女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the new machiavelli >


the new machiavelli-第66部分

小说: the new machiavelli 字数: 每页4000字

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progress is secondary and dependant。  If you take on Bailey's dreams 

of efficient machinery and a sort of fanatical discipline with no 

free…moving brains behind it; confused ugliness becomes rigid 

ugliness;that's all。  No doubt things are moving from looseness to 

discipline; and from irresponsible controls to organised controls

and also and rather contrariwise everything is becoming as people 

say; democratised; but all the more need in that; for an ark in 

which the living element may be saved。〃

〃Hear; hear!〃 said Shoesmith; faint but pursuing。

It must have been in my house afterwards that Shoesmith became 

noticeable。  He seemed trying to say something vague and difficult 

that he didn't get said at all on that occasion。  〃We could do 

immense things with a weekly;〃 he repeated; echoing Neal; I think。  

And there he left off and became a mute expressiveness; and it was 

only afterwards; when I was in bed; that I saw we had our capitalist 

in our hands。 。 。 。

We parted that night on my doorstep in a tremendous glowbut in 

that sort of glow one doesn't act upon without much reconsideration; 

and it was some months before I made my decision to follow up the 

indications of that opening talk。


I find my thoughts lingering about the Pentagram Circle。  In my 

developments it played a large part; not so much by starting new 

trains of thought as by confirming the practicability of things I 

had already hesitatingly entertained。  Discussion with these other 

men so prominently involved in current affairs endorsed views that 

otherwise would have seemed only a little less remote from actuality 

than the guardians of Plato or the labour laws of More。  Among other 

questions that were never very distant from our discussions; that 

came apt to every topic; was the true significance of democracy; 

Tariff Reform as a method of international hostility; and the 

imminence of war。  On the first issue I can still recall little 

Bailey; glib and winking; explaining that democracy was really just 

a dodge for getting assent to the ordinances of the expert official 

by means of the polling booth。  〃If they don't like things;〃 said 

he; 〃they can vote for the opposition candidate and see what happens 

thenand that; you see; is why we don't want proportional 

representation to let in the wild men。〃  I opened my eyesthe lids 

had dropped for a moment under the caress of those smooth soundsto 

see if Bailey's artful forefinger wasn't at the side of his 

predominant nose。

The international situation exercised us greatly。  Our meetings were 

pervaded by the feeling that all things moved towards a day of 

reckoning with Germany; and I was largely instrumental in keeping up 

the suggestion that India was in a state of unstable equilibrium; 

that sooner or later something must happen theresomething very 

serious to our Empire。  Dayton frankly detested these topics。  He 

was full of that old Middle Victorian persuasion that whatever is 

inconvenient or disagreeable to the English mind could be 

annihilated by not thinking about it。  He used to sit low in his 

chair and look mulish。  〃Militarism;〃 he would declare in a tone of 

the utmost moral fervour; is a curse。  It's an unmitigated curse。〃  

Then he would cough shortly and twitch his head back and frown; and 

seem astonished beyond measure that after this conclusive statement 

we could still go on talking of war。

All our Imperialists were obsessed by the thought of international 

conflict; and their influence revived for a time those uneasinesses 

that had been aroused in me for the first time by my continental 

journey with Willersley and by Meredith's 〃One of Our Conquerors。〃  

That quite justifiable dread of a punishment for all the slackness; 

mental dishonesty; presumption; mercenary respectability and 

sentimentalised commercialism of the Victorian period; at the hands 

of the better organised; more vigorous; and now far more highly 

civilised peoples of Central Europe; seemed to me to have both a 

good and bad series of consequences。  It seemed the only thing 

capable of bracing English minds to education; sustained 

constructive effort and research; but on the other hand it produced 

the quality of a panic; hasty preparation; impatience of thought; a 

wasteful and sometimes quite futile immediacy。  In 1909; for 

example; there was a vast clamour for eight additional Dreadnoughts

     〃We want eight

      And we won't wait;〃

but no clamour at all about our national waste of inventive talent; 

our mean standard of intellectual attainment; our disingenuous 

criticism; and the consequent failure to distinguish men of the 

quality needed to carry on the modern type of war。  Almost 

universally we have the wrong men in our places of responsibility 

and the right men in no place at all; almost universally we have 

poorly qualified; hesitating; and resentful subordinates; because 

our criticism is worthless and; so habitually as to be now almost 

unconsciously; dishonest。  Germany is beating England in every 

matter upon which competition is possible; because she attended 

sedulously to her collective mind for sixty pregnant years; because 

in spite of tremendous defects she is still far more anxious for 

quality in achievement than we are。  I remember saying that in my 

paper。  From that; I remember; I went on to an image that had 

flashed into my mind。  〃The British Empire;〃 I said; 〃is like some 

of those early vertebrated monsters; the Brontosaurus and the 

Atlantosaurus and such…like; it sacrifices intellect to character; 

its backbone; that is to say;especially in the visceral regionis 

bigger than its cranium。  It's no accident that things are so。  

We've worked for backbone。  We brag about backbone; and if the 

joints are anchylosed so much the better。  We're still but only half 

awake to our error。  You can't change that suddenly。〃

〃Turn it round and make it go backwards;〃 interjected Thorns。

〃It's trying to do that;〃 I said; 〃in places。〃

And afterwards Crupp declared I had begotten a nightmare which 

haunted him of nights; he was trying desperately and belatedly to 

blow a brain as one blows soap…bubbles on such a mezoroic saurian as 

I had conjured up; while the clumsy monster's fate; all teeth and 

brains; crept nearer and nearer。 。 。 。

I've grown; I think; since those days out of the urgency of that 

apprehension。  I still think a European war; and conceivably a very 

humiliating war for England; may occur at no very distant date; but 

I do not think there is any such heroic quality in our governing 

class as will make that war catastrophic。  The prevailing spirit in 

English lifeit is one of the essential secrets of our imperial 

enduranceis one of underbred aggression in prosperity and 

diplomatic compromise in moments of danger; we bully haughtily where 

we can and assimilate where we must。  It is not for nothing that our 

upper and middle…class youth is educated by teachers of the highest 

character; scholars and gentlemen; men who can pretend quite 

honestly that Darwinism hasn't upset the historical fall of man; 

that cricket is moral training; and that Socialism is an outrage 

upon the teachings of Christ。  A sort of dignified dexterity of 

evasion is the national reward。  Germany; with a larger population; 

a vigorous and irreconcilable proletariat; a bolder intellectual 

training; a harsher spirit; can scarcely fail to drive us at last to 

a realisation of intolerable strain。  So we may never fight at all。  

The war of preparations that has been going on for thirty years may 

end like a sham…fight at last in an umpire's decision。  We shall 

proudly but very firmly take the second place。  For my own part; 

since I love England as much as I detest her present lethargy of 

soul; I pray for a chastening warI wouldn't mind her flag in the 

dirt if only her spirit would come out of it。  So I was able to 

shake off that earlier fear of some final and irrevocable 

destruction truncating all my schemes。  At the most; a European war 

would be a dramatic episode in the reconstruction I had in view。

In India; too; I no longer foresee; as once I was inclined to see; 

disaster。  The English rule in India is surely one of the most 

extraordinary accidents that has ever happened in history。  We are 

there like a man who has fallen off a ladder on to the neck of an 

elephant; and doesn't know what to do or how to get down。  Until 

something happens he remains。  Our functions in India are absurd。  

We English do not own that country; do not even rule it。  We make 

nothing happen; at the most we prevent things happening。  We 

suppress our own literature there。  Most English people cannot even 

go to this land they possess; the authorities would prevent it。  If 

Messrs。 Perowne or Cook organised a cheap tour of Manchester 

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