女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > a personal record >


a personal record-第32部分

小说: a personal record 字数: 每页4000字

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seat; I followed the James Westoll with my eyes。  Before she had

gone in a quarter of a mile she hoisted her flag; as the harbour

regulations prescribe for arriving and departing ships。  I saw it

suddenly flicker and stream out on the flag staff。  The Red

Ensign!  In the pellucid; colourless atmosphere bathing the drab

and gray masses of that southern land; the livid islets; the sea

of pale; glassy blue under the pale; glassy sky of that cold

sunrise; it was; as far as the eye could reach; the only spot of

ardent colourflame…like; intense; and presently as minute as

the tiny red spark the concentrated reflection of a great fire

kindles in the clear heart of a globe of crystal。  The Red

Ensignthe symbolic; protecting; warm bit of bunting flung wide

upon the seas; and destined for so many years to be the only roof

over my head。


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