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the writings-2-第14部分

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regarded as identical。  It is not to be denied that many great

and good men have been against the power; but it is insisted that

quite as many; as great and as good; have been for it; and it is

shown that; on a full survey of the whole; Chancellor Kent was of

opinion that the arguments of the latter were vastly superior。

This is but the opinion of a man; but who was that man?  He was

one of the ablest and most learned lawyers of his age; or of any

age。  It is no disparagement to Mr。 Polk; nor indeed to any one

who devotes much time to politics; to be placed far behind

Chancellor Kent as a lawyer。  His attitude was most favorable to

correct conclusions。  He wrote coolly; and in retirement。  He was

struggling to rear a durable monument of fame; and he well knew

that truth and thoroughly sound reasoning were the only sure

foundations。  Can the party opinion of a party President on a law

question; as this purely is; be at all compared or set in

opposition to that of such a man; in such an attitude; as

Chancellor Kent?  This constitutional question will probably

never be better settled than it is; until it shall pass under

judicial consideration; but I do think no man who is clear on the

questions of expediency need feel his conscience much pricked

upon this。

Mr。 Chairman; the President seems to think that enough may be

done; in the way of improvements; by means of tonnage duties

under State authority; with the consent of the General

Government。  Now I suppose this matter of tonnage duties is well

enough in its own sphere。  I suppose it may be efficient; and

perhaps sufficient; to make slight improvements and repairs in

harbors already in use and not much out of repair。  But if I have

any correct general idea of it; it must be wholly inefficient for

any general beneficent purposes of improvement。  I know very

little; or rather nothing at all; of the practical matter of

levying and collecting tonnage duties; but I suppose one of its

principles must be to lay a duty for the improvement of any

particular harbor upon the tonnage coming into that harbor; to do

otherwiseto collect money in one harbor; to be expended on

improvements in anotherwould be an extremely aggravated form of

that inequality which the President so much deprecates。  If I be

right in this; how could we make any entirely new improvement by

means of tonnage duties?  How make a road; a canal; or clear a

greatly obstructed river?  The idea that we could involves the

same absurdity as the Irish bull about the new boots。  〃I shall

niver git 'em on;〃 says Patrick; 〃till I wear 'em a day or two;

and stretch 'em a little。〃  We shall never make a canal by

tonnage duties until it shall already have been made awhile; so

the tonnage can get into it。

After all; the President concludes that possibly there may be

some great objects of improvement which cannot be effected by

tonnage duties; and which it therefore may be expedient for the

General Government to take in hand。  Accordingly he suggests; in

case any such be discovered; the propriety of amending the

Constitution。  Amend it for what?  If; like Mr。 Jefferson; the

President thought improvements expedient; but not constitutional;

it would be natural enough for him to recommend such an

amendment。  But hear what he says in this very message:

〃In view of these portentous consequences; I cannot but think

that this course of legislation should be arrested; even were

there nothing to forbid it in the fundamental laws of our Union。〃

For what; then; would he have the Constitution amended?  With him

it is a proposition to remove one impediment merely to be met by

others which; in his opinion; cannot be removed; to enable

Congress to do what; in his opinion; they ought not to do if they


Here Mr。 Meade of Virginia inquired if Mr。 Lincoln understood the

President to be opposed; on grounds of expediency; to any and

every improvement。

Mr。 Lincoln answered: In the very part of his message of which I

am speaking; I understand him as giving some vague expression in

favor of some possible objects of improvement; but in doing so I

understand him to be directly on the teeth of his own arguments

in other parts of it。  Neither the President nor any one can

possibly specify an improvement which shall not be clearly liable

to one or another of the objections he has urged on the score of

expediency。  I have shown; and might show again; that no workno

objectcan be so general as to dispense its benefits with

precise equality; and this inequality is chief among the

〃portentous consequences〃 for which he declares that improvements

should be arrested。  No; sir。  When the President intimates that

something in the way of improvements may properly be done by the

General Government; he is shrinking from the conclusions to which

his own arguments would force him。  He feels that the

improvements of this broad and goodly land are a mighty interest;

and he is unwilling to confess to the people; or perhaps to

himself; that he has built an argument which; when pressed to its

conclusions; entirely annihilates this interest。

I have already said that no one who is satisfied of the

expediency of making improvements needs be much uneasy in his

conscience about its constitutionality。  I wish now to submit a

few remarks on the general proposition of amending the

Constitution。  As a general rule; I think we would much better

let it alone。  No slight occasion should tempt us to touch it。

Better not take the first step; which may lead to a habit of

altering it。  Better; rather; habituate ourselves to think of it

as unalterable。  It can scarcely be made better than it is。  New

provisions would introduce new difficulties; and thus create and

increase appetite for further change。  No; sir; let it stand as

it is。  New hands have never touched it。  The men who made it

have done their work; and have passed away。  Who shall improve on

what they did?

Mr。 Chairman; for the purpose of reviewing this message in the

least possible time; as well as for the sake of distinctness; I

have analyzed its arguments as well as I could; and reduced them

to the propositions I have stated。  I have now examined them in

detail。  I wish to detain the committee only a little while

longer with some general remarks upon the subject of

improvements。  That the subject is a difficult one; cannot be

denied。  Still it is no more difficult in Congress than in the

State Legislatures; in the counties; or in the smallest municipal

districts which anywhere exist。  All can recur to instances of

this difficulty in the case of county roads; bridges; and the

like。  One man is offended because a road passes over his land;

and another is offended because it does not pass over his; one is

dissatisfied because the bridge for which he is taxed crosses the

river on a different road from that which leads from his house to

town; another cannot bear that the county should be got in debt

for these same roads and bridges; while not a few struggle hard

to have roads located over their lands; and then stoutly refuse

to let them be opened until they are first paid the damages。

Even between the different wards and streets of towns and cities

we find this same wrangling and difficulty。  Now these are no

other than the very difficulties against which; and out of which;

the President constructs his objections of 〃inequality;〃

〃speculation;〃 and 〃crushing the treasury。〃  There is but a

single alternative about them: they are sufficient; or they are

not。  If sufficient; they are sufficient out of Congress as well

as in it; and there is the end。  We must reject them as

insufficient; or lie down and do nothing by any authority。  Then;

difficulty though there be; let us meet and encounter it。

〃Attempt the end; and never stand to doubt; nothing so hard; but

search will find it out。〃 Determine that the thing can and shall

be done; and then we shall find the way。  The tendency to undue

expansion is unquestionably the chief difficulty。

How to do something; and still not do too much; is the

desideratum。  Let each contribute his mite in the way of

suggestion。  The late Silas Wright; in a letter to the Chicago

convention; contributed his; which was worth something; and I now

contribute mine; which may be worth nothing。  At all events; it

will mislead nobody; and therefore will do no harm。  I would not

borrow money。  I am against an overwhelming; crushing system。

Suppose that; at each session; Congress shall first determine how

much money can; for that year; be spared for improvements; then

apportion that sum to the most important objects。  So far all is

easy; but how shall we determine which are the most important?

On this question comes the collision of interests。  I shall be

slow to acknowledge that your harbor or your river is more

important than mine; and vice versa。  To clear this difficul

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