女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the vested interests and the common man >


the vested interests and the common man-第2部分

小说: the vested interests and the common man 字数: 每页4000字

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and made no provision for those later…arisen exigencies of life 
and those later…known facts of material science which lay yet 
beyond the bounds of its medieval knowledge and belief; but this 
〃medieval mind〃 at the same time spent much thought and took many 
excellent precautions about things which have now come to be 
accounted altogether fanciful;  things which the maturer 
insight; or perhaps the less fertile conceit; of a more 
experienced age has disowned as being palpably not in accord with 
    That is to say; things which once were convincingly 
substantial and demonstrable; according to the best knowledge and 
belief of the medieval mind; can now no longer be discerned as 
facts; according to those canons of knowledge and belief that are 
now doing duty among modern men as conclusive standards of 
reality。 Not that all persons who are born within modern times 
are thereby rendered unable to know and to believe in such 
medieval facts; e。 g。; as horoscopes; or witchcraft; or gentle 
birth; or the efficacy of prayer; or the divine right of kings; 
but; taken by and large; and in so far as it falls under the 
control of the modern point of view; the deliberate consensus of 
knowledge and belief now runs to the effect that these and other 
imponderables like them no longer belong among ascertained or 
ascertainable facts; but that they are on the other hand wholly 
illusory conceits; traceable to a mistaken point of view 
prevalent in that earlier and cruder age。 
    The principles governing knowledge and belief at any given 
time are primary and pervasive; beyond any others; in that they 
underlie all human deliberation and comprise the necessary 
elements of all human logic。 But it is also to be noted that 
these canons of knowledge and belief are more immediately exposed 
to revision and correction by experience than the principles of 
law and morals。 So soon as the conditions of life shift and 
change in any appreciable degree; experience will enforce a 
revision of the habitual standards of actuality and credibility; 
because of the habitual and increasingly obvious failure of what 
has before habitually been regarded as an ascertained fact。 
Things which; under the ancient canons of knowledge; have 
habitually been regarded as known facts;  as; e。 g。; witchcraft 
or the action of bodies at a distance;  will under altered 
circumstances prove themselves by experience to have only a 
supposititious reality。 
    Any knowledge that runs in such out…worn terms turns out to 
be futile; misleading; meaningless; and the habit of imputing 
qualities and behavior of this kind to everyday facts will then 
fall into disuse; progressively as experience continues to bring 
home the futility of all that kind of imputation。 And presently 
the habit of perceiving that class of qualities and behavior in 
the known facts is therefore gradually lost。 So also; in due time 
the observances and the precautions and provisions embodied in 
law and custom for the preservation or the control of these lost 
imponderables will also fall into disuse and disappear out of the 
scheme of institutions; by way of becoming dead letter or by 
abrogation。 Particularly will such a loss of belief and insight; 
and the consequent loss of those imponderables whose ground has 
thereby gone out from under them; take effect with the passing of 
    An Imponderable is an article of make…believe which has 
become axiomatic by force of settled habit。 It can accordingly 
cease to be an Imponderable by a course of unsettling habit。 
Those elders in whom the ancient habits of faith and insight have 
been ingrained; and in whose knowledge and belief the 
imponderables in question have therefore had a vital reality; 
will presently fall away; and the new generation whose experience 
has run on other lines are in a fair way to lose these articles 
of faith and in。 sight; by disuse。 It is a case of obsolescence 
by habitual disuse。 And the habitual disuse which so allows the 
ancient canons of knowledge and belief to fall away; and which 
thereby cuts the ground from under the traditional system of law 
and custom; is re…enforced by the advancing discipline of a new 
order of experience; which exacts an habitual apprehension of 
workday facts in terms of a different kind and thereby brings on 
a revaluation and revision of the traditional rules governing 
human relations。 The new terms of workday knowledge and belief; 
which do not conform to the ancient canons; go to enforce and 
stabilise new canons and standards; of a character alien to the 
traditional point of view。 It is; in other words; a case of 
obsolescence by displacement as well as by habitual disuse。 
    This unsettling discipline that is brought to bear by workday 
experience is chiefly and most immediately the discipline 
exercised by the material conditions of life; the exigencies that 
beset men in their everyday dealings with the material means of 
life; inasmuch as these material facts are insistent and 
uncompromising。 And the scope and method of knowledge and belief 
which is forced on men in their everyday material concerns will 
unavoidably; by habitual use; extend to other matters as well; so 
as also to affect the scope and method of knowledge and belief in 
all that concerns those imponderable facts which lie outside the 
immediate range of material experience。 It results that; the 
further course of in changing habituation; those imponderable 
relations; conventions; claims and perquisites; that make up the 
time…worn system of law and custom will unavoidably also be 
brought under review and will be revised and reorganised in the 
light of the same new principles of validity that are found to be 
sufficient in dealing with material facts。 
    Given time and a sufficiently exacting run of experience; and 
it will follow necessarily that much the same standards of truth 
and finality will come to govern men's knowledge and valuation of 
facts throughout; whether the facts in question lie in the domain 
of material things or in the domain of those imponderable 
conventions and preconceptions that decide what is right and 
proper in human intercourse。 It follows necessarily; because the 
same persons; bent by the same discipline and habituation; take 
stock of both and are required to get along with both during the 
same lifetime。 More or less rigorously the same scope and method 
of knowledge and valuation will control the thinking of the same 
individuals throughout; at least to the extent that any given 
article of faith and usage which is palpably at cross purposes 
with this main intellectual bent will soon begin to seem 
immaterial and irrelevant and will tend to become obsolete by 
    Such has always been the fate which overtakes any notable 
articles of faith and usage that belong to a bygone point of 
view。 Any established system of law and order will remain 
securely stable only on condition that it he kept in line or 
brought into line to conform with those canons of validity that 
have the vogue for the time being; and the vogue is a matter of 
habits of thought ingrained by everyday experience。 And the moral 
is that any established system of law and custom is due to 
undergo a revision of its constituent principles so soon as a new 
order of economic life has had time materially to affect the 
community's habits of thought。 But all the while the changeless 
native proclivities of the race will assert themselves in some 
measure in any eventual revision of the received institutional 
system; and always they will stand ready eventually to break the 
ordered scheme of things into a paralytic mass of confusion if it 
can not be bent into some passable degree of congruity with the 
paramount native needs of life。 
    What is likely to arrest the attention of any student of the 
modern era from the outset is the peculiar character of its 
industry and of its intellectual outlook; particularly the scope 
and method of modern science and technology。 The intellectual 
life of modern Europe and its cultural dependencies differs 
notably from what has gone before。 There is all about it an air 
of matter…of…fact both in its technology and in its science; 
which culminates in a 〃mechanistic conception〃 of all those 
things with which scientific inquiry is concerned and in the 
light of which many of the dread realities of the Middle Ages 
look like superfluous make…believe。 
    But it has been only during the later decades of the modern 
era  during that time interval that might fairly be called the 
post…modern era  that this mechanistic conception of things has 
begun seriously to affect the current system of knowledge and 
belief; and it has not hitherto seriously taken effect except in 
technology and in the material sciences。 So that it has not 
hitherto seriously invaded the established scheme of 
institutional arrangements; the system of law and custom; which 
governs the relations of men to one another and defines their 
mutual rights; obligations; advantages and disabilities。 But it 
should reasonably be expect

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