女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the peterkin papers >


the peterkin papers-第8部分

小说: the peterkin papers 字数: 每页4000字

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The uncles and aunts thought somebody's house must be on fire。 The door was  opened; and there was a man; white with flakes; for it was beginning to snow;  and he was pulling in a large box。

Mrs。 Peterkin supposed it contained some of Elizabeth Eliza's purchases; so she  ordered it to be pushed into the back parlor; and hastily called back her guests  and the little boys into the other room。 The little boys and the small cousins  were sure they had seen Santa Claus himself。

Mr。 Peterkin lighted the gas。 The box was addressed to Elizabeth Eliza。 It was  from the lady from Philadelphia! She had gathered a hint from Elizabeth Eliza's  letters that there was to be a Christmas…tree; and had filled this box with all  that would be needed。

It was opened directly。 There was every kind of gilt hanging…thing; from gilt  pea…pods to butterflies on springs。 There were shining flags and lanterns; and  birdcages; and nests with birds sitting on them; baskets of fruit; gilt apples  and bunches of grapes; and; at the bottom of the whole; a large box of candles  and a box of Philadelphia bonbons!

 Elizabeth Eliza and Solomon John could scarcely keep from screaming。 The little  boys and the small cousins knocked on the folding…doors to ask what was the  matter。

Hastily Mr。 Peterkin and the rest took out the things and hung them on the tree;  and put on the candles。

When all was done; it looked so well that Mr。 Peterkin exclaimed:…  〃Let us light the candles now; and send to invite all the neighbors to…night;  and have the tree on Christmas Eve!〃

And so it was that the Peterkins had their Christmas…tree the day before; and on  Christmas night could go and visit their neighbors。

 MRS。 PETERKIN'S TEA…PARTY。  TWAS important to have a tea…party; as they had all been invited by  everybody;…the Bromwicks; the Tremletts; and the Gibbonses。 It would be such a  good chance to pay off some of their old debts; now that the lady from  Philadelphia was back again; and her two daughters; who would be sure to make it  all go off well。

But as soon as they began to make out the list; they saw there were too many to  have at once; for there were but twelve cups and saucers in the best set。

〃There are seven of us; to begin with;〃 said Mr。 Peterkin。

〃We need not all drink tea;〃 said Mrs。 Peterkin。

〃I never do;〃 said Solomon John。 The little boys never did。

〃And we could have coffee; too;〃 suggested Elizabeth Eliza。

〃That would take as many cups;〃 objected Agamemnon。

〃We could use the every…day set for the coffee;〃 answered Elizabeth Eliza; 〃they  are the right shape。 Besides;〃 she went on; 〃they would not all come。 Mr。 and  Mrs。 Bromwick; for instance; they never go out。〃

 〃There are but six cups in the every…day set;〃 said Mrs。 Peterkin。

The little boys said there were plenty of saucers; and Mr。 Peterkin agreed with  Elizabeth Eliza that all would not come。 Old Mr。 Jeffers never went out。

〃There are three of the Tremletts;〃 said Elizabeth Eliza; 〃they never go out  together。 One of them; if not two; will be sure to have the headache。 Ann Maria  Bromwick would come; and the three Gibbons boys; and their sister Juliana; but  the other sisters are out West; and there is but one Osborne。〃

It really did seem safe to ask 〃everybody。〃 They would be sorry; after it was  over; that they had not asked more。

〃We have the cow;〃 said Mrs。 Peterkin; 〃so there will be as much cream and milk  as we shall need。〃

〃And our own pig;〃 said Agamemnon。 〃I am glad we had it salted; so we can have  plenty of sandwiches。〃

〃I will buy a chest of tea;〃 exclaimed Mr。 Peterkin。 〃I have been thinking of a  chest for some time。〃

 Mrs。 Peterkin thought a whole chest would not be needed: it was as well to buy  the tea and coffee by the pound。 But Mr。 Peterkin determined on a chest of tea  and a bag of coffee。

So they decided to give the invitations to all。 It might be a stormy evening and  some would be prevented。

The lady from Philadelphia and her daughters accepted。

And it turned out a fair day; and more came than were expected。 Ann Maria  Bromwick had a friend staying with her; and brought her over; for the Bromwicks  were opposite neighbors。 And the Tremletts had a niece; and Mary Osborne an  aunt; that they took the liberty to bring。

 The little boys were at the door; to show in the guests; and as each set came  to the front gate; they ran back to tell their mother that more were coming。

Mrs。 Peterkin had grown dizzy with counting those who had come; and trying to  calculate how many were to come; and wondering why there were always more and  never less; and whether the cups would go round。

The three Tremletts all came; with their niece。 They all had had their headaches  the day before; and were having that banged feeling you always have after a  headache; so they all sat at the same side of the room on the long sofa。

All the Jefferses came; though they had sent uncertain answers。 Old Mr。 Jeffers  had to be helped in; with his cane; by Mr。 Peterkin。

The Gibbons boys came; and would stand just outside the parlor door。 And Juliana  appeared afterward; with the two other sisters; unexpectedly home from the West。

 〃Got home this morning!〃 they said。 〃And so glad to be in time to see  everybody;…a little tired; to be sure; after forty…eight hours in a  sleeping…car!〃

〃Forty…eight!〃 repeated Mrs。 Peterkin; and wondered if there were forty…eight  people; and why they were all so glad to come; and whether all could sit down。

Old Mr。 and Mrs。 Bromwick came。 They thought it would not be neighborly to stay  away。 They insisted on getting into the most uncomfortable seats。

Yet there seemed to be seats enough while the Gibbons boys preferred to stand。

But they never could sit round a tea…table。 Elizabeth Eliza had thought they all  might have room at the table; and Solomon John and the little boys could help in  the waiting。

It was a great moment when the lady from Philadelphia arrived with her  daughters。 Mr。 Peterkin was talking to Mr。 Bromwick; who was a little deaf。 The  Gibbons boys retreated a little farther behind the parlor door。 Mrs。 Peterkin  hastened forward to shake hands with the lady from Philadelphia; saying:…  〃Four Gibbons girls and Mary Osborne's aunt;…that makes nineteen; and now〃…  It made no difference what she said; for there was such a murmuring of talk that  any words suited。 And the lady from Philadelphia wanted to be introduced to the  Bromwicks。

It was delightful for the little boys。 They came to Elizabeth Eliza; and asked:… 

〃Can't we go and ask more ? Can't we fetch the Larkins?〃

〃Oh; dear; no!〃 answered Elizabeth Eliza。 〃I can't even count them。〃

Mrs。 Peterkin found time to meet Elizabeth Eliza in the side entry; to ask if  there were going to be cups enough。

〃I have set Agamemnon in the front entry to count;〃 said Elizabeth Eliza;  putting her hand to her head。

The little boys came to say that the Maberlys were coming。

〃The Maberlys!〃 exclaimed Elizabeth Eliza。 〃I never asked them。〃

〃It is your father's doing;〃 cried Mrs。 Peterkin。 〃I do believe he asked  everybody he saw!〃 And she hurried back to her guests。

〃What if father really has asked everybody?〃 Elizabeth Eliza said to herself;  pressing her head again with her hand。

There were the cow and the pig。 But if they all took tea or coffee; or both; the  cups could not go round。

Agamemnon returned in the midst of her agony。

 MRS。 PETERKIN'S TEA…PARTY。 He had not been able to count the guests; they moved about so; they talked so;  and it would not look well to appear to count。

〃What shall we do?〃 exclaimed Elizabeth Eliza。

〃We are not a family for an emergency;〃 said Agamemnon。

〃What do you suppose they did in Philadelphia at the Exhibition; when there were  more people than cups and saucers?〃 asked Elizabeth Eliza。 〃Could not you go and  inquire? I know the lady from Philadelphia is talking about the Exhibition; and  telling how she stayed at home to receive friends。 And they must have had  trouble there! Could not you go in and ask; just as if you wanted to know?〃

Agamemnon looked into the room; but there were too many talking with the lady  from Philadelphia。

〃If we could only look into some book;〃 he said;…〃the encyclopaedia or the  dictionary; they are such a help sometimes!〃

At this moment he thought of his 〃Great Triumphs of Great Men;〃 that he was  reading just now。 He had not reached the lives of the Stephensons; or any of the  men of modern times。 He might skip over to them;…he knew they were men for  emergencies。

He ran up to his room; and met Solomon John coming down with chairs。

〃That is a good thought;〃 said Agamemnon。 〃I will bring down more upstairs  chairs。〃

〃No;〃 said Solomon John; 〃here are all that can come down; the rest of the  bedroom chairs match bureaus; and they never will do!〃

Agamemnon kept on to his own room; to consult his books。 If only he could invent  something on the spur of the moment;…a set of bedroom furniture; that in an  emergency could be turned into parlor chairs! It seemed an idea; and he sat  himself down to his table and pencils; when he was interrupted by the little  boys; who came to tell him that Elizabeth Eliza wa

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