女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > stories by english authors in france(旅法英国作家的故事) >


stories by english authors in france(旅法英国作家的故事)-第33部分

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who   was   riding   by   my   side;   〃M。   de   Boisrose   of   St。   Palais;   gently   born; 

through before unknown to him; I will appear in his place and make the 

Viscount de Caylus swallow the glove。〃 

     〃You will?〃 said M。 Louis; with politeness。 〃You are a gentleman。 I am 

obliged to you。〃 

     He waved his hand with a gesture which I afterward well remembered; 

and; giving his horse the rein; went forward along the path at a brisk walk。 

We followed; and I had just remarked that a plant of box was beginning 

here and there to take the place of the usual undergrowth; when a sheet of 

flame   seemed   to   leap   out   through   the   dusk   to   meet   him;   and;   his   horse 

rearing wildly; he fell headlong from the saddle without word or cry。 My 

men would have sprung   forward before the  noise of   the report   had  died 

away; and might possibly have overtaken one or more of the assassins; but 

I restrained them。 When La Trape dismounted and raised the fallen man; 

the latter was dead。 

     Such    were   the   circumstances;   now   for   the   first   time   made    public; 

which attended the discovery of this; the least known; yet one of the most 

dangerous; of the many plots which were directed against the life of my 

master。   The   course   which   I   adopted   may   be   blamed   by   some;   but   it   is 

enough for me that after the lapse of years it is approved by my conscience 


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and by the course of events。 For it was ever the misfortune of that great 

king   to   treat   those   with   leniency   whom  no   indulgence   could   win;   and   I 

bear   with   me   to   this   day   the   bitter   assurance   that;   had   the   fate   which 

overtook Louis d'Entragues embraced the whole of that family; the blow 

which   ten   years   later   cut   short   Henry's   career   would   never   have   been 



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