女神电子书 > 科幻恐怖电子书 > 15_death_dance >



小说: 15_death_dance 字数: 每页4000字

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ailed for their capture; but presently they were to receive no help from RDF personnel; and anyone found aiding or abetting the Sentinels' cause would be subject to prosecution to the full extent of the law。 Moreover; General Edwards was being placed in full mand of the RDF; he would be overseeing both the mining op and construction projects; and his staff would be supervising all aspects of civil defense; including minor police actions。

Lang; Exedore; Huxley; Obstat; Reinhardt and a few others had bee a cabal overnight; and Lang realized that it wouldn't be long before Edwards's Ghost Riders would be keeping watch on their every move…if in fact this wasn't already the case。 There were enough unanswered questions about the Regent's assassination to convince Lang that Edwards had had a hand in the affair。 He surmised; too; that Edwards was aware of the assistance Lang had rendered Wolff; but if he had any proof; he was probably saving it for the next occasion the two men went toe…to…toe。 Lang could only hope that Wolff had reached Praxis in time to rescue the Sentinels; because in every other way; the plan had done more harm than good。 However; by taking such a hard…line stance; the council had inadvertently weakened Edwards…perhaps not now; but in the long run; when those loyal to Hunter would step forward in a show of strength。

Lang was in his quarters; piling a mental list of the men and women who could be counted on; when the door tone sounded and Lynn…Minmei begged entry。 She was the last person Lang wanted to see; but as he thought about her a plan came to mind。 He had persuaded her once into accepting Janice as her partner; now perhaps he could talk her into assuming the android's role as a spy。

〃Dr。 Lang; I hope I'm not disturbing you;〃 she said; ing through the door。 〃I just had to talk to someone。〃

He could see she was frantic。 〃Don't be silly; my dear。 Sit down。 Can I fix you something?〃

〃No;〃 she said absently。 〃No; thank you。 I just need to know if it's true; Dr。 Lang…what they're saying about Jonathan and Rick。〃

Lang sat down; even though Minmei remained standing。 〃What do you think; Minmei?〃

She threw her hands up in a nervous gesture。 〃I don't know what to think! General Edwards says one thing; you say another。。。〃 She looked directly at him。 〃Most of my old friends won't even talk to me anymore。 And the way Janice acted。。。〃

He offered her an understanding nod。 〃Well; maybe you've just ended up on the wrong side somehow。 And everyone's waiting for you to return。〃

She sat down; facing him。 〃That's what I want to know: am I on the wrong side? People are saying the most horrible things about General Edwards。 But I know him; I know what kind of man he is。〃

〃You may think you know him; Minmei; but I assure you; you don't。 It's。。。〃 Lang fumbled for the words; 〃it's as though he has some sort of personal vendetta against Rick。 I can't even begin to understand it。 I only know that he has turned the council against your friends; and I know they'd be crushed to learn that you're not supporting them。〃

Minmei bit her lip。 〃And that's just what Jonathan's going to tell them; too。〃

Lang thought he detected a flash of anger behind the words; he started to reply; but she cut him off; the anger visible now。

〃That snake! Who is he to be calling people names? He's a liar!〃


〃Mr。 Charm;〃 she said; getting up from the couch。 〃He should talk about loyalty。 Ha! What does he know about anything?〃 She shot Lang a look。 〃What do any of you know?〃

Lang was never good at dealing with theatrics; he knew this much about himself and kept still。

〃Liars; murderers; outlaws;〃 Minmei was saying。 〃Things were just too peaceful for them on Tirol。 They needed to go find themselves a war。〃

〃That's Edwards talking;〃 Lang managed。

〃This is me talking!〃 she screamed at him。 〃I hate you! I hate the whole bunch of you!〃

She began to cry into her hands。 Lang made a move toward her; but she was gone by the time he reached the door。

〃Go ahead; say it;〃 Rick said to Lisa。 〃I could feel you saying it clear across the hold。 So let's clear the air。〃

She looked at him and frowned。 〃What are you talking about? Say what?〃

They were in the small cabinspace that had been set aside as their quarters aboard the SDF…7。 The dreadnought was approaching Garuda from the far side of the planet's massive sun after a brief period in hyperspace。

〃You wanna say 'I told you so;'〃 Rick continued。 〃Edwards is getting stronger and now we're in no position to stop him。 If we had remained on Tirol; all this would never have happened; and we'd probably have a truce worked out and be a long way toward repairing the SDF…3。〃 Rick snorted。 〃Anything I've left out?〃

〃I'm not saying a word; Rick;〃 she told him。 〃You're doing such a fine job without me。〃

〃All right; so you think I made a big mistake; and maybe a part of me agrees with you。 But the truth is that I would have been going out of my skull back there; and at least now I feel we are acplishing something…maybe not for ourselves exactly; but for Lron and Crysta and Kami and everyone。 You can't argue with that。〃

Lisa shrugged。 〃Who's arguing?〃

〃And another thing。〃 Rick put his hands to his hips。 〃You figure that just because I'm suddenly all gung ho and take…charge that I really am a mander after all。 But I'll tell you something: the only reason I'm okay with the role is because there's no damned council telling me what to think。 We've got a democracy here; not some red…tape portable government; and that suits me fine。〃

〃Well; I…〃

〃So don't go thinking that I'm going to ask to be reinstated when all this blows over。〃

〃Do you think it will; Rick?〃

He heard the desperation in her tone and it took the wind right out of his sails。 He leaned over; took her hand; and kissed it。 〃You bet;〃 he said softly。 〃And we'll get back on course。〃

She reached out to stroke his arm。 〃I don't want us to grow apart; Rick; and I feel that happening sometimes。〃

He was tempted to say something about Lisa's involvement with Gnea and Bela; but held his tongue。 〃I won't let that happen。〃

She sighed fretfully。 〃We used to have so many dreams…remember?〃

〃Of course I remember;〃 he said; trying to sound cheerful。 〃And we'll make every one of them e true。〃 He squatted down to face her。 〃Look; let's just see what happens on Garuda。 From what Kami says; the Invid never actually conquered the place。 And from what Wolff told me; it sounds like they pulled all their troop carriers away。 They've got a small garrison there; and that's it。 Maybe there won't have to be much fighting。 We'll get to have some PT。〃

She laughed lightly。 〃Now there's a dream if I ever heard one。〃

〃You'll see;〃 he said; bringing her up into his embrace。

In the cruiser's med room; Jean Grant was trying to figure out what to do with the now…smooth; football…sized crystal on the gurney…the Spherisian infant Miriya and Bela had brought up from Praxis。 The two women were watching Jean's every move; while Teal sat quietly in a corner of the room。 Jean gave the crystal a gentle turn; it felt cool to the touch and seemingly inanimate; but scans had indicated a high level of bioenergy; or at least an approximation thereof。 God knew the thing was growing fast enough! Jean sensed Miriya and Bela's eyes on her and said; 〃Well; what do you two expect me to do with this; this。。。child? She turned sharply to Teal。 〃Teal; get over here! At least tell me what I'm supposed to do。〃

Wearily; Teal got to her feet and joined Jean at the gurney。 She glanced down at the crystal and fixed her transparent eyes on the infant's saviors。 〃You saved him; Bela。 You raise him。〃

〃It's a him?〃 Jean asked; peering at the crystal as though she had missed something。 〃How do you know that?〃

〃Because it is Baldan's child。 It is Baldan。〃

Miriya made a face。 〃Wait a minute; let's get this straight: is it Baldan; or is it Baldan's child?〃

〃It is both;〃 Teal told her。

〃Well; it sure doesn't look like Baldan;〃 Jean pointed out。 〃Is it; er; he in a state of gestation inside the crystal? Or do we need to incubate him? Speak to me; girl!〃

Teal turned away from the gurney。 〃I don't want to care for it!〃 When she faced them again; it was obvious she was; in some Spherisian fashion; crying。 〃Baldan was not my mate;〃 she explained。 〃It was the Invid Tesla who chose us; it was he who brought us together。〃

Jean put a hand on Teal's shoulder。 〃But I don't understand; honey。 What does all this have to do with caring for the child?〃

〃He must be shaped〃 Teal answered her。 〃And to do so I must enter into a rapport with Baldan…I must bee his mate。〃

No one said anything for a moment。 〃And if we do nothing?〃 Bela asked。

〃Baldan will die。〃 Teal continued to cry; muttering to herself in her own tongue…praying; Jean ventured。 Then suddenly she produced a kind of crystalline paring knife from the bodice of her garment。

〃Teal; no!〃 Jean started to say; but before she could stop her; Teal had struck the infant with the edge of the blade; as one might bring a tool to bear on a piece of ore。 A chip broke away from the crystal; revealing a dazzling facet。 Teal struck again and again; each stroke sure of its mark; each 

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