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the writings-2-第18部分

小说: the writings-2 字数: 每页4000字

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Whigs are the only party he can think of who sometimes turn old

horses out to root。  Is not a certain Martin Van Buren an old

horse which your own party have turned out to root?  and is he

not rooting a little to your discomfort about now?  But in not

nominating Mr。 Clay we deserted our principles; you say。  Ah! In

what?  Tell us; ye men of principle; what principle we violated。

We say you did violate principle in discarding Van Buren; and we

can tell you how。  You violated the primary; the cardinal; the

one great living principle of all democratic representative

governmentthe principle that the representative is bound to

carry out the known will of his constituents。  A large majority

of the Baltimore convention of 1844 were; by their constituents;

instructed to procure Van Buren 's nomination if they could。  In

violationin utter glaring contempt of this; you rejected him;

rejected him; as the gentleman from New York 'Mr。 Birdsall' the

other day expressly admitted; for availabilitythat same

〃general availability〃 which you charge upon us; and daily chew

over here; as something exceedingly odious and unprincipled。  But

the gentleman from Georgia 'Mr。 Iverson' gave us a second speech

yesterday; all well considered and put down in writing; in which

Van Buren was scathed and withered a 〃few〃 for his present

position and movements。  I cannot remember the gentleman's

precise language; but I do remember he put Van Buren down; down;

till he got him where he was finally to 〃stink〃 and 〃rot。〃

Mr。 Speaker; it is no business or inclination of mine to defend

Martin Van Buren in the war of extermination now waging between

him and his old admirers。  I say; 〃Devil take the hindmost〃and

the foremost。  But there is no mistaking the origin of the

breach; and if the curse of 〃stinking〃 and 〃rotting〃 is to fall

on the first and greatest violators of principle in the matter; I

disinterestedly suggest that the gentleman from Georgia and his

present co…workers are bound to take it upon themselves。  But the

gentleman from Georgia further says we have deserted all our

principles; and taken shelter under General Taylor's military

coat…tail; and he seems to think this is exceedingly degrading。

Well; as his faith is; so be it unto him。  But can he remember no

other military coat…tail under which a certain other party have

been sheltering for near a quarter of a century?  Has he no

acquaintance with the ample military coat tail of General

Jackson?  Does he not know that his own party have run the five

last Presidential races under that coat…tail; and that they are

now running the sixth under the same cover?  Yes; sir; that coat…

tail was used not only for General Jackson himself; but has been

clung to; with the grip of death; by every Democratic candidate

since。  You have never ventured; and dare not now venture; from

under it。  Your campaign papers have constantly been 〃Old

Hickories;〃 with rude likenesses of the old general upon them;

hickory poles and hickory brooms your never…ending emblems; Mr。

Polk himself was 〃Young Hickory;〃 or something so; and even now

your campaign paper here is proclaiming that Cass and Butler are

of the true 〃Hickory stripe。〃 Now; sir; you dare not give it up。

Like a horde of hungry ticks you have stuck to the tail of the

Hermitage Lion to the end of his life; and you are still sticking

to it; and drawing a loathsome sustenance from it; after he is

dead。  A fellow once advertised that he had made a discovery by

which he could make a new man out of an old one; and have enough

of the stuff left to make a little yellow dog。  Just such a

discovery has General Jackson's popularity been to you。  You not

only twice made President of him out of it; but you have had

enough of the stuff left to make Presidents of several

comparatively small men since; and it is your chief reliance now

to make still another。

Mr。 Speaker; old horses and military coat…tails; or tails of any

sort; are not figures of speech such as I would be the first to

introduce into discussions here; but as the gentleman from

Georgia has thought fit to introduce them; he and you are welcome

to all you have made; or can make by them。  If you have any more

old horses; trot them out; any more tails; just cock them and

come at us。  I repeat; I would not introduce this mode of

discussion here; but I wish gentlemen on the other side to

understand that the use of degrading figures is a game at which

they may not find themselves able to take all the winnings。

'〃We give it up!〃'

Aye; you give it up; and well you may; but for a very different

reason from that which you would have us understand。  The point

the power to hurtof all figures consists in the truthfulness of

their application; and; understanding this; you may well give it

up。  They are weapons which hit you; but miss us。

But in my hurry I was very near closing this subject of military

tails before I was done with it。  There is one entire article of

the sort I have not discussed yet;I mean the military tail you

Democrats are now engaged in dovetailing into the great

Michigander 'Cass'。  Yes; sir; all his biographies (and they are

legion) have him in hand; tying him to a military tail; like so

many mischievous boys tying a dog to a bladder of beans。  True;

the material they have is very limited; but they drive at it

might and main。  He invaded Canada without resistance; and he

outvaded it without pursuit。  As he did both under orders; I

suppose there was to him neither credit nor discredit in them;

but they constitute a large part of the tail。  He was not at

Hull's surrender; but he was close by; he was volunteer aid to

General Harrison on the day of the battle of the Thames; and as

you said in 1840 Harrison was picking huckleberries two miles off

while the battle was fought; I suppose it is a just conclusion

with you to say Cass was aiding Harrison to pick huckleberries。

This is about all; except the mooted question of the broken

sword。  Some authors say he broke it; some say he threw it away;

and some others; who ought to know; say nothing about it。

Perhaps it would be a fair historical compromise to say; if he

did not break it; he did not do anything else with it。

By the way; Mr。 Speaker; did you know I am a military hero?  Yes;

sir; in the days of the Black Hawk war I fought; bled; and came

away。  Speaking of General Cass's career reminds me of my own。  I

was not at Stiliman's defeat; but I was about as near it as Cass

was to Hull's surrender; and; like him; I saw the place very soon

afterward。  It is quite certain I did not break my sword; for I

had none to break; but I bent a musket pretty badly on one

occasion。  If Cass broke his sword; the idea is he broke it in

desperation; I bent the musket by accident。  If General Cass went

in advance of me in picking huckleberries; I guess I surpassed

him in charges upon the wild onions。  If he saw any live;

fighting Indians; it was more than I did; but I had a good many

bloody struggles with the mosquitoes; and although I never

fainted from the loss of blood; I can truly say I was often very

hungry。  Mr。 Speaker; if I should ever conclude to doff whatever

our Democratic friends may suppose there is of black…cockade

federalism about me; and therefore they shall take me up as their

candidate for the Presidency; I protest they shall not make fun

of me; as they have of General Cass; by attempting to write me

into a military hero。

While I have General Cass in hand; I wish to say a word about his

political principles。  As a specimen; I take the record of his

progress in the Wilmot Proviso。  In the Washington Union of March

2; 1847; there is a report of a speech of General Cass; made the

day before in the Senate; on the Wilmot Proviso; during the

delivery of which Mr。 Miller of New Jersey is reported to have

interrupted him as follows; to wit:

〃Mr。 Miller expressed his great surprise at the change in the

sentiments of the Senator from Michigan; who had been regarded as

the great champion of freedom in the Northwest; of which he was a

distinguished  ornament。  Last year the Senator from Michigan was

understood to be decidedly in favor of the Wilmot Proviso; and as

no reason had been stated for the change; he 'Mr。 Miller' could

not refrain from the expression of his extreme surprise。〃

To this General Cass is reported to have replied as follows; to


〃Mr。 Cass said that the course of the Senator from New Jersey was

most extraordinary。  Last year he 'Mr。 Cass' should have voted

for the proposition; had it come up。  But circumstances had

altogether changed。  The honorable Senator then read several

passages from the remarks; as given above; which he had committed

to writing; in order to refute such a charge as that of the

Senator from New Jersey。〃

In the 〃remarks above reduced to writing〃 is one numbered four;

as follows; to wit:

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