女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > on books and the housing of them >


on books and the housing of them-第5部分

小说: on books and the housing of them 字数: 每页4000字

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project 12 to 18 inches at each end beyond the line of 
the wall。 Let the passage ends be entirely given to 
either window or glass door。 Twenty…four pairs of 
trams run across the room。 On them are placed 56 
bookcases; divided by the passage; reaching to the 
ceiling; each 3 feet broad; 12 inches deep; and separated 
from its neighbors by an interval of 2 inches;
and set on small wheels; pulleys; or rollers; to work
along the trams。 Strong handles on the inner side of
each bookcase to draw it out into the passage。 Each
of these bookcases would hold 500 octavos; and a room
of 28 feet by 10 would receive 25;000 volumes。 A room
of 40 feet by 20 (no great size) would receive 60;000;
It would; of course; be not properly a room; but a


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