女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the new machiavelli >


the new machiavelli-第40部分

小说: the new machiavelli 字数: 每页4000字

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directions the history and the administrative treatment of the 

public service was clarified for all time。 。 。 。

They worked regularly every morning from nine to twelve; they 

lunched lightly but severely; in the afternoon they 〃took exercise〃 

or Bailey attended meetings of the London School Board; on which he 

served; he said; for the purposes of studyhe also became a railway 

director for the same end。  In the late afternoon Altiora was at 

home to various callers; and in the evening came dinner or a 

reception or both。

Her dinners and gatherings were a very important feature in their 

scheme。  She got together all sorts of interesting people in or 

about the public service; she mixed the obscurely efficient with the 

ill…instructed famous and the rudderless rich; got together in one 

room more of the factors in our strange jumble of a public life than 

had ever met easily before。  She fed them with a shameless austerity 

that kept the conversation brilliant; on a soup; a plain fish; and 

mutton or boiled fowl and milk pudding; with nothing to drink but 

whisky and soda; and hot and cold water; and milk and lemonade。  

Everybody was soon very glad indeed to come to that。  She boasted 

how little her housekeeping cost her; and sought constantly for 

fresh economies that would enable her; she said; to sustain an 

additional private secretary。  Secretaries were the Baileys' one 

extravagance; they loved to think of searches going on in the 

British Museum; and letters being cleared up and precis made 

overhead; while they sat in the little study and worked together; 

Bailey with a clockwork industry; and Altiora in splendid flashes 

between intervals of cigarettes and meditation。  〃All efficient 

public careers;〃 said Altiora; 〃consist in the proper direction of 


〃If everything goes well I shall have another secretary next year;〃 

Altiora told me。  〃I wish I could refuse people dinner napkins。  

Imagine what it means in washing!  I dare most things。 。 。 。  But as 

it is; they stand a lot of hardship here。〃

〃There's something of the miser in both these people;〃 said Esmeer; 

and the thing was perfectly true。  For; after all; the miser is 

nothing more than a man who either through want of imagination or 

want of suggestion misapplies to a base use a natural power of 

concentration upon one end。  The concentration itself is neither 

good nor evil; but a power that can be used in either way。  And the 

Baileys gathered and reinvested usuriously not money; but knowledge 

of the utmost value in human affairs。  They produced an effect of 

having found themselvescompletely。  One envied them at times 

extraordinarily。  I was attracted; I was dazzledand at the same 

time there was something about Bailey's big wrinkled forehead; his 

lisping broad mouth; the gestures of his hands and an uncivil 

preoccupation I could not endure。 。 。 。


Their effect upon me was from the outset very considerable。

Both of them found occasion on that first visit of mine to talk to 

me about my published writings and particularly about my then just 

published book THE NEW RULER; which had interested them very much。  

It fell in indeed so closely with their own way of thinking that I 

doubt if they ever understood how independently I had arrived at my 

conclusions。  It was their weakness to claim excessively。  That 

irritation; however; came later。  We discovered each other 

immensely; for a time it produced a tremendous sense of kindred and 


Altiora; I remember; maintained that there existed a great army of 

such constructive…minded people as ourselvesas yet undiscovered by 

one another。

〃It's like boring a tunnel through a mountain;〃 said Oscar; 〃and 

presently hearing the tapping of the workers from the other end。〃

〃If you didn't know of them beforehand;〃 I said; 〃it might be a 

rather badly joined tunnel。〃

〃Exactly;〃 said Altiora with a high note; 〃and that's why we all 

want to find out each other。 。 。 。〃

They didn't talk like that on our first encounter; but they urged me 

to lunch with them next day; and then it was we went into things。  A 

woman Factory Inspector and the Educational Minister for New 

Banksland and his wife were also there; but I don't remember they 

made any contribution to the conversation。  The Baileys saw to that。  

They kept on at me in an urgent litigious way。

〃We have read your book;〃 each beganas though it had been a joint 

function。  〃And we consider〃

〃Yes;〃 I protested; 〃I think〃

 That was a secondary matter。

〃They did not consider;〃 said Altiora; raising her voice and going 

right over me; that I had allowed sufficiently for the inevitable 

development of an official administrative class in the modern 


〃Nor of its importance;〃 echoed Oscar。

That; they explained in a sort of chorus; was the cardinal idea of 

their lives; what they were up to; what they stood for。  〃We want to 

suggest to you;〃 they saidand I found this was a stock opening of 

theirs〃that from the mere necessities of convenience elected 

bodies MUST avail themselves more and more of the services of expert 

officials。  We have that very much in mind。  The more complicated 

and technical affairs become; the less confidence will the elected 

official have in himself。  We want to suggest that these expert 

officials must necessarily develop into a new class and a very 

powerful class in the community。  We want to organise that。  It may 

be THE power of the future。  They will necessarily have to have very 

much of a common training。  We consider ourselves as amateur unpaid 

precursors of such a class。〃 。 。 。

The vision they displayed for my consideration as the aim of public…

spirited endeavour; seemed like a harder; narrower; more specialised 

version of the idea of a trained and disciplined state that 

Willersley and I had worked out in the Alps。  They wanted things 

more organised; more correlated with government and a collective 

purpose; just as we did; but they saw it not in terms of a growing 

collective understanding; but in terms of functionaries; legislative 

change; and methods of administration。 。 。 。

It wasn't clear at first how we differed。  The Baileys were very 

anxious to win me to co…operation; and I was quite prepared at first 

to identify their distinctive expressions with phrases of my own; 

and so we came very readily into an alliance that was to last some 

years; and break at last very painfully。  Altiora manifestly liked 

me; I was soon discussing with her the perplexity I found in placing 

myself efficiently in the world; the problem of how to take hold of 

things that occupied my thoughts; and she was sketching out careers 

for my consideration; very much as an architect on his first visit 

sketches houses; considers requirements; and puts before you this 

example and that of the more or less similar thing already done。 。 。 。


It is easy to see how much in common there was between the Baileys 

and me; and how natural it was that I should become a constant 

visitor at their house and an ally of theirs in many enterprises。  

It is not nearly so easy to define the profound antagonism of spirit 

that also held between us。  There was a difference in texture; a 

difference in quality。  How can I express it?  The shapes of our 

thoughts were the same; but the substance quite different。  It was 

as if they had made in china or cast iron what I had made in 

transparent living matter。  (The comparison is manifestly from my 

point of view。)  Certain things never seemed to show through their 

ideas that were visible; refracted perhaps and distorted; but 

visible always through mine。

I thought for a time the essential difference lay in our relation to 

beauty。  With me beauty is quite primary in life; I like truth; 

order and goodness; wholly because they are beautiful or lead 

straight to beautiful consequences。  The Baileys either hadn't got 

that or they didn't see it。  They seemed at times to prefer things 

harsh and ugly。  That puzzled me extremely。  The esthetic quality of 

many of their proposals; the 〃manners〃 of their work; so to speak; 

were at times as dreadful aswell; War Office barrack architecture。  

A caricature by its exaggerated statements will sometimes serve to 

point a truth by antagonising falsity and falsity。  I remember 

talking to a prominent museum official in need of more public funds 

for the work he had in hand。  I mentioned the possibility of 

enlisting Bailey's influence。

〃Oh; we don't want Philistines like that infernal Bottle…Imp running 

us;〃 he said hastily; and would hear of no concerted action for the 

end he had in view。  〃I'd rather not have the extension。

〃You see;〃 he went on to explain; 〃Bailey's wanting in the 


〃What essent

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