女神电子书 > 文学其他电子书 > 纪伯伦散文-流浪者_纪伯伦 >



小说: 纪伯伦散文-流浪者_纪伯伦 字数: 每页4000字

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n she ran away from them。 

and on her way home that evening she was saying in her heart; 〃i am disgusted。 how unmannerly and ill bred are these men。 it is beyond all patience。〃 

a year passed during which that very ely girl thought much of fairs and men。 then she came again to the fair with the lily and the rose in her face; the sunset in her hair and the smile of dawn upon her lips。 

but now the young men; seeing her; turned from her。 and all the day long she was unsought and alone。 

and at eventide as she walked the road toward her home she cried in her heart; 〃i am disgusted。 how unmannerly and ill bred are these youths。 it is beyond all patience。〃

两位王妃(The Two Princesses)

两位王妃(the two princesses)






the two princesses

in the city of shawakis lived a prince; and he was loved by everyone; men and women and children。 even the animals of the field came unto him in greeting。 

but all the people said that his wife; the princess; loved him not; nay; that she even hated him。 

and upon a day the princess of a neighbouring city came to visit the princess of shawakis。 and they sat and talked together; and their words led to their husbands。 

and the princess of sharakis said with passion; 〃i envy you your happiness with the prince; your husband; though you have been married these many years。 i hate my husband。 he belongs not to me alone; and i am indeed a woman most unhappy。〃 

then the visiting princess gazed at her and said; 〃my friend; the truth is that you love your husband。 aye; and you still have him for a passion unspent; and that is life in woman like unto spring in a garden。 but pity me; and my husband; for we do but endure one another in silent patience。 and yet you and others deem this happiness。〃 


闪电(The Lightning Flash)

闪电(the lightning flash)




the lightning flash

there was a christian bishop in his cathedral on a stormy day; and an un…christian woman came and stood before him; and she said; 〃i am not a christian。 is there salvation for me from hell…fire?〃

and the bishop looked upon the woman; and he answered her saying; 〃nay; there is salvation for those only who are baptized of water and of the spirit。〃 

and even as he spoke a bolt from the sky fell with thunder upon the cathedral and it was filled with fire。 

and the men of the city came running; and they saved the woman; but the bishop was consumed; food of the fire。

c o m

隐士和野兽(The Hermit And The Beasts)

隐士和野兽(the hermit and the beasts)





the hermit and the beasts

once there lived among the green hills a hermit。 he was pure of spirit and white of heart。 and all the animals of the land and all the fowls of the air came to him in pairs and he spoke unto them。 they heard him gladly; and they would gather near unto him; and would not go until nightfall; when he would send them away; entrusting them to the wind and the woods with his blessing。 

upon an evening as he was speaking of love; a leopard raised her head and said to the hermit; 〃you speak to us of loving。 tell us; sir; where is your mate?〃 

and the hermit said; 〃i have no mate。〃 

then a great cry of surprise rose from the pany of beasts and fowls; and they began to say among themselves; 〃how can he tell us of loving and mating when he himself knows naught thereof?〃 and quietly and in distain they left him alone。 

that night the hermit lay upon his mat with his face earthward; and he wept bitterly and beat his hands upon his breast。



~小  说t  xt 天;堂









the prophet and the child

once on a day the prophet sharia met a child in a garden。 the child ran to him and said; 〃good morrow to you; sir;〃 and the prophet said; 〃good morrow to you; sir。〃 and in a moment; 〃i see that you are alone。〃 

then the child said; in laughter and delight; 〃it took a long time to lose my nurse。 she thinks i am behind those hedges; but cant you see that i am here?〃 then he gazed at the prophets face and spoke again。 〃you are alone; too。 what did you do with your nurse?〃 

the prophet answered and said; 〃ah; that is a different thing。 in very truth i cannot lose her oftentime。 but now; when i came into this garden; she was seeking after me behind the hedges。〃 

the child clapped his hands and cried out; 〃so you are like me! isnt it good to be lost?〃 and then he said; 〃who are you?〃 

and the man answered; 〃they call me the prophet sharia。 and tell me; who are you?〃 

〃i am only myself;〃 said the child; 〃and my nurse is seeking after me; and she does not know where i am。〃 

then the prophet gazed into space saying; 〃i too have escaped my nurse for awhile; but she will find me out。〃 

and the child said; 〃i know mine will find me out too。〃 

at that moment a womans voice was heard calling the childs name; 〃see;〃 said the child; 〃i told you she would be finding me。〃 

and at the same moment another voice was heard; 〃where art thou; sharia?〃 

and the prophet said; 〃see my child; they have found me also。〃 

and turning his face upward; sharia answered; 〃here i am。〃 








the pearl

said one oyster to a neighbouring oyster; 〃i have a very great pain within me。 it is heavy and round and i am in distress。〃 

and the other oyster replied with haughty placence; 〃praise be to the heavens and to the sea; i have no pain within me。 i am well and whole both within and without。〃 

at that moment a crab was passing by and heard the two oysters; and he said to the one who was well and whole both within and without; 〃yes; you are well and whole; but the pain that your neighbour bears is a pearl of exceeding beauty。〃 



小‘‘说〃t:xt。。天 堂




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