女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the new machiavelli >


the new machiavelli-第90部分

小说: the new machiavelli 字数: 每页4000字

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curious and I think a very significant thing that since we had 

become lovers; we had talked very little of the broader things that 

had once so strongly gripped our imaginations。

〃It's good;〃 I said; 〃to talk like this to you; to get back to youth 

and great ambitions with you。  There have been times lately when 

politics has seemed the pettiest game played with mean tools for 

mean endsand none the less so that the happiness of three hundred 

million people might be touched by our follies。  I talk to no one 

else like this。 。 。 。  And now I think of parting; I think but of 

how much more I might have talked to you。〃 。 。 。

Things drew to an end at last; but after we had spoken of a thousand 


〃We've talked away our last half day;〃 I said; staring over my 

shoulder at the blazing sunset sky behind us。  〃Dear; it's been the 

last day of our lives for us。 。 。 。  It doesn't seem like the last 

day of our lives。  Or any day。〃

〃I wonder how it will feel?〃 said Isabel。

〃It will be very strange at firstnot to be able to tell you 


〃I've a superstition that afterafter we've partedif ever I go 

into my room and talk; you'll hear。  You'll besomewhere。〃

〃I shall be in the worldyes。〃

〃I don't feel as though these days ahead were real。  Here we are; 

here we remain。〃

〃Yes; I feel that。  As though you and I were two immortals; who 

didn't live in time and space at all; who never met; who couldn't 

part; and here we lie on Olympus。  And those two poor creatures who 

did meet; poor little Richard Remington and Isabel Rivers; who met 

and loved too much and had to part; they part and go their ways; and 

we lie here and watch them; you and I。  She'll cry; poor dear。〃

〃She'll cry。  She's crying now!〃

〃Poor little beasts!  I think he'll cry too。  He winces。  He could

for tuppence。  I didn't know he had lachrymal glands at all until a 

little while ago。  I suppose all love is hystericaland a little 

foolish。  Poor mites!  Silly little pitiful creatures!  How we have 

blundered!  Think how we must look to God!  Well; we'll pity them; 

and then we'll inspire him to stiffen up againand do as we've 

determined he shall do。  We'll see it through;we who lie here on 

the cliff。  They'll be mean at times; and horrid at times; we know 

them!  Do you see her; a poor little fine lady in a great house;

she sometimes goes to her room and writes。〃

〃She writes for his BLUE WEEKLY still。〃

〃Yes。  SometimesI hope。  And he's there in the office with a bit 

of her copy in his hand。〃

〃Is it as good as if she still talked it over with him before she 

wrote it?  Is it?〃

〃Better; I think。  Let's play it's betteranyhow。  It may be that 

talking over was rather mixed with love…making。  After all; love…

making is joy rather than magic。  Don't let's pretend about that 

even。 。 。 。  Let's go on watching him。  (I don't see why her writing 

shouldn't be better。  Indeed I don't。) See!  There he goes down 

along the Embankment to Westminster just like a real man; for all 

that he's smaller than a grain of dust。  What is running round 

inside that speck of a head of his?  Look at him going past the 

Policemen; specks tooselected large ones from the country。  I 

think he's going to dinner with the Speakersome old thing like 

that。  Is his face harder or commoner or stronger?I can't quite 

see。 。 。 。  And now he's up and speaking in the House。  Hope he'll 

hold on to the thread。  He'll have to plan his speeches to the very 

end of his daysand learn the headings。〃

〃Isn't she up in the women's gallery to hear him?〃

〃No。  Unless it's by accident。〃

〃She's there;〃 she said。

〃Well; by accident it happens。  Not too many accidents; Isabel。  

Never any more adventures for us; dear; now。  No! 。 。 。  They play 

the game; you know。  They've begun late; but now they've got to。  

You see it's not so very hard for them since you and I; my dear; are 

here always; always faithfully here on this warm cliff of love 

accomplished; watching and helping them under high heaven。  It isn't 

so VERY hard。  Rather good in some ways。  Some people HAVE to be 

broken a little。  Can you see Altiora down there; by any chance?〃

〃She's too little to be seen;〃 she said。

〃Can you see the sins they once committed?〃

〃I can only see you here beside me; dearfor ever。  For all my 

life; dear; till I die。  Was thatthe sin?〃 。 。 。

I took her to the station; and after she had gone I was to drive to 

Dover; and cross to Calais by the night boat。  I couldn't; I felt; 

return to London。  We walked over the crest and down to the little 

station of Martin Mill side by side; talking at first in broken 

fragments; for the most part of unimportant things。

〃None of this;〃 she said abruptly; 〃seems in the slightest degree 

real to me。  I've got no sense of things ending。〃

〃We're parting;〃 I said。

〃We're partingas people part in a play。  It's distressing。  But I 

don't feel as though you and I were really never to see each other 

again for years。  Do you?〃

I thought。  〃No;〃 I said。

〃After we've parted I shall look to talk it over with you。〃

〃So shall I。〃

〃That's absurd。〃


〃I feel as if you'd always he there; just about where you are now。  

Invisible perhaps; but there。  We've spent so much of our lives 

joggling elbows。〃 。 。 。

〃Yes。  Yes。  I don't in the least realise it。  I suppose I shall 

begin to when the train goes out of the station。  Are we wanting in 

imagination; Isabel?〃

〃I don't know。  We've always assumed it was the other way about。〃

〃Even when the train goes out of the station!  I've seen you into 

so many trains。〃

〃I shall go on thinking of things to say to youthings to put in 

your letters。  For years to come。  How can I ever stop thinking in 

that way now?  We've got into each other's brains。〃

〃It isn't real;〃 I said; 〃nothing is real。  The world's no more than 

a fantastic dream。  Why are we parting; Isabel?〃

〃I don't know。  It seems now supremely silly。  I suppose we have to。  

Can't we meet?don't you think we shall meet even in dreams?〃

〃We'll meet a thousand times in dreams;〃 I said。

〃I wish we could dream at the same time;〃 said Isabel。 。 。 。  〃Dream 

walks。  I can't believe; dear; I shall never have a walk with you 


〃If I'd stayed six months in America;〃 I said; 〃we might have walked 

long walks and talked long talks for all our lives。〃

〃Not in a world of Baileys;〃 said Isabel。  〃And anyhow〃

She stopped short。  I looked interrogation。

〃We've loved;〃 she said。

I took her ticket; saw to her luggage; and stood by the door of the 

compartment。  〃Good…bye;〃 I said a little stiffly; conscious of the 

people upon the platform。  She bent above me; white and dusky; 

looking at me very steadfastly。

〃Come here;〃 she whispered。  〃Never mind the porters。  What can they 

know?  Just one time moreI must。〃

She rested her hand against the door of the carriage and bent down 

upon me; and put her cold; moist lips to mine。




And then we broke down。  We broke our faith with both Margaret and 

Shoesmith; flung career and duty out of our lives; and went away 


It is only now; almost a year after these events; that I can begin 

to see what happened to me。  At the time it seemed to me I was a 

rational; responsible creature; but indeed I had not parted from her 

two days before I became a monomaniac to whom nothing could matter 

but Isabel。  Every truth had to be squared to that obsession; every 

duty。  It astounds me to think how I forgot Margaret; forgot my 

work; forgot everything but that we two were parted。  I still 

believe that with better chances we might have escaped the 

consequences of the emotional storm that presently seized us both。  

But we had no foresight of that; and no preparation for it; and our 

circumstances betrayed us。  It was partly Shoesmith's unwisdom in 

delaying his marriage until after the end of the sessionpartly my 

own amazing folly in returning within four days to Westminster。  But 

we were all of us intent upon the defeat of scandal and the complete 

restoration of appearances。  It seemed necessary that Shoesmith's 

marriage should not seem to be hurried; still more necessary that I 

should not vanish inexplicably。  I had to be visible with Margaret 

in London just as much as possible; we went to restaurants; we 

visited the theatre; we could even contemplate the possibility of my 

presence at the wedding。  For that; however; we had schemed a 

weekend visit to Wales; and a fictitious sprained ankle at the last 

moment which would justify my absence。 。 。 。

I cannot convey to you the intolerable wretchedness and rebellion of 

my separation from Isabel。  It seemed

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