女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > lavengro >



小说: lavengro 字数: 每页4000字

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the tree; and slumbered for some little time; but my sleep was more 

agitated than before。  Something appeared to bear heavy on my 

breast; I struggled in my sleep; fell on the grass; and awoke; my 

temples were throbbing; there was a burning in my eyes; and my 

mouth felt parched; the oppression about the chest which I had felt 

in my sleep still continued。  'I must shake off these feelings;' 

said I; 'and get upon my legs。'  I walked rapidly up and down upon 

the green sward; at length; feeling my thirst increase; I directed 

my steps down the narrow path to the spring which ran amidst the 

bushes; arriving there; I knelt down and drank of the water; but on 

lifting up my head I felt thirstier than before; again I drank; but 

with the like result; I was about to drink for the third time; when 

I felt a dreadful qualm which instantly robbed me of nearly all my 

strength。  What can be the matter with me? thought I; but I suppose 

I have made myself ill by drinking cold water。  I got up and made 

the best of my way back to my tent; before I reached it the qualm 

had seized me again; and I was deadly sick。  I flung myself on my 

pallet; qualm succeeded qualm; but in the intervals my mouth was 

dry and burning; and I felt a frantic desire to drink; but no water 

was at hand; and to reach the spring once more was impossible; the 

qualms continued; deadly pains shot through my whole frame; I could 

bear my agonies no longer; and I fell into a trance or swoon。  How 

long I continued therein I know not; on recovering; however; I felt 

somewhat better; and attempted to lift my head off my couch; the 

next moment; however; the qualms and pains returned; if possible; 

with greater violence than before。  I am dying; thought I; like a 

dog; without any help; and then methought I heard a sound at a 

distance like people singing; and then once more I relapsed into my 


I revived just as a heavy blow sounded upon the canvas of the tent。  

I started; but my condition did not permit me to rise; again the 

same kind of blow sounded upon the canvas; I thought for a moment 

of crying out and requesting assistance; but an inexplicable 

something chained my tongue; and now I heard a whisper on the 

outside of the tent。  'He does not move; bebee;' said a voice which 

I knew。  'I should not wonder if it has done for him already; 

however; strike again with your ran'; and then there was another 

blow; after which another voice cried aloud in a strange tone; 'Is 

the gentleman of the house asleep; or is he taking his dinner?'  I 

remained quite silent and motionless; and in another moment the 

voice continued; 'What; no answer? what can the gentleman of the 

house be about that he makes no answer? perhaps the gentleman of 

the house may be darning his stockings?'  Thereupon a face peered 

into the door of the tent; at the farther extremity of which I was 

stretched。  It was that of a woman; but owing to the posture in 

which she stood; with her back to the light; and partly owing to a 

large straw bonnet; I could distinguish but very little of the 

features of her countenance。  I had; however; recognised her voice; 

it was that of my old acquaintance; Mrs。 Herne。  'Ho; ho; sir!' 

said she; 'here you are。  Come here; Leonora;' said she to the 

gypsy girl; who pressed in at the other side of the door; 'here is 

the gentleman; not asleep; but only stretched out after dinner。  

Sit down on your ham; child; at the door; I shall do the same。  

There … you have seen me before; sir; have you not?'

'The gentleman makes no answer; bebee; perhaps he does not know 


'I have known him of old; Leonora;' said Mrs。 Herne; 'and; to tell 

you the truth; though I spoke to him just now; I expected no 


'It's a way he has; bebee; I suppose?'

'Yes; child; it's a way he has。'

'Take off your bonnet; bebee; perhaps he cannot see your face。'

'I do not think that will be of much use; child; however; I will 

take off my bonnet … there … and shake out my hair … there … you 

have seen this hair before; sir; and this face … '

'No answer; bebee。'

'Though the one was not quite so gray; nor the other so wrinkled。'

'How came they so; bebee?'

'All along of this gorgio; child。'

'The gentleman in the house; you mean; bebee?'

'Yes; child; the gentleman in the house。  God grant that I may 

preserve my temper。  Do you know; sir; my name?  My name is Herne; 

which signifies a hairy individual; though neither gray…haired nor 

wrinkled。  It is not the nature of the Hernes to be gray or 

wrinkled; even when they are old; and I am not old。'

'How old are you; bebee?'

'Sixty…five years; child … an inconsiderable number。  My mother was 

a hundred and one … a considerable age … when she died; yet she had 

not one gray hair; and not more than six wrinkles … an 

inconsiderable number。'

'She had no griefs; bebee?'

'Plenty; child; but not like mine。'

'Not quite so hard to bear; bebee?'

'No; child; my head wanders when I think of them。  After the death 

of my husband; who came to his end untimeously; I went to live with 

a daughter of mine; married out among certain Romans who walk about 

the eastern counties; and with whom for some time I found a home 

and pleasant society; for they lived right Romanly; which gave my 

heart considerable satisfaction; who am a Roman born; and hope to 

die so。  When I say right Romanly; I mean that they kept to 

themselves; and were not much given to blabbing about their private 

matters in promiscuous company。  Well; things went on in this way 

for some time; when one day my son…in…law brings home a young 

gorgio of singular and outrageous ugliness; and; without much 

preamble; says to me and mine; 〃This is my pal; ain't he a beauty? 

fall down and worship him。〃  〃Hold;〃 said I; 〃I for one will never 

consent to such foolishness。〃'

'That was right; bebee; I think I should have done the same。'

'I think you would; child; but what was the profit of it?  The 

whole party makes an almighty of this gorgio; lets him into their 

ways; says prayers of his making; till things come to such a pass 

that my own daughter says to me; 〃I shall buy myself a veil and 

fan; and treat myself to a play and sacrament。〃  〃Don't;〃 says I; 

says she; 〃I should like for once in my life to be courtesied to as 

a Christian gentlewoman。〃'

'Very foolish of her; bebee。'

'Wasn't it; child?  Where was I?  At the fan and sacrament; with a 

heavy heart I put seven score miles between us; came back to the 

hairy ones; and found them over…given to gorgious companions; said 

I; 〃Foolish manners is catching; all this comes of that there 

gorgio。〃  Answers the child Leonora; 〃Take comfort; bebee; I hate 

the gorgios as much as you do。〃'

'And I say so again; bebee; as much or more。'

'Time flows on; I engage in many matters; in most miscarry。  Am 

sent to prison; says I to myself; I am become foolish。  Am turned 

out of prison; and go back to the hairy ones; who receive me not 

over courteously; says I; for their unkindness; and my own 

foolishness; all the thanks to that gorgio。  Answers to me the 

child; 〃I wish I could set eyes upon him; bebee。〃'

'I did so; bebee; go on。'

'〃How shall I know him; bebee?' says the child。  〃Young and gray; 

tall; and speaks Romanly。〃  Runs to me the child; and says; 〃I've 

found him; bebee。〃  〃Where; child?〃 says I。  〃Come with me; bebee;〃 

says the child。  〃That's he;〃 says I; as I looked at my gentleman 

through the hedge。'

'Ha; ha! bebee; and here he lies; poisoned like a hog。'

'You have taken drows; sir;' said Mrs。 Herne; 'do you hear; sir? 

drows; tip him a stave; child; of the song of poison。'

And thereupon the girl clapped her hands; and sang …

'The Rommany churl

And the Rommany girl

To…morrow shall hie

To poison the sty;

And bewitch on the mead

The farmer's steed。'

'Do you hear that; sir?' said Mrs。 Herne; 'the child has tipped you 

a stave of the song of poison:  that is; she has sung it 

Christianly; though perhaps you would like to hear it Romanly; you 

were always fond of what was Roman。  Tip it him Romanly; child。'

'He has heard it Romanly already; bebee; 'twas by that I found him 

out; as I told you。'

'Halloo; sir; are you sleeping? you have taken drows; the gentleman 

makes no answer。  God give me patience!'

'And what if he doesn't; bebee; isn't he poisoned like a hog?  

Gentleman; indeed! why call him gentleman? if he ever was one he's 

broke; and is now a tinker; a worker of blue metal。'

'That's his way; child; to…day a tinker; to…morrow something else; 

and as for being drabbed; I don't know what to say about it。'

'Not drabbed! what do you mean; bebee? but look there; bebee; ha; 

ha; look at the gentleman's motions。'

'He is sick; child; sure enough。  Ho; h

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