女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the new machiavelli >


the new machiavelli-第50部分

小说: the new machiavelli 字数: 每页4000字

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One goes on from phase to phase in these things。

〃After all;〃 I told myself; 〃if one wants to get to Westminster one 

must follow the road that leads there;〃 but I found the road 

nevertheless rather unexpectedly distasteful。  〃When one gets 

there;〃 I said; 〃then it is one begins。〃

But I would lie awake at nights with that sore throat and headache 

and fatigue which come from speaking in ill…ventilated rooms; and 

wondering how far it was possible to educate a whole people to great 

political ideals。  Why should political work always rot down to 

personalities and personal appeals in this way?  Life is; I suppose; 

to begin with and end with a matter of personalities; from 

personalities all our broader interests arise and to personalities 

they return。  All our social and political effort; all of it; is 

like trying to make a crowd of people fall into formation。  The 

broader lines appear; but then come a rush and excitement and 

irrelevancy; and forthwith the incipient order has vanished and the 

marshals must begin the work over again!

My memory of all that time is essentially confusion。  There was a 

frightful lot of tiresome locomotion in it; for the Kinghamstead 

Division is extensive; abounding in ill…graded and badly metalled 

cross…roads and vicious little hills; and singularly unpleasing to 

the eye in a muddy winter。  It is sufficiently near to London to 

have undergone the same process of ill…regulated expansion that made 

Bromstead the place it is。  Several of its overgrown villages have 

developed strings of factories and sidings along the railway lines; 

and there is an abundance of petty villas。  There seemed to be no 

place at which one could take hold of more than this or that element 

of the population。  Now we met in a meeting…house; now in a Masonic 

Hall or Drill Hall; I also did a certain amount of open…air speaking 

in the dinner hour outside gas…works and groups of factories。  Some 

special sort of people was; as it were; secreted in response to each 

special appeal。  One said things carefully adjusted to the 

distinctive limitations of each gathering。  Jokes of an incredible 

silliness and shallowness drifted about us。  Our advisers made us 

declare that if we were elected we would live in the district; and 

one hasty agent had bills printed; 〃If Mr。 Remington is elected he 

will live here。〃  The enemy obtained a number of these bills and 

stuck them on outhouses; pigstyes; dog…kennels; you cannot imagine 

how irksome the repetition of that jest became。  The vast drifting 

indifference in between my meetings impressed me more and more。  I 

realised the vagueness of my own plans as I had never done before I 

brought them to the test of this experience。  I was perplexed by the 

riddle of just how far I was; in any sense of the word; taking hold 

at all; how far I wasn't myself flowing into an accepted groove。

Margaret was troubled by no such doubts。  She was clear I had to go 

into Parliament on the side of Liberalism and the light; as against 

the late Government and darkness。  Essential to the memory of my 

first contest; is the memory of her clear bright face; very resolute 

and grave; helping me consciously; steadfastly; with all her 

strength。  Her quiet confidence; while I was so dissatisfied; worked 

curiously towards the alienation of my sympathies。  I felt she had 

no business to be so sure of me。  I had moments of vivid resentment 

at being thus marched towards Parliament。

I seemed now always to be discovering alien forces of character in 

her。  Her way of taking life diverged from me more and more。  She 

sounded amazing; independent notes。  She bought some particularly 

costly furs for the campaign that roused enthusiasm whenever she 

appeared。  She also made me a birthday present in November of a 

heavily fur…trimmed coat and this she would make me remove as I went 

on to the platform; and hold over her arm until I was ready to 

resume it。  It was fearfully heavy for her and she liked it to be 

heavy for her。  That act of servitude was in essence a towering 

self…assertion。  I would glance sideways while some chairman 

floundered through his introduction and see the clear blue eye with 

which she regarded the audience; which existed so far as she was 

concerned merely to return me to Parliament。  It was a friendly eye; 

provided they were not silly or troublesome。  But it kindled a 

little at the hint of a hostile question。  After we had come so far 

and taken so much trouble!

She constituted herself the dragoman of our political travels。  In 

hotels she was serenely resolute for the quietest and the best; she 

rejected all their proposals for meals and substituted a severely 

nourishing dietary of her own; and even in private houses she 

astonished me by her tranquil insistence upon special comforts and 

sustenance。  I can see her face now as it would confront a hostess; 

a little intent; but sweetly resolute and assured。

Since our marriage she had read a number of political memoirs; and 

she had been particularly impressed by the career of Mrs。 Gladstone。  

I don't think it occurred to her to compare and contrast my quality 

with that of Mrs。 Gladstone's husband。  I suspect her of a 

deliberate intention of achieving parallel results by parallel 

methods。  I was to be Gladstonised。  Gladstone it appeared used to 

lubricate his speeches with a mixtureif my memory serves me right

of egg beaten up in sherry; and Margaret was very anxious I should 

take a leaf from that celebrated book。  She wanted; I know; to hold 

the glass in her hand while I was speaking。

But here I was firm。  〃No;〃 I said; very decisively; 〃simply I won't 

stand that。  It's a matter of conscience。  I shouldn't feel

democratic。  I'll take my chance of the common water in the carafe 

on the chairman's table。〃

〃I DO wish you wouldn't;〃 she said; distressed。

It was absurd to feel irritated; it was so admirable of her; a 

little childish; infinitely womanly and devoted and fineand I see 

now how pathetic。  But I could not afford to succumb to her。  I 

wanted to follow my own leading; to see things clearly; and this 

reassuring pose of a high destiny; of an almost terribly efficient 

pursuit of a fixed end when as a matter of fact I had a very 

doubtful end and an aim as yet by no means fixed; was all too 

seductive for dalliance。 。 。 。


And into all these things with the manner of a trifling and casual 

incident comes the figure of Isabel Rivers。  My first impressions of 

her were of a rather ugly and ungainly; extraordinarily interesting 

schoolgirl with a beautiful quick flush under her warm brown skin; 

who said and did amusing and surprising things。  When first I saw 

her she was riding a very old bicycle downhill with her feet on the 

fork of the frameit seemed to me to the public danger; but 

afterwards I came to understand the quality of her nerve betterand 

on the third occasion she was for her own private satisfaction 

climbing a tree。  On the intervening occasion we had what seems now 

to have been a long sustained conversation about the political 

situation and the books and papers I had written。

I wonder if it was。

What a delightful mixture of child and grave woman she was at that 

time; and how little I reckoned on the part she would play in my 

life!  And since she has played that part; how impossible it is to 

tell now of those early days!  Since I wrote that opening paragraph 

to this section my idle pen has been; as it were; playing by itself 

and sketching faces on the blotting padone impish wizened visage 

is oddly like little Baileyand I have been thinking cheek on fist 

amidst a limitless wealth of memories。  She sits below me on the low 

wall under the olive trees with our little child in her arms。  She 

is now the central fact in my life。  It still seems a little 

incredible that that should be so。  She has destroyed me as a 

politician; brought me to this belated rebeginning of life。  When I 

sit down and try to make her a girl again; I feel like the Arabian 

fisherman who tried to put the genius back into the pot from which 

it had spread gigantic across the skies。 。 。 。

I have a very clear vision of her rush downhill past our labouring 

ascendant carmy colours fluttered from handle…bar and shoulder…

knotand her waving hand and the sharp note of her voice。  She 

cried out something; I don't know what; some greeting。

〃What a pretty girl!〃 said Margaret。

Parvill; the cheap photographer; that industrious organiser for whom 

by way of repayment I got those magic letters; that knighthood of 

the underlings; 〃J。 P。〃 was in the car with us and explained her to 

us。  〃One of the best workers you have;〃 he said。 。 。 。

And then after a toilsome troubled morning we came; rather cross 

from the strain of sustained amiability; t

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