女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the vested interests and the common man >


the vested interests and the common man-第27部分

小说: the vested interests and the common man 字数: 每页4000字

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before Frederick the Great Pickpocket came to the throne。 And 
now; with much sage counsel from the safe and sane statesmen of 
the status quo ante。 Czechs。 Slovaks。 Slovenes; Ruthenians; 
Ukrainians; Croats; Poles and Polaks are breathlessly elbowing 
their way into line with these minuscular Michiavellians。 Quite 
unchastened by their age…long experience in adversity they are 
all alike clamoring for national establishments stocked up with 
all the time…tried contrivances for discomfort and defeat。 With 
one hand they are making frantic gestures of distress for an 
〃outlet to the sea〃 by means of which to escape insufferable 
obstruction of their overseas trade by their nationally minded 
neighbors; while with the other hand they are feverishly at work 
to contrive a customs frontier of their own; together with other 
standard devices for obstructing their neighbors' trade and their 
own; so soon as they shall have any trade to obstruct。 Such is 
the force of habit and tradition。 In other words; these peoples 
are aiming to become self…determining nations in good standing。 
    And all the while it is plain to all men that a national 
〃outlet to the sea〃 has no meaning in time of pence and in the 
absence of national governments working at cross…purposes。 Which 
comes near to saying that the sole material object of these new 
projects in nation…making is to work at cross…purposes with their 
neighbors across the new…found national frontiers。 So also it is 
plain that this mutual working at cross…purposes between the 
nations hinders the keeping of the peace; even when it is all 
mitigated with all the approved apparatus of diplomatic 
make…believe; compromise; and intrigue。 Just as it is plain that 
the peace is not to be kept by use of armaments; but all the 
while national armaments are also included as an indispensable 
adjunct of national life; in all the projects of these new 
nations of the Balkan pattern。 The right to carry arms is an 
inalienable right of national self…determination and an 
indispensable means of self…help; as understood by these 
nation…makers of the old school。 So also it is plain that 
national pretensions in the field of foreign trade and 
investment; and all the diversified expedients for furthering and 
protecting the profitable enterprise of the vested interests in 
foreign parts; run consistently at cross…purposes with the 
keeping of the peace。 
    And all the while the rule of Live and Let Live; as it works 
out within the framework of the new industrial order; will not 
tolerate these things。 But the rule of Live and Let Live; which 
embodies the world's hope of peace on earth and a practicable 
modicum of good will among men; is not of the essence of that 
time…worn statesmanship which is now busily making the world safe 
for the vested interests。 Neglect and disallowance of those 
things that make for embroilment does not enter into the counsels 
of the nation…makers or of those stupendous figures of veiled 
statecraft that now move in the background and are shaping the 
destinies of these and other nations with a view to the status 
quo ante。  
    All these peoples that now hope to be nations have long been 
nationalities。 A nation is an organisation for collective offence 
and defence; in peace and war;  essentially based on hate and 
fear of other nations; a nationality is a cultural group; bound 
together by home…bred affinities of language; tradition; use and 
wont; and commonly also by a supposed community race;  
essentially based on sympathies and sentiments of 
self…complacency within itself。 The Welsh and the Scotch are 
nationalities; more or less well defined; although they are not 
nations in the ordinary meaning of the word; so also are the 
Irish; with a difference; and such others as the Finns and the 
Armenians。 The American republic is a nation; but not a 
nationality in any full measure。 The Welsh and the Scotch have 
learned the wisdom of Live and Let Live; within the peace of the 
Empire; and they are not moving to break bounds and set up a 
national integrity after the Balkan pattern。 
    The case of the Irish is peculiar; at least so they say。 
They; that is to say the Irish by sentiment rather than by 
domicile; the Irish people as contrasted with the vested 
interests of Ulster; of the landlords; of the Church; and of the 
bureaucracy;these Irish have long been a nationality and are now 
mobilising all their force to set up a Balkan state; autonomous 
and defensible; within the formal bounds of the Empire or 
without。 Their case is peculiar and instructive。 It throws a 
light on the margin of tolerance; of what the traffic will bear; 
beyond which an increased pressure on a subject population will 
bring no added profit to the vested interests for whose benefit 
the pressure is brought to bear。 It is a case of the Common Man 
hard ridden in due legal form by the vested interests of the 
Island; and of the neighboring island; which are duly backed by 
an alien and biased bureaucracy aided and abetted by the priestly 
pickpockets of the poor。 So caught in this way between the devil 
and the deep sea; it is small wonder if they have chosen in the 
end to follow counsels of desperation and are moving to throw 
their lot into the deep sea of national self…help and 
international intrigue。 They have reached the point where they 
have ceased to say: 〃It might have been worse。〃 The case of the 
Finns; Jews; and Armenians is not greatly different in general 
    It is easy to fall into a state of perturbation about the 
evil case of the submerged; exploited; and oppressed minor 
nationalities; and it is not unusual to jump to the conclusion 
that national self…determination will surely mend their evil 
case。 National self…determination and national integrity are 
words to conjure with; and there is no denying that very 
substantial results have been known to follow from such 
conjuring。 But self…determination is not a sovereign remedy; 
particularly not as regards the material conditions of life for 
the common man; for that somewhat more than nine…tenths of the 
population who always finally have to bear the cost of any 
national establishment。 It has been tried; and the point is left 
in doubt。 So the case of Belgium or of Serbia during the past 
four years has been scarcely less evil than that of the Armenians 
or the Poles。 Belgium and Serbia were nations; in due form; very 
much after the pattern aimed at in the new projected nations 
already spoken of; whereas the Armenians and the Poles have been 
subject minor nationalities。 Belgium。 Serbia; and Poland have 
been subject to the ravages of an imperial power which claims 
rank as a civilised people; whereas the Armenians have been 
manhandled by the Turks。 So; again; the Irish are a subject minor 
nationality; whereas the Roumanians are a nation in due form。 In 
fact the Roumanians are just such a balkan state as the Irish 
aspire to become。 But no doubt the common man is appreciably 
worse off in his material circumstances in Roumania than in 
Ireland。 Japan; too; is not only a self…determining nation with a 
full charge of national integrity; but it is a Great Power; yet 
the common man  the somewhat more than nine…tenths of the 
population  is doubtless worse off in point of hard usage and 
privation in Japan than in Ireland。 
    In further illustration of this doubt and perplexity with 
regard to the material value of national self…determination; the 
case of the three Scandinavian countries may be worth citing。 
They are all and several self…determining nations; in that 
Pickwickian sense in which any country which is not a Great Power 
may be self…determining in the twentieth century。 But they differ 
in size; population; wealth; power; and political consequence。 In 
these respects the sequence runs: Sweden; Denmark。 Norway; the 
latter being the smallest; poorest; least self…determining; and 
in point of self…determining nationalism altogether the most 
spectacularly foolish of the lot。 But so far as concerns the 
material conditions of life for the common man; they are 
unmistakably the most favorable; or the most nearly tolerable; in 
Norway; and the least so in Sweden。 The upshot of evidence from 
these; and from other instances that might be cited; is to leave 
the point in doubt。 It is not evident that the common man has 
anything to gain by national self…determination; so far as 
regards his material conditions of life; nor does it appear; on 
the evidence of these instances; that he has much to lose by that 
    These Scandinavians differ from the Balkan states in that 
they perforce have no imperialistic ambitions。 There may of 
course be a question on this head so far as concerns the frame of 
mind of the royal establishment in the greater one of the 
Scandinavian kingdoms; there is not much that is worth saying 
about that matter; and the less that is said; the less annoyance。 
It is a matter of no significance; anyway。 The Scandinavians are 
in effect not imperialistic; perforce。 Which means that in their 
international relations they formal

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