女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the peterkin papers >


the peterkin papers-第2部分

小说: the peterkin papers 字数: 每页4000字

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h。 They told her their story;…how their mother  had put salt in her coffee; and how the chemist had made it worse instead of  better; and how their mother couldn't drink it; and wouldn't she come and see  what she could do? And she said she would; and took up her little old apron;  with pockets all round; all filled with everlasting and pennyroyal; and went  back to her house。

 There she stopped; and stuffed her huge pockets with some of all the kinds of  herbs。 She took some tansy and peppermint; and caraway…seed and dill; spearmint  and cloves; pennyroyal and sweet marjoram; basil and rosemary; wild thyme and  some of the other time;…such as you have in clocks;…sappermint and oppermint;  catnip; valerian; and hop; indeed; there isn't a kind of herb you can think of  that the little old woman didn't have done up in her little paper bags; that had  all been dried in her little Dutch…oven。 She packed these all up; and then went  back with the children; taking her stick。

Meanwhile Mrs。 Peterkin was getting quite impatient for her coffee。

As soon as the little old woman came she had it set over the fire; and began to  stir in the different herbs。 First she put in a little hop for the bitter。 Mrs。

Peterkin said it tasted like hop…tea; and not at all like coffee。 Then she tried  a little flagroot and snakeroot; then some spruce gum; and some caraway and some  dill; some rue and rosemary; some sweet marjoram and sour; some oppermint and  sappermint; a little spearmint and peppermint; some wild thyme; and some of the  other tame time; some tansy and basil; and catnip and valerian; and sassafras;  ginger; and pennyroyal。 The children tasted after each mixture; but made up  dreadful faces。 Mrs。 Peterkin tasted; and did the same。 The more the old woman  stirred; and the more she put in; the worse it all seemed to taste。

 So the old woman shook her head; and muttered a few words; and said she must  go。 She believed the coffee was bewitched。 She bundled up her packets of herbs;  and took her trowel; and her basket; and her stick; and went back to her root of  sassafras; that she had left half in the air and half out。 And all she would  take for pay was five cents in currency。

Then the family were in despair; and all sat and thought a great while。 It was  growing late in the day; and Mrs。 Peterkin hadn't had her cup of coffee。 At last  Elizabeth Eliza said; 〃They say that the lady from Philadelphia; who is staying  in town; is very wise。 Suppose I go and ask her what is best to be done。〃 To  this they all agreed; it was a great thought; and off Elizabeth Eliza went。

 She told the lady from Philadelphia the whole story;…how her mother had put  salt in the coffee; how the chemist had been called in; how he tried everything  but could make it no better; and how they went for the little old herb…woman;  and how she had tried in vain; for her mother couldn't drink the coffee。 The  lady from Philadelphia listened very attentively; and then said; 〃Why doesn't  your mother make a fresh cup of coffee?〃 Elizabeth Eliza started with surprise。

Solomon John shouted with joy; so did Agamemnon; who had just finished his sum;  so did the little boys; who had followed on。 〃Why didn't we think of that?〃 said  Elizabeth Eliza; and they all went back to their mother; and she had her cup of  coffee。

  ABOUT ELIZABETH ELIZA'S PIANO。  ELIZABETH ELIZA had a present of a piano; and she was to take lessons of the  postmaster's daughter。

They decided to have the piano set across the window in the parlor; and the  carters brought it in; and went away。

After they had gone the family all came in to look at the piano; but they found  the carters had placed it with its back turned towards the middle of the room;  standing close against the window。

 How could Elizabeth Eliza open it? How could she reach the keys to play upon  it?

Solomon John proposed that they should open the window; which Agamemnon could do  with his long arms。 Then Elizabeth Eliza should go round upon the piazza; and  open the piano。 Then she could have her music…stool on the piazza; and play upon  the piano there。

So they tried this; and they all thought it was a very pretty sight to see  Elizabeth Eliza playing on the piano; while she sat on the piazza; with the  honeysuckle vines behind her。

It was very pleasant; too; moonlight evenings。 Mr。 Peterkin liked to take a doze  on his sofa in the room; but the rest of the family liked to sit on the piazza。

So did Elizabeth Eliza; only she had to have her back to the moon。

All this did very well through the summer; but; when the fall came; Mr。 Peterkin  thought the air was too cold from the open window; and the family did not want  to sit out on the piazza。

 Elizabeth Eliza practiced in the mornings with her cloak on; but she was  obliged to give up her music in the evenings the family shivered so。

One day; when she was talking with the lady from Philadelphia; she spoke of this  trouble。

The lady from Philadelphia looked surprised; and then said; 〃But why don't you  turn the piano round?〃

One of the little boys pertly said; 〃It is a square piano。〃

But Elizabeth Eliza went home directly; and; with the help of Agamemnon and  Solomon John; turned the piano round。

〃Why did we not think of that before?〃 said Mrs。 Peterkin。 〃What shall we do  when the lady from Philadelphia goes home again?〃

  THE PETERKINS TRY TO BECOME WISE。  THEY were sitting round the breakfast…table; and wondering what they should do  because the lady from Philadelphia had gone away。 〃If;〃 said Mrs。 Peterkin; 〃we  could only be more wise as a family!〃 How could they manage it? Agamemnon had  been to college; and the children all went to school; but still as a family they  were not wise。 〃It comes from books;〃 said one of the family。 〃People who have a  great many books are very wise。〃 Then they counted up that there were very few  books in the house;…a few school…books and Mrs。 Peterkin's cook…book were all。

〃That's the thing!〃 said Agamemnon。 〃We want a library。〃

 〃We want a library!〃 said Solomon John。 And all of them exclaimed; 〃We want a  library!〃

〃Let us think how we shall get one;〃 said Mrs。 Peterkin。 〃I have observed that  other people think a great deal of thinking。〃

So they all sat and thought a great while。

Then said Agamemnon; 〃I will make a library。 There are some boards in the  wood…shed; and I have a hammer and some nails ; and perhaps we can borrow some  hinges; and there we have our library!〃

They were all very much pleased at the idea。

〃That's the book…case part;〃 said Elizabeth Eliza; 〃but where are the books?〃

 So they sat and thought a little while; when Solomon John exclaimed; 〃I will  make a book!〃

They all looked at him in wonder。

〃Yes;〃 said Solomon John; 〃books will make us wise; but first I must make a  book。〃

So they went into the parlor; and sat down to make a book。 But there was no ink。

What should he do for ink? Elizabeth Eliza said she had heard that nutgalls and  vinegar made very good ink。 So they decided to make some。 The little boys said  they could find some nutgalls up in the woods。 So they all agreed to set out and  pick some。 Mrs。 Peterkins put on her cape…bonnet; and the little boys got into  their india…rubber boots; and off they went。

The nutgalls were hard to find。 There was almost everything else in the  woods;…chestnuts; and walnuts; and small hazel…nuts; and a great many squirrels;  and they had to walk a great way before they found any nutgalls。 At last they  came home with a large basket and two nutgalls in it。 Then came the question of  the vinegar。 Mrs。 Peterkin had used her very last on some beets they had the day  before。 〃Suppose we go and ask the minister's wife;〃 said Elizabeth Eliza。 So  they all went to the minister's wife。 She said if they wanted some good vinegar  they had better set a barrel of cider down in the cellar; and in a year or two  it would make very nice vinegar。 But they said they wanted it that very  afternoon。 When the minister's wife heard this; she said she should be very glad  to let them have some vinegar; and gave them a cupful to carry home。

So they stirred in the nutgalls; and by the time evening came they had very good  ink。

 Then Solomon John wanted a pen。 Agamemnon had a steel one; but Solomon John  said; 〃Poets always used quills。〃 Elizabeth Eliza suggested that they should go  out to the poultry…yard and get a quill。 But it was already dark。 They had;  however; two lanterns; and the little boys borrowed the neighbors'。 They set out  in procession for the poultry…yard。 When they got there; the fowls were all at  roost; so they could look at them quietly。

 SOLOMON JOHN'S BOOK。 But there were no geese! There were Shanghais and Cochin…Chinas; and Guinea  hens; and Barbary hens; and speckled hens; and Poland roosters; and bantams; and  ducks; and turkeys; but not one goose! 〃No geese but ourselves;〃 said Mrs。

Peterkin; wittily; as they returned to the house。 The sight of this procession  roused up the village。 〃A torchlight procession!〃 cried all the boys of the  town; and they gathered round the house; shouting for the flag; and Mr。 Peterkin  had to invite them in; and give them cider and gingerbread

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