女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the new machiavelli >


the new machiavelli-第98部分

小说: the new machiavelli 字数: 每页4000字

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in front of any kind of people。  Cruel eyes might watch him。  Why 

the devil hadn't I written letters to warn them all?  I could have 

posted them five minutes before the train started。  I had never 

thought to that moment of the immense mess they would be in; how the 

whole edifice would clatter about their ears。  I had a sudden desire 

to stop the train and go back for a day; for two days; to set that 

negligence right。  My brain for a moment brightened; became animated 

and prolific of ideas。  I thought of a brilliant line we might have 

taken on that confounded Reformatory Bill。 。 。 。

That sort of thing was over。 。 。 。

What indeed wasn't over?  I passed to a vaguer; more multitudinous 

perception of disaster; the friends I had lost already since Altiora 

began her campaign; the ampler remnant whom now I must lose。  I 

thought of people I had been merry with; people I had worked with 

and played with; the companions of talkative walks; the hostesses of 

houses that had once glowed with welcome for us both。  I perceived 

we must lose them all。  I saw life like a tree in late autumn that 

had once been rich and splendid with friendsand now the last brave 

dears would be hanging on doubtfully against the frosty chill of 

facts; twisting and tortured in the universal gale of indignation; 

trying to evade the cold blast of the truth。  I had betrayed my 

party; my intimate friend; my wife; the wife whose devotion had made 

me what I was。  For awhile the figure of Margaret; remote; wounded; 

shamed; dominated my mind; and the thought of my immense 

ingratitude。  Damn them! they'd take it out of her too。  I had a 

feeling that I wanted to go straight back and grip some one by the 

throat; some one talking ill of Margaret。  They'd blame her for not 

keeping me; for letting things go so far。 。 。 。  I wanted the whole 

world to know how fine she was。  I saw in imagination the busy; 

excited dinner tables at work upon us all; rather pleasantly 

excited; brightly indignant; merciless。

Well; it's the stuff we are! 。 。 。

Then suddenly; stabbing me to the heart; came a vision of Margaret's 

tears and the sound of her voice saying; 〃Husband mine! Oh! husband 

mine!  To see you cry!〃 。 。 。

I came out of a cloud of thoughts to discover the narrow 

compartment; with its feeble lamp overhead; and our rugs and hand…

baggage swaying on the rack; and Isabel; very still in front of me; 

gripping my wilting red roses tightly in her bare and ringless hand。

For a moment I could not understand her attitude; and then I 

perceived she was sitting bent together with her head averted from 

the light to hide the tears that were streaming down her face。  She 

had not got her handkerchief out for fear that I should see this; 

but I saw her tears; dark drops of tears; upon her sleeve。 。 。 。

I suppose she had been watching my expression; divining my thoughts。

For a time I stared at her and was motionless; in a sort of still 

and weary amazement。  Why had we done this injury to one another?  

WHY?  Then something stirred within me。

〃ISABEL!〃 I whispered。

She made no sign。

〃Isabel!〃 I repeated; and then crossed over to her and crept closely 

to her; put my arm about her; and drew her wet cheek to mine。


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