisher; and wondering what he could mean; but in vain; till at 

last; with a shake of the head; I would snatch up the pen; and 

render the publisher literally into German。  Sometimes I was almost 

tempted to substitute something of my own for what the publisher 

had written; but my conscience interposed; the awful words; 

Traduttore traditore; commenced ringing in my ears; and I asked 

myself whether I should be acting honourably towards the publisher; 

who had committed to me the delicate task of translating him into 

German; should I be acting honourably towards him; in making him 

speak in German in a manner different from that in which he 

expressed himself in English?  No; I could not reconcile such 

conduct with any principle of honour; by substituting something of 

my own in lieu of these mysterious passages of the publisher; I 

might be giving a fatal blow to his whole system of philosophy。  

Besides; when translating into English; had I treated foreign 

authors in this manner?  Had I treated the minstrels of the Kaempe 

Viser in this manner? … No。  Had I treated Ab Gwilym in this 

manner?  Even when translating his Ode to the Mist; in which he is 

misty enough; had I attempted to make Ab Gwilym less misty?  No; on 

referring to my translation; I found that Ab Gwilym in my hands was 

quite as misty as in his own。  Then; seeing that I had not ventured 

to take liberties with people who had never put themselves into my 

hands for the purpose of being rendered; how could I venture to 

substitute my own thoughts and ideas for the publisher's; who had 

put himself into my hands for that purpose?  Forbid it every proper 

feeling! … so I told the Germans; in the publisher's own way; the 

publisher's tale of an apple and a pear。

I at first felt much inclined to be of the publisher's opinion with 

respect to the theory of the pear。  After all; why should the earth 

be shaped like an apple; and not like a pear? … it would certainly 

gain in appearance by being shaped like a pear。  A pear being a 

handsomer fruit than an apple; the publisher is probably right; 

thought I; and I will say that he is right on this point in the 

notice which I am about to write of his publication for the Review。  

And yet I don't know … said I; after a long fit of musing … I don't 

know but what there is more to be said for the Oxford theory。  The 

world may be shaped like a pear; but I don't know that it is; but 

one thing I know; which is; that it does not taste like a pear; I 

have always liked pears; but I don't like the world。  The world to 

me tastes much more like an apple; and I have never liked apples。  

I will uphold the Oxford theory … besides; I am writing in an 

Oxford Review; and am in duty bound to uphold the Oxford theory。  

So in my notice I asserted that the world was round; I quoted 

Scripture; and endeavoured to prove that the world was typified by 

the apple in Scripture; both as to shape and properties。  'An apple 

is round;' said I; 'and the world is round … the apple is a sour; 

disagreeable fruit; and who has tasted much of the world without 

having his teeth set on edge?'  I; however; treated the publisher; 

upon the whole; in the most urbane and Oxford…like manner; 

complimenting him upon his style; acknowledging the general 

soundness of his views; and only differing with him in the affair 

of the apple and pear。

I did not like reviewing at all … it was not to my taste; it was 

not in my way; I liked it far less than translating the publisher's 

philosophy; for that was something in the line of one whom a 

competent judge had surnamed Lavengro。  I never could understand 

why reviews were instituted; works of merit do not require to be 

reviewed; they can speak for themselves; and require no praising; 

works of no merit at all will die of themselves; they require no 

killing。  The Review to which I was attached was; as has been 

already intimated; established on an entirely new plan; it 

professed to review all new publications; which certainly no Review 

had ever professed to do before; other Reviews never pretending to 

review more than one…tenth of the current literature of the day。  

When I say it professed to review all new publications; I should 

add; which should be sent to it; for; of course; the Review would 

not acknowledge the existence of publications; the authors of which 

did not acknowledge the existence of the Review。  I don't think; 

however; that the Review had much cause to complain of being 

neglected; I have reason to believe that at least nine…tenths of 

the publications of the day were sent to the Review; and in due 

time reviewed。  I had good opportunity of judging … I was connected 

with several departments of the Review; though more particularly 

with the poetical and philosophic ones。  An English translation of 

Kant's philosophy made its appearance on my table the day before 

its publication。  In my notice of this work I said that the English 

shortly hoped to give the Germans a QUID PRO QUO。  I believe at 

that time authors were much in the habit of publishing at their own 

expense。  All the poetry which I reviewed appeared to be published 

at the expense of the authors。  If I am asked how I comported 

myself; under all circumstances; as a reviewer … I answer; … I did 

not forget that I was connected with a Review established on Oxford 

principles; the editor of which had translated Quintilian。  All the 

publications which fell under my notice I treated in a gentlemanly 

and Oxford…like manner; no personalities … no vituperation … no 

shabby insinuations; decorum; decorum was the order of the day。  

Occasionally a word of admonition; but gently expressed; as an 

Oxford undergraduate might have expressed it; or master of arts。  

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