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the writings-2-第52部分

小说: the writings-2 字数: 每页4000字

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But in all this it is very plain the Judge evades the only

question the Republicans have ever pressed upon the Democracy in

regard to Utah。  That question the Judge well knew to be this:

〃If the people of Utah peacefully form a State constitution

tolerating polygamy; will the Democracy admit them into the

Union?〃 There is nothing in the United States Constitution or law

against polygamy; and why is it not a part of the Judge's 〃sacred

right of self…government〃 for the people to have it; or rather to

keep it; if they choose?  These questions; so far as I know; the

Judge never answers。  It might involve the Democracy to answer

them either way; and they go unanswered。

As to Kansas。  The substance of the Judge's speech on Kansas is

an effort to put the free…State men in the wrong for not voting

at the election of delegates to the constitutional convention。

He says:

〃There is every reason to hope and believe that the law will be

fairly interpreted and impartially executed; so as to insure to

every bona fide inhabitant the free and quiet exercise of the

elective franchise。〃

It appears extraordinary that Judge Douglas should make such a

statement。  He knows that; by the law; no one can vote who has

not been registered; and he knows that the free…State men place

their refusal to vote on the ground that but few of them have

been registered。  It is possible that this is not true; but Judge

Douglas knows it is asserted to be true in letters; newspapers;

and public speeches; and borne by every mail and blown by every

breeze to the eyes and ears of the world。  He knows it is boldly

declared that the people of many whole counties; and many whole

neighborhoods in others; are left unregistered; yet he does not

venture to contradict the declaration; or to point out how they

can vote without being registered; but he just slips along; not

seeming to know there is any such question of fact; and

complacently declares:

 〃There is every reason to hope and believe that the law will be

fairly and impartially executed; so as to insure to every bona

fide inhabitant the free and quiet exercise of the elective


I readily agree that if all had a chance to vote they ought to

have voted。  If; on the contrary; as they allege; and Judge

Douglas ventures not to particularly contradict; few only of the

free…State men had a chance to vote; they were perfectly right in

staying from the polls in a body。

By the way; since the Judge spoke; the Kansas election has come

off。  The Judge expressed his confidence that all the Democrats

in Kansas would do their duty…including 〃free…State Democrats;〃

of course。  The returns received here as yet are very incomplete;

but so far as they go; they indicate that only about one sixth of

the registered voters have really voted; and this; too; when not

more; perhaps; than one half of the rightful voters have been

registered; thus showing the thing to have been altogether the

most exquisite farce ever enacted。  I am watching with

considerable interest to ascertain what figure 〃the free…State

Democrats〃 cut in the concern。  Of course they voted;all

Democrats do their duty;and of course they did not vote for

slave…State candidates。  We soon shall know how many delegates

they elected; how many candidates they had pledged to a free

State; and how many votes were cast for them。

Allow me to barely whisper my suspicion that there were no such

things in Kansas as 〃free…State Democrats〃that they were

altogether mythical; good only to figure in newspapers and

speeches in the free States。  If there should prove to be one

real living free…State Democrat in Kansas; I suggest that it

might be well to catch him; and stuff and preserve his skin as an

interesting specimen of that soon…to…be extinct variety of the

genus Democrat。

And now as to the Dred Scott decision。  That decision declares

two propositionsfirst; that a negro cannot sue in the United

States courts; and secondly; that Congress cannot prohibit

slavery in the Territories。  It was made by a divided court

dividing differently on the different points。  Judge Douglas does

not discuss the merits of the decision; and in that respect I

shall follow his example; believing I could no more improve on

McLean and Curtis than he could on Taney。

He denounces all who question the correctness of that decision;

as offering violent resistance to it。  But who resists it?  Who

has; in spite of the decision; declared Dred Scott free; and

resisted the authority of his master over him?

Judicial decisions have two usesfirst; to absolutely determine

the case decided; and secondly; to indicate to the public how

other similar cases will be decided when they arise。  For the

latter use; they are called 〃precedents〃 and 〃authorities。〃

We believe as much as Judge Douglas (perhaps more) in obedience

to; and respect for; the judicial department of government。  We

think its decisions on constitutional questions; when fully

settled; should control not only the particular cases decided;

but the general policy of the country; subject to be disturbed

only by amendments of the Constitution as provided in that

instrument itself。  More than this would be revolution。  But we

think the Dred Scott decision is erroneous。  We know the court

that made it has often overruled its own decisions; and we shall

do what we can to have it to overrule this。  We offer no

resistance to it。

Judicial decisions are of greater or less authority as precedents

according to circumstances。  That this should be so accords both

with common sense and the customary understanding of the legal


If this important decision had been made by the unanimous

concurrence of the judges; and without any apparent partisan

bias; and in accordance with legal public expectation and with

the steady practice of the departments throughout our history;

and had been in no part based on assumed historical facts which

are not really true; or; if wanting in some of these; it had been

before the court more than once; and had there been affirmed and

reaffirmed through a course of years; it then might be; perhaps

would be; factious; nay; even revolutionary; not to acquiesce in

it as a precedent。

But when; as is true; we find it wanting in all these claims to

the public confidence; it is not resistance; it is not factious;

it is not even disrespectful; to treat it as not having yet quite

established a settled doctrine for the country。  But Judge

Douglas considers this view awful。  Hear him:

〃The courts are the tribunals prescribed by the Constitution and

created by the authority of the people to determine; expound; and

enforce the law。  Hence; whoever resists the final decision of

the highest judicial tribunal aims a deadly blow at our whole

republican system of governmenta blow which; if successful;

would place all our rights and liberties at the mercy of passion;

anarchy; and violence。  I repeat; therefore; that if resistance

to the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States; in a

matter like the points decided in the Dred Scott case; clearly

within their jurisdiction as defined by the Constitution; shall

be forced upon the country as a political issue; it will become a

distinct and naked issue between the friends and enemies of the

Constitutionthe friends and the enemies of the supremacy of the


Why; this same Supreme Court once decided a national bank to be

constitutional; but General Jackson; as President of the United

States; disregarded the decision; and vetoed a bill for a

recharter; partly on constitutional ground; declaring that each

public functionary must support the Constitution 〃as he

understands it。〃 But hear the General's own words。  Here they

are; taken from his veto message:

〃It is maintained by the advocates of the bank that its

constitutionality; in all its features; ought to be considered as

settled by precedent; and by the decision of the Supreme Court。

To this conclusion I cannot assent。  Mere precedent is a

dangerous source of authority; and should not be regarded as

deciding questions of constitutional power; except where the

acquiescence of the people and the States can be considered as

well settled。  So far from this being the case on this subject;

an argument against the bank might be based on precedent。  One

Congress; in 1791; decided in favor of a bank; another; in 1811;

decided against it。  One Congress; in 1815; decided against a

bank; another; in 1816; decided in its favor。  Prior to the

present Congress; therefore; the precedents drawn from that

course were equal。  If we resort to the States; the expressions

of legislative; judicial; and executive opinions against the bank

have been probably to those in its favor as four to one。  There

is nothing in precedent; therefore; which; if its authority were

admitted; ough

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