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the writings-2-第49部分

小说: the writings-2 字数: 每页4000字

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six slaves; and he is an excellent neighbor; or your son has

married his daughter; and they beg you to help save their

property; and you vote against your interests and principle to

accommodate a neighbor; hoping that your vote will be on the

losing side。  And others do the same; and in those ways slavery

gets a sure foothold。  And when that is done the whole mighty

Unionthe force of the nationis committed to its support。  And

that very process is working in Kansas to…day。  And you must

recollect that the slave property is worth a billion of dollars;

while free…State men must work for sentiment alone。  Then there

are 〃blue lodges〃as they call themeverywhere doing their

secret and deadly work。

It is a very strange thing; and not solvable by any moral law

that I know of; that if a man loses his horse; the whole country

will turn out to help hang the thief; but if a man but a shade or

two darker than I am is himself stolen; the same crowd will hang

one who aids in restoring him to liberty。  Such are the

inconsistencies of slavery; where a horse is more sacred than a

man; and the essence of squatter or popular sovereigntyI don't

care how you call itis that if one man chooses to make a slave

of another; no third man shall be allowed to object。  And if you

can do this in free Kansas; and it is allowed to stand; the next

thing you will see is shiploads of negroes from Africa at the

wharf at Charleston; for one thing is as truly lawful as the

other; and these are the bastard notions we have got to stamp

out; else they will stamp us out。  'Sensation and applause。'

Two years ago; at Springfield; Judge Douglas avowed that Illinois

came into the Union as a slave State; and that slavery was weeded

out by the operation of his great; patent; everlasting principle

of 〃popular sovereignty。〃 'Laughter。' Well; now; that argument

must be answered; for it has a little grain of truth at the

bottom。  I do not mean that it is true in essence; as he would

have us believe。  It could not be essentially true if the

Ordinance of '87 was valid。  But; in point of fact; there were

some degraded beings called slaves in Kaskaskia and the other

French settlements when our first State constitution was adopted;

that is a fact; and I don't deny it。  Slaves were brought here as

early as 1720; and were kept here in spite of the Ordinance of

1787 against it。  But slavery did not thrive here。  On the

contrary; under the influence of the ordinance the number

decreased fifty…one from 1810 to 1820; while under the influence

of squatter sovereignty; right across the river in Missouri; they

increased seven thousand two hundred and eleven in the same time;

and slavery finally faded out in Illinois; under the influence of

the law of freedom; while it grew stronger and stronger in

Missouri; under the law or practice of 〃popular sovereignty。〃 In

point of fact there were but one hundred and seventeen slaves in

Illinois one year after its admission; or one to every four

hundred and seventy of its population; or; to state it in another

way; if Illinois was a slave State in 1820; so were New York and

New Jersey much greater slave States from having had greater

numbers; slavery having been established there in very early

times。  But there is this vital difference between all these

States and the Judge's Kansas experiment: that they sought to

disestablish slavery which had been already established; while

the Judge seeks; so far as he can; to disestablish freedom; which

had been established there by the Missouri Compromise。  'Voices:


The Union is under…going a fearful strain; but it is a stout old

ship; and has weathered many a hard blow; and 〃the stars in their

courses;〃 aye; an invisible Power; greater than the puny efforts

of men; will fight for us。  But we ourselves must not decline the

burden of responsibility; nor take counsel of unworthy passions。

Whatever duty urges us to do or to omit must be done or omitted;

and the recklessness with which our adversaries break the laws;

or counsel their violation; should afford no example for us。

Therefore; let us revere the Declaration of Independence; let us

continue to obey the Constitution and the laws; let us keep step

to the music of the Union。  Let us draw a cordon; so to speak;

around the slave States; and the hateful institution; like a

reptile poisoning itself; will perish by its own infamy。


But we cannot be free men if this is; by our national choice; to

be a land of slavery。  Those who deny freedom to others deserve

it not for themselves; and; under the rule of a just God; cannot

long retain

it。'Loud applause。'

Did you ever; my friends; seriously reflect upon the speed with

which we are tending downwards?  Within the memory of men now

present the leading statesman of Virginia could make genuine;

red…hot abolitionist speeches in old Virginia! and; as I have

said; now even in 〃free Kansas〃 it is a crime to declare that it

is 〃free Kansas。〃 The very sentiments that I and others have just

uttered would entitle us; and each of us; to the ignominy and

seclusion of a dungeon; and yet I suppose that; like Paul; we

were 〃free born。〃 But if this thing is allowed to continue; it

will be but one step further to impress the same rule in

Illinois。  'Sensation。'

The conclusion of all is; that we must restore the Missouri

Compromise。  We must highly resolve that Kansas must be free!

'Great applause。' We must reinstate the birthday promise of the

Republic; we must reaffirm the Declaration of Independence; we

must make good in essence as well as in form Madison's avowal

that 〃the word slave ought not to appear in the Constitution〃;

and we must even go further; and decree that only local law; and

not that time…honored instrument; shall shelter a slaveholder。

We must make this a land of liberty in fact; as it is in name。

But in seeking to attain these resultsso indispensable if the

liberty which is our pride and boast shall endurewe will be

loyal to the Constitution and to the 〃flag of our Union;〃 and no

matter what our grievanceeven though Kansas shall come in as a

slave State; and no matter what theirseven if we shall restore



'This was the climax; the audience rose to its feet en masse;

applauded; stamped; waved handkerchiefs; threw hats in the air;

and ran riot for several minutes。  The arch…enchanter who wrought

this transformation looked; meanwhile; like the personification

of political justice。'

But let us; meanwhile; appeal to the sense and patriotism of the

people; and not to their prejudices; let us spread the floods of

enthusiasm here aroused all over these vast prairies; so

suggestive of freedom。  Let us commence by electing the gallant

soldier Governor (Colonel) Bissell who stood for the honor of our

State alike on the plains and amidst the chaparral of Mexico and

on the floor of Congress; while he defied the Southern Hotspur;

and that will have a greater moral effect than all the border

ruffians can accomplish in all their raids on Kansas。  There is

both a power and a magic in popular opinion。  To that let us now

appeal; and while; in all probability; no resort to force will be

needed; our moderation and forbearance will stand US in good


GOD OF HOSTS! 'Immense applause and a rush for the orator。'

One can realize with this ability to move people's minds that the

Southern Conspiracy were right to hate this man。  He; better than

any at the time was able to uncover their stratagems and tear

down their sophisms and contradictions。



SPRINGFIELD; July 9; 1856。

DEAR WHITNEY:I now expect to go to Chicago on the 15th; and I

probably shall remain there or thereabouts for about two weeks。

It turned me blind when I first heard Swett was beaten and

Lovejoy nominated; but; after much reflection; I really believe

it is best to let it stand。  This; of course; I wish to be


Lamon did get your deeds。  I went with him to the office; got

them; and put them in his hands myself。

Yours very truly;





Your's of the 29th of June was duly received。  I did not answer

it because it plagued me。  This morning I received another from

Judd and Peck; written by consultation with you。  Now let me tell

you why I am plagued:

1。  I can hardly spare the time。

2。  I am superstitious。  I have scarcely known a party preceding

an election to call in help from the neighboring States but they

lost the State。  Last fall; our friends had Wade; of Ohio; and

others; in Maine; and they lost the State。  Las

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