女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > april hopes >


april hopes-第39部分

小说: april hopes 字数: 每页4000字

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newspaper on the other; and read aloud the passages which he thought would
interest her; while she lay propped among her pillows; brilliantly eager
for the world opening this glimpse of itself to her shining eyes。  That
was on her good nights; when the drugs did their work; but there were
times when they failed; and the day's agony prolonged itself through the
evening; and the sleep won at last was a heavy stupor。  Then the
sufferer's temper gave way under the stress; she became the torment she
suffered; and tore the hearts she loved。  Most of all; she afflicted the
man who had been so faithful to her misery; and maddened him to reprisals;
of which he afterward abjectly repented。  Her tongue was sharpened by
pain; and pitilessly skilled to inculpate and to punish; it pierced and
burned like fire but when a good day came again she made it up to the
victims by the angelic sweetness and sanity which they felt was her real
self; the cruelty was only the mask of her suffering。

When she was better they brought to her room anybody who was staying with
them; and she liked them to be jolly in the spacious chamber。  The
pleasantest things of the house were assembled; and all its comforts
concentrated; in the place which she and they knew she should quit but
once。  It was made gay with flowers and pictures; it was the salon for
those fortunate hours when she became the lightest and blithest of the
company in it; and made the youngest guest forget that there was sickness
or pain in the world by the spirit with which she ignored her own。  Her
laugh became young again; she joked; she entered into what they were doing
and reading and thinking; and sent them away full of the sympathy which in
this mood of hers she had for every mood in others。  Girls sighed out
their wonder and envy to her daughters when they left her; the young men
whom she captivated with her divination of their passions or ambitions
went away celebrating her supernatural knowledge of human nature。  The
next evening after some night of rare and happy excitement; the family saw
her nurse carrying the pictures and flowers and vases out of her room; in
sign of her renunciation of them all; and assembled silently; shrinkingly;
in her chamber; to take each their portion of her anguish; of the blame
and the penalty。  The household adjusted itself to her humours; for she
was supreme in it。

When Dan used to come home from Harvard she put on a pretty cap for him;
and distinguished him as company by certain laces hiding her wasted frame;
and giving their pathetic coquetry to her transparent wrists。  He was her
favourite; and the girls acknowledged him so; and made their fun of her
for spoiling him。  He found out as he grew up that her broken health dated
from his birth; and at first this deeply affected him; but his young life
soon lost the keenness of the impression; and he loved his mother because
she loved him; and not because she had been dying for him so many years。

As he now came into her room; and the waiting…woman went out of it with
her usual; 〃Well; Mr。 Dan!〃 the tenderness which filled him at sight of
his mother was mixed with that sense of guilt which had tormented him at
times ever since he met his sisters。  He was going to take himself from
her; he realised that。

〃Well; Dan!〃 she called; so gaily that he said to himself; 〃No; father
hasn't told her anything about it;〃 and was instantly able to answer her
as cheerfully; 〃Well; mother!〃

He bent over her to kiss her; and the odour of the clean linen mingling
with that of the opium; and the cologne with which she had tried to banish
its scent; opened to him one of those vast reaches of associations which
perfumes can unlock; and he saw her lying there through those years of
pain; as many as half his life; and suddenly the tears gushed into his
eyes; and he fell on his knees; and hid his face in the bed…clothes and

She kept smoothing his head; which shook under her thin hand; and saying;
〃Poor Dan! poor Dan!〃 but did not question him。  He knew that she knew
what he had come to tell her; and that his tears; which had not been meant
for that; had made interest with her for him and his cause; and that she
was already on his side。

He tried boyishly to dignify the situation when he lifted his face; and he
said; 〃I didn't mean to come boohooing to you in this way; and I'm ashamed
of myself。〃

〃I know; Dan; but you've been wrought up; and I don't wonder。  You mustn't
mind your father and your sisters。  Of course; they're rather surprised;
and they don't like your taking yourself from themwe; none of us do。〃

At these honest words Dan tried to become honest too。  At least he dropped
his pretence of dignity; and became as a little child in his simple greed
for sympathy。  〃But it isn't necessarily that; is it; mother?〃

〃Yes; it's all that; Dan; and it's all right; because it's that。  We don't
like it; but our not liking it has nothing to do with its being right or

〃I supposed that father would have been pleased; anyway; for he has seen
her; andand 。  Of course the girls haven't; but I think they might have
trusted my judgment a little。  I'm not quite a fool。〃

His mother smiled。  〃Oh; it isn't a question of the wisdom of your choice;
it's the unexpectedness。  We all saw that you were very unhappy when you
were here before; and we supposed it had gone wrong。〃

〃It had; mother;〃 said Dan。  〃She refused me at Campobello。  But it was a
misunderstanding; and as soon as we met〃

〃I knew you had met again; and what you had come home for; and I told your
father so; when he came to say you were here。〃

〃Did you; mother?〃 he asked; charmed at her having guessed that。

〃Yes。  She must be a good girl to send you straight home to tell us。〃

〃You knew I wouldn't have thought of that myself;〃 said Dan joyously。  〃I
wanted to write; I thought that would do just as well。  I hated to leave
her; but she made me come。  She is the best; and the wisest; and the most
unselfish …  O mother; I can't tell you about her!  You must see her。  You
can't realise her till you see her; mother。  You'll like each other; I'm
sure of that。  You're just alike。〃  It seemed to Dan that they were
exactly alike。

〃Then perhaps we sha'n't;〃 suggested his mother。  〃Let me see her

〃How did you know I had it?  If it hadn't been for her; I shouldn't have
brought any。  She put it into my pocket just as I was leaving。  She said
you would all want to see what she looked like。〃

He had taken it out of his pocket; and he held it; smiling fondly upon it。
Alice seemed to smile back at him。  He had lost her in the reluctance of
his father and sisters; and now his motherit was his mother who had
given her to him again。  He thought how tenderly he loved his mother。

When he could yield her the photograph; she looked long and silently at
it。  〃She has a great deal of character; Dan。〃

〃There you've hit it; mother!  I'd rather you would have said that than
anything else。  But don't you think she's beautiful?  She's the gentlest
creature; when you come to know her!  I was awfully afraid of her at
first。  I thought she was very haughty。  But she isn't at all。  She's
really very self…depreciatory; she thinks she isn't good enough for me。
You ought to hear her talk; mother; as I have。  She's full of the noblest
idealsof being of some use in the world; of being self…devoted; andall
that kind of thing。  And you can see that she's capable of it。  Her aunt's
in a Protestant sisterhood;〃 he said; with a solemnity which did not seem
to communicate itself to his mother; for Mrs。 Mavering smiled。  Dan smiled
too; and said: 〃But I can't tell you about Alice; mother。  She's perfect。〃
His heart overflowed with proud delight in her; and he was fool enough to
add; 〃She's so affectionate!〃

His mother kept herself from laughing。  〃I dare say she is; Danwith
you。〃  Then she hid all but her eyes with the photograph; and gave way。

〃What a donkey!〃 said Dan; meaning himself。  〃If I go on; I shall disgust
you with her。  What I mean is that she isn't at all proud; as I used to
think she was。〃

〃No girl is; under the circumstances。  She has all she can do to be proud
of you。〃

〃Do you think so; mother?〃 〃 he said; enraptured with the notion。  〃I've
done my bestor my worstnot to give her any reason to be so。〃

〃She doesn't 'want anythe less the better。  You silly boy!  Don't you
suppose she wants to make you out of whole cloth just as you do with her?
She doesn't want any facts to start with; they'd be in the way。  Well;
now; I can make out; with your help; what the young lady is; but what are
the father and mother?  They're rather important in these cases。〃

〃Oh; they're the nicest kind of people;〃 said Dan; in optimistic
generalisation。  〃You'd like Mrs。 Pasmer。  She's awfully nice。〃

〃Do you say that because you think I wouldn't?〃 asked his mother。  〃Isn't
she rather sly and hum…bugging?〃

〃Well; yes; she is; to a certain extent;〃 Dan admitted; with a laugh。
〃But she doesn't mean any harm by it。  She's extremely kind…hearted。〃

〃To you?  I dare say。  And Mr。 Pasmer is rather under her thumb?〃

〃Well; yes; you might say th

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