女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the new machiavelli >


the new machiavelli-第68部分

小说: the new machiavelli 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Couldn't one;〃 I nodded at the assembly in general; start a 


〃There's the Confederates;〃 she said; with a faint smile that masked 

a gleam of curiosity。 。 。 。  〃You want;〃 she said; 〃to say to the 

aristocracy; 'Be aristocrats。  NOBLESSE OBLIGE。'  Do you remember 

what happened to the monarch who was told to 'Be a King'?〃

〃Well;〃 I said; 〃I want an aristocracy。〃

〃This;〃 she said; smiling; 〃is the pick of them。  The backwoodsmen 

are off the stage。  These are the brilliant onesthe smart and the 

blues。 。 。 。  They cost a lot of money; you know。〃

So far Mrs。 Redmondson; but the picture remained full of things not 

stated in our speech。  They were on the whole handsome people; 

charitable minded; happy; and easy。  They led spacious lives; and 

there was something free and fearless about their bearing that I 

liked extremely。  The women particularly were wide…reading; fine…

thinking。  Mrs。 Redmondson talked as fully and widely and boldly as 

a man; and with those flashes of intuition; those startling; sudden 

delicacies of perception few men display。  I liked; too; the 

relations that held between women and men; their general tolerance; 

their antagonism to the harsh jealousies that are the essence of the 

middle…class order。 。 。 。

After all; if one's aim resolved itself into the development of a 

type and culture of men; why shouldn't one begin at this end?

It is very easy indeed to generalise about a class or human beings; 

but much harder to produce a sample。  Was old Lady Forthundred; for 

instance; fairly a sample?  I remember her as a smiling; magnificent 

presence; a towering accumulation of figure and wonderful shimmering 

blue silk and black lace and black hair; and small fine features and 

chins and chins and chins; disposed in a big cane chair with wraps 

and cushions upon the great terrace of Champneys。  Her eye was blue 

and hard; and her accent and intonation were exactly what you would 

expect from a rather commonplace dressmaker pretending to be 

aristocratic。  I was; I am afraid; posing a little as the 

intelligent but respectful inquirer from below investigating the 

great world; and she was certainly posing as my informant。  She 

affected a cynical coarseness。  She developed a theory on the 

governance of England; beautifully frank and simple。  〃Give 'um all 

a peerage when they get twenty thousand a year;〃 she maintained。  

〃That's my remedy。〃

In my new role of theoretical aristocrat I felt a little abashed。

〃Twenty thousand;〃 she repeated with conviction。

It occurred to me that I was in the presence of the aristocratic 

theory currently working as distinguished from my as yet 

unformulated intentions。

〃You'll get a lot of loafers and scamps among 'um;〃 said Lady 

Forthundred。  〃You get loafers and scamps everywhere; but you'll get 

a lot of men who'll work hard to keep things together; and that's 

what we're all after; isn't ut?

〃It's not an ideal arrangement。〃

〃Tell me anything better;〃 said Lady Forthundred。

On the whole; and because she refused emphatically to believe in 

education; Lady Forthundred scored。

We had been discussing Cossington's recent peerage; for Cossington; 

my old schoolfellow at City Merchants'; and my victor in the affair 

of the magazine; had clambered to an amazing wealth up a piled heap 

of energetically pushed penny and halfpenny magazines; and a group 

of daily newspapers。  I had expected to find the great lady hostile 

to the new…comer; but she accepted him; she gloried in him。

〃We're a peerage;〃 she said; 〃but none of us have ever had any 

nonsense about nobility。〃

She turned and smiled down on me。  〃We English;〃 she said; 〃are a 

practical people。  We assimilate 'um。〃

〃Then; I suppose; they don't give trouble?〃

〃Then they don't give trouble。〃

〃They learn to shoot?〃

〃And all that;〃 said Lady Forthundred。  〃Yes。  And things go on。  

Sometimes better than others; but they go onsomehow。  It depends 

very much on the sort of butler who pokes 'um about。〃

I suggested that it might be possible to get a secure twenty 

thousand a year by at least detrimental methodssocially speaking。

〃We must take the bad and the good of 'um;〃 said Lady Forthundred; 

courageously。 。 。 。

Now; was she a sample?  It happened she talked。  What was there in 

the brains of the multitude of her first; second; third; fourth; and 

fifth cousins; who didn't talk; who shone tall; and bearing 

themselves finely; against a background of deft; attentive maids and 

valets; on every spacious social scene?  How did things look to 



Side by side with Lady Forthundred; it is curious to put Evesham 

with his tall; bent body; his little…featured almost elvish face; 

his unequal mild brown eyes; his gentle manner; his sweet; amazing 

oratory。  He led all these people wonderfully。  He was always 

curious and interested about life; wary beneath a pleasing 

franknessand I tormented my brain to get to the bottom of him。  

For a long time he was the most powerful man in England under the 

throne; he had the Lords in his hand; and a great majority in the 

Commons; and the discontents and intrigues that are the concomitants 

of an overwhelming party advantage broke against him as waves break 

against a cliff。  He foresaw so far in these matters that it seemed 

he scarcely troubled to foresee。  He brought political art to the 

last triumph of naturalness。  Always for me he has been the typical 

aristocrat; so typical and above the mere forms of aristocracy; that 

he remained a commoner to the end of his days。

I had met him at the beginning of my career; he read some early 

papers of mine; and asked to see me; and I conceived a flattered 

liking for him that strengthened to a very strong feeling indeed。  

He seemed to me to stand alone without an equal; the greatest man in 

British political life。  Some men one sees through and understands; 

some one cannot see into or round because they are of opaque clay; 

but about Evesham I had a sense of things hidden as it were by depth 

and mists; because he was so big and atmospheric a personality。  No 

other contemporary has had that effect upon me。  I've sat beside him 

at dinners; stayed in houses with himhe was in the big house party 

at Champneystalked to him; sounded him; watching him as I sat 

beside him。  I could talk to him with extraordinary freedom and a 

rare sense of being understood。  Other men have to be treated in a 

special manner; approached through their own mental dialect; 

flattered by a minute regard for what they have said and done。  

Evesham was as widely and charitably receptive as any man I have 

ever met。  The common politicians beside him seemed like rows of 

stuffy little rooms looking out upon the sea。

And what was he up to?  What did HE think we were doing with 

Mankind?  That I thought worth knowing。

I remember his talking on one occasion at the Hartsteins'; at a 

dinner so tremendously floriferous and equipped that we were almost 

forced into duologues; about the possible common constructive 

purpose in politics。

〃I feel so much;〃 he said; 〃that the best people in every party 

converge。  We don't differ at Westminster as they do in the country 

towns。  There's a sort of extending common policy that goes on under 

every government; because on the whole it's the right thing to do; 

and people know it。  Things that used to be matters of opinion 

become matters of scienceand cease to be party questions。〃

He instanced education。

〃Apart;〃 said I; 〃from the religious question。〃

〃Apart from the religious question。〃

He dropped that aspect with an easy grace; and went on with his 

general theme that political conflict was the outcome of 

uncertainty。  〃Directly you get a thing established; so that people 

can say; 'Now this is Right;' with the same conviction that people 

can say water is a combination of oxygen and hydrogen; there's no 

more to be said。  The thing has to be done。 。 。 。〃 

And to put against this effect of Evesham; broad and humanely 

tolerant; posing as the minister of a steadily developing 

constructive conviction; there are other memories。

Have I not seen him in the House; persistent; persuasive; 

indefatigable; and by all my standards wickedly perverse; leaning 

over the table with those insistent movements of his hand upon it; 

or swaying forward with a grip upon his coat lapel; fighting with a 

diabolical skill to preserve what are in effect religious tests; 

tests he must have known would outrage and humiliate and injure the 

consciences of a quarterand that perhaps the best quarterof the 

youngsters who come to the work of elementary education?

In playing for points in the game of party advantage Evesham 

displayed at times a quite wicked unscrupulousness in

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