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the writings-2-第39部分

小说: the writings-2 字数: 每页4000字

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are awake; too。  They are within a stone's…throw of the contested

ground。  They hold meetings and pass resolutions; in which not

the slightest allusion to voting is made。  They resolve that

slavery already exists in the Territory; that more shall go

there; that they; remaining in Missouri; will protect it; and

that abolitionists shall be hung or driven away。  Through all

this bowie knives and six…shooters are seen plainly enough; but

never a glimpse of the ballot…box。

And; really; what is the result of all this?  Each party within

having numerous and determined backers without; is it not

probable that the contest will come to blows and bloodshed?

Could there be a more apt invention to bring about collision and

violence on the slavery question than this Nebraska project is?

I do not charge or believe that such was intended by Congress;

but if they had literally formed a ring and placed champions

within it to fight out the controversy; the fight could be no

more likely to come off than it is。  And if this fight should

begin; is it likely to take a very peaceful; Union…saving turn?

Will not the first drop of blood so shed be the real knell of the


The Missouri Compromise ought to be restored。  For the sake of

the Union; it ought to be restored。  We ought to elect a House of

Representatives which will vote its restoration。  If by any means

we omit to do this; what follows?  Slavery may or may not be

established in Nebraska。  But whether it be or not; we shall have

repudiateddiscarded from the councils of the nationthe spirit

of compromise; for who; after this; will ever trust in a national

compromise?  The spirit of mutual concessionthat spirit which

first gave us the Constitution; and which has thrice saved the

Unionwe shall have strangled and cast from us forever。  And

what shall we have in lieu of it?  The South flushed with triumph

and tempted to excess; the North; betrayed as they believe;

brooding on wrong and burning for revenge。  One side will

provoke; the other resent。  The one will taunt; the other defy;

one aggresses; the other retaliates。  Already a few in the North

defy all constitutional restraints; resist the execution of the

Fugitive Slave law; and even menace the institution of slavery in

the States where it exists。  Already a few in the South claim the

constitutional right to take and to hold slaves in the free

States; demand the revival of the slave trade; and demand a

treaty with Great Britain by which fugitive slaves may be

reclaimed from Canada。  As yet they are but few on either side。

It is a grave question for lovers of the union whether the final

destruction of the Missouri Compromise; and with it the spirit of

all compromise; will or will not embolden and embitter each of

these; and fatally increase the number of both。

But restore the compromise; and what then?  We thereby restore

the national faith; the national confidence; the national feeling

of brotherhood。  We thereby reinstate the spirit of concession

and compromise; that spirit which has never failed us in past

perils; and which may be safely trusted for all the future。  The

South ought to join in doing this。  The peace of the nation is as

dear to them as to us。  In memories of the past and hopes of the

future; they share as largely as we。  It would be on their part a

great actgreat in its spirit; and great in its effect。  It

would be worth to the nation a hundred years purchase of peace

and prosperity。  And what of sacrifice would they make?  They

only surrender to us what they gave us for a consideration long;

long ago; what they have not now asked for; struggled or cared

for; what has been thrust upon them; not less to their

astonishment than to ours。

But it is said we cannot restore it; that though we elect every

member of the lower House; the Senate is still against us。  It is

quite true that of the senators who passed the Nebraska Bill a

majority of the whole Senate will retain their seats in spite of

the elections of this and the next year。  But if at these

elections their several constituencies shall clearly express

their will against Nebraska; will these senators disregard their

will?  Will they neither obey nor make room for those who will?

But even if we fail to technically restore the compromise; it is

still a great point to carry a popular vote in favor of the

restoration。  The moral weight of such a vote cannot be estimated

too highly。  The authors of Nebraska are not at all satisfied

with the destruction of the compromisean indorsement of this

principle they proclaim to be the great object。  With them;

Nebraska alone is a small matterto establish a principle for

future use is what they particularly desire。

The future use is to be the planting of slavery wherever in the

wide world local and unorganized opposition cannot prevent it。

Now; if you wish to give them this indorsement; if you wish to

establish this principle; do so。  I shall regret it; but it is

your right。  On the contrary; if you are opposed to the

principle;intend to give it no such indorsement; let no

wheedling; no sophistry; divert you from throwing a direct vote

against it。

Some men; mostly Whigs; who condemn the repeal of the Missouri

Compromise; nevertheless hesitate to go for its restoration; lest

they be thrown in company with the abolitionists。  Will they

allow me; as an old Whig; to tell them; good…humoredly; that I

think this is very silly?  Stand with anybody that stands right。

Stand with him while he is right; and part with him when he goes

wrong。  Stand with the abolitionist in restoring the Missouri

Compromise; and stand against him when he attempts to repeal the

Fugitive Slave law。  In the latter case you stand with the

Southern disunionist。  What of that?  You are still right。  In

both cases you are right。  In both cases you oppose the dangerous

extremes。  In both you stand on middle ground; and hold the

ship level and steady。  In both you are national; and nothing

less than national。  This is the good old Whig ground。  To desert

such ground because of any company is to be less than a Whig

less than a manless than an American。

I particularly object to the new position which the avowed

principle of this Nebraska law gives to slavery in the body

politic。  I object to it because it assumes that there can be

moral right in the enslaving of one man by another。  I object to

it as a dangerous dalliance for a free peoplea sad evidence

that; feeling prosperity; we forget right; that liberty; as a

principle; we have ceased to revere。  I object to it because the

fathers of the republic eschewed and rejected it。  The argument

of 〃necessity〃 was the only argument they ever admitted in favor

of slavery; and so far; and so far only; as it carried them did

they ever go。  They found the institution existing among us;

which they could not help; and they cast blame upon the British

king for having permitted its introduction。

The royally appointed Governor of Georgia in the early 1700's was

threatened by the King with removal if he continued to oppose

slavery in his colonyat that time the King of England made a

small profit on every slave imported to the colonies。  The later

British criticism of the United States for not eradicating

slavery in the early 1800's; combined with their tacit support of

the 'Confederacy' during the Civil War is a prime example of the

irony and hypocracy of politics: that self…interest will ever

overpower right。

Before the Constitution they prohibited its introduction into the

Northwestern Territory; the only country we owned then free from

it。  At the framing and adoption of the Constitution; they

forbore to so much as mention the word 〃slave〃 or 〃slavery〃 in

the whole instrument。  In the provision for the recovery of

fugitives; the slave is spoken of as a 〃person held to service or

labor。〃 In that prohibiting the abolition of the African slave

trade for twenty years; that trade is spoken of as 〃the migration

or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing

shall think proper to admit;〃 etc。  These are the only provisions

alluding to slavery。  Thus the thing is hid away in the

Constitution; just as an afflicted man hides away a wen or cancer

which he dares not cut out at once; lest he bleed to death;with

the promise; nevertheless; that the cutting may begin at a

certain time。  Less than this our fathers could not do; and more

they would not do。  Necessity drove them so far; and farther they

would not go。  But this is not all。  The earliest Congress under

the Constitution took the same view of slavery。  They hedged and

hemmed it in to the narrowest limits of necessity。

In 1794 they prohibited an outgoing slave tradethat is; the

taking of slaves from the United States to sell。  In 1798 they

prohibited the bringing of slaves from Africa into the

Mississippi Territory; t

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