女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the new machiavelli >


the new machiavelli-第73部分

小说: the new machiavelli 字数: 每页4000字

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wealthy to become a malcontent element in your state。  You have 

taxed and controlled the brewer and the publican until the outraged 

Liquor Interest has become a national danger。  You now propose to do 

the same thing on a larger scale。  You turn a class which has many 

fine and truly aristocratic traditions towards revolt; and there is 

nothing in these or any other of your proposals that shows any sense 

of the need for leadership to replace these traditional leaders you 

are ousting。  This was the substance of my case; and I hammered at 

it not only in the House; but in the press。 。 。 。

The Kinghampstead division remained for some time insensitive to my 


Then it woke up suddenly; and began; in the columns of the 

KINGSHAMPSTEAD GUARDIAN; an indignant; confused outcry。  I was 

treated to an open letter; signed Junius Secundus;〃 and I replied in 

provocative terms。  There were two thinly attended public meetings 

at different ends of the constituency; and then I had a 

correspondence with my old friend Parvill; the photographer; which 

ended in my seeing a deputation。

My impression is that it consisted of about eighteen or twenty 

people。  They had had to come upstairs to me and they were 

manifestly full of indignation and a little short of breath。  There 

was Parvill himself; J。P。; dressed wholly in blackI think to mark 

his sense of the occasionand curiously suggestive in his respect 

for my character and his concern for the honourableness of the 

KINGHAMPSTEAD GUARDIAN editor; of Mark Antony at the funeral of 

Cesar。  There was Mrs。 Bulger; also in mourning; she had never 

abandoned the widow's streamers since the death of her husband ten 

years ago; and her loyalty to Liberalism of the severest type was 

part as it were of her weeds。  There was a nephew of Sir Roderick 

Newton; a bright young Hebrew of the graver type; and a couple of 

dissenting ministers in high collars and hats that stopped halfway 

between the bowler of this world and the shovel…hat of heaven。  

There was also a young solicitor from Lurky done in the horsey 

style; and there was a very little nervous man with a high brow and 

a face contracting below as though the jawbones and teeth had been 

taken out and the features compressed。  The rest of the deputation; 

which included two other public…spirited ladies and several 

ministers of religion; might have been raked out of any omnibus 

going Strandward during the May meetings。  They thrust Parvill 

forward as spokesman; and manifested a strong disposition to say 

〃Hear; hear!〃 to his more strenuous protests provided my eye wasn't 

upon them at the time。

I regarded this appalling deputation as Parvill's apologetic but 

quite definite utterances drew to an end。  I had a moment of vision。  

Behind them I saw the wonderful array of skeleton forces that stand 

for public opinion; that are as much public opinion as exists indeed 

at the present time。  The whole process of politics which bulks so 

solidly in history seemed for that clairvoyant instant but a froth 

of petty motives above abysms of indifference。 。 。 。

Some one had finished。  I perceived I had to speak。

〃Very well;〃 I said; 〃I won't keep you long in replying。  I'll 

resign if there isn't a dissolution before next February; and if 

there is I shan't stand again。  You don't want the bother and 

expense of a bye…election (approving murmurs) if it can be avoided。  

But I may tell you plainly now that I don't think it will be 

necessary for me to resign; and the sooner you find my successor the 

better for the party。  The Lords are in a corner; they've got to 

fight now or never; and I think they will throw out the Budget。  

Then they will go on fighting。  It is a fight that will last for 

years。  They have a sort of social discipline; and you haven't。  You 

Liberals will find yourselves with a country behind you; vaguely 

indignant perhaps; but totally unprepared with any ideas whatever in 

the matter; face to face with the problem of bringing the British 

constitution up…to…date。  Anything may happen; provided only that it 

is sufficiently absurd。  If the King backs the Lordsand I don't 

see why he shouldn'tyou have no Republican movement whatever to 

fall back upon。  You lost it during the Era of Good Taste。  The 

country; I say; is destitute of ideas; and you have no ideas to give 

it。  I don't see what you will do。 。 。 。  For my own part; I mean to 

spend a year or so between a window and my writingdesk。〃

I paused。  〃I think; gentlemen;〃 began Parvill; 〃that we hear all 

this with very great regret。 。 。 。〃


My estrangement from Margaret stands in my memory now as something 

that played itself out within the four walls of our house in Radnor 

Square; which was; indeed; confined to those limits。  I went to and 

fro between my house and the House of Commons; and the dining…rooms 

and clubs and offices in which we were preparing our new 

developments; in a state of aggressive and energetic dissociation; 

in the nascent state; as a chemist would say。  I was free now; and 

greedy for fresh combination。  I had a tremendous sense of released 

energies。  I had got back to the sort of thing I could do; and to 

the work that had been shaping itself for so long in my imagination。  

Our purpose now was plain; bold; and extraordinarily congenial。  We 

meant no less than to organise a new movement in English thought and 

life; to resuscitate a Public Opinion and prepare the ground for a 

revised and renovated ruling culture。

For a time I seemed quite wonderfully able to do whatever I wanted 

to do。  Shoesmith responded to my first advances。  We decided to 

create a weekly paper as our nucleus; and Crupp and I set to work 

forthwith to collect a group of writers and speakers; including 

Esmeer; Britten; Lord Gane; Neal; and one or two younger men; which 

should constitute a more or less definite editorial council about 

me; and meet at a weekly lunch on Tuesday to sustain our general co…

operations。  We marked our claim upon Toryism even in the colour of 

our wrapper; and spoke of ourselves collectively as the Blue 

Weeklies。  But our lunches were open to all sorts of guests; and our 

deliberations were never of a character to control me effectively in 

my editorial decisions。  My only influential councillor at first was 

old Britten; who became my sub…editor。  It was curious how we two 

had picked up our ancient intimacy again and resumed the easy give 

and take of our speculative dreaming schoolboy days。

For a time my life centred altogether upon this journalistic work。  

Britten was an experienced journalist; and I had most of the 

necessary instincts for the business。  We meant to make the paper 

right and good down to the smallest detail; and we set ourselves at 

this with extraordinary zeal。  It wasn't our intention to show our 

political motives too markedly at first; and through all the dust 

storm and tumult and stress of the political struggle of 1910; we 

made a little intellectual oasis of good art criticism and good 

writing。  It was the firm belief of nearly all of us that the Lords 

were destined to be beaten badly in 1910; and our game was the 

longer game of reconstruction that would begin when the shouting and 

tumult of that immediate conflict were over。  Meanwhile we had to 

get into touch with just as many good minds as possible。

As we felt our feet; I developed slowly and carefully a broadly 

conceived and consistent political attitude。  As I will explain 

later; we were feminist from the outset; though that caused 

Shoesmith and Gane great searching of heart; we developed Esmeer's 

House of Lords reform scheme into a general cult of the aristocratic 

virtues; and we did much to humanise and liberalise the narrow 

excellencies of that Break…up of the Poor Law agitation; which had 

been organised originally by Beatrice and Sidney Webb。  In addition; 

without any very definite explanation to any one but Esmeer and 

Isabel Rivers; and as if it was quite a small matter; I set myself 

to secure a uniform philosophical quality in our columns。

That; indeed; was the peculiar virtue and characteristic of the BLUE 

WEEKLY。  I was now very definitely convinced that much of the 

confusion and futility of contemporary thought was due to the 

general need of metaphysical training。 。 。 。  The great mass of 

peopleand not simply common people; but people active and 

influential in intellectual thingsare still quite untrained in the 

methods of thought and absolutely innocent of any criticism of 

method; it is scarcely a caricature to call their thinking a crazy 

patchwork; discontinuous and chaotic。  They arrive at conclusions by 

a kind of accident; and do not suspect any other way may be found to 

their attainment。  A stage above this general condition stands that 

minority of people 

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