女神电子书 > 科幻恐怖电子书 > tg.wizardfirstrule >



小说: tg.wizardfirstrule 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Tava root;〃 Kahlan said。 〃Don't you like it?〃
 Zed grunted。 〃Didn't say I didn't like it。 Just wanted to know what it was; that's all。〃 He looked up from his plate。 〃Adie told me she gave you a night stone。 That's how I found you; by the night stone。〃 He shook his fork at Richard。 〃I hope you are being careful with that thing。 Don't take it out unless there is great need。 Exceptionally great need。 Night stones are extremely dangerous。 Adie should have warned you。 And I told her so!〃 He stabbed a tava root with his fork。 〃It would be best to be rid of it。〃
 Richard pushed at a piece of meat。 〃We know。〃
 Richard's mind; was awash with questions he wanted to ask; he didn't know where to start。 Zedd beat him to it; asking first
 〃Have you two been doing as I said? Have you been staying out of trouble? What have you been doing?〃
 〃Well;〃 Richard said; taking a deep breath; 〃we spent a good deal of time with the Mud People。〃
 〃The Mud People?〃 Zedd mulled this over。 〃Good;〃 he proclaimed at last; holding a forkful of meat in the air。 〃You can't get in much trouble with the Mud People。〃 He took the meat off the fork with his teeth and dipped it back in his plate for more stew and a bite of dried biscuit。 He spoke and chewed at the same time。 〃So; you two had a nice stay with the Mud People。〃 He noticed that they weren't saying anything; and his eyes went from one to the other。 〃You can't get in much trouble with the Mud People。〃 It sounded like an order。
 Richard glanced over at Kahlan。 She dipped her biscuit in the stew。 〃I killed one of the elders;〃 she said; putting the biscuit in her mouth without looking up。
 Zedd dropped his fork; then caught it in midair just before it hit the ground。 〃What!〃  …
 〃It was self…defense;〃 Richard protested to her。 〃He was trying to kill you。〃
 〃What?〃 Zedd stood with his plate; then sat back down。 〃Bags! Why would an elder dare to try to kill a 。 。 。〃 He snapped his mouth shut; with a glance to Richard。
 〃Confessor;〃 Richard finished for him。 His mood withered。
 Zedd looked from one bowed head to the other。 〃So。 You finally told him。〃
 Kahlan nodded。 〃A few days ago。〃
 〃Just a few days ago。〃 Zedd grunted an acknowledgment; then ate more stew in silence; eyeing them suspiciously from time to time。 〃Why would an elder dare to try to kill a Confessor?〃
 〃Well;〃 Richard said; 〃that was when we found out what a night stone could do。 Just before they named us as Mud People。〃
 〃They named you Mud People? Why?〃 Zedd's eyes widened。 〃You took a wife!〃
 〃Well 。 。_。 no。〃 Richard pulled the leather thong out of his shirt and showed Zedd the Bird Man's whistle。 〃They settled for giving me this。〃
 Zedd gave a cursory glance to the whistle。 〃Why would they agree to you not 。 。 。 And why would they name you Mud People?〃
 〃Because we asked them。 We had to。 It was the only way to get them to call a gathering for us。〃
 〃What! They called a gathering for you?〃
 〃Yes。 That was just before Darken Rahl came。〃
 〃What!〃 Zedd yelled again; jumping to his feet。 〃Darken Rahl was there! I。 told you; stay away from him!〃
 Richard looked up。 〃We didn't exactly invite him。〃
 〃He killed a lot of them;〃 Kahlan said in a quiet voice; still looking down at her plate; chewing slowly。
 Zedd stared at the top of her head; then slowly sank back down。 〃I'm …sorry;〃 he said softly。 〃So; what did the ancestors' spirits tell you?〃
 Richard gave a shrug。 〃That we had to go to see a witch woman。〃
 〃Witch woman!〃 Zedd's eyes narrowed。 〃What witch woman? Where?〃
 〃Shota。 In Agaden Reach。〃
 Zedd winced; almost dropping his plate; the air making a sound going through his bared; gritted teeth as he drew a sharp breath。 〃Shota!〃 He looked around as if someone might hear。 He lowered his voice; directing a harsh whisper to Kahlan as he leaned closer to her。 〃Bags! What would possess you to guide him into Agaden Reach! You are sworn to protect him!〃
 〃Believe me;〃 she said; looking him in the eye; 〃I did not want to do it。〃
 〃We had to;〃 Richard said; ing to her defense。
 Zedd cast an eye to him。 〃Why?〃
 〃To find out where the box is。 And we did; too; Shota told us。〃
 〃Shota told you;〃 Zedd mocked; scowling at him。 〃And what else did she tell you? Shota tells you nothing you want to know without telling you something you don't。〃
 Kahlan gave Richard a sidelong glance。 He didn't return it。 〃Nothing。 She told us nothing else。〃 He held Zedd's eyes without backing down。 〃She told us that Queen Milena; in Tamarang; has the last box of Orden。 She told us because her life too depends on this。〃 Richard held Zedd's glare。 He doubted that his old friend believed him; but he didn't want to tell him what Shota had said。 How could he tell Zedd that one; or two; of them might end up being traitors? That Zedd would use wizard's fire against him; that Kahlan would touch him with her power? He feared that maybe it would be justified; after all; he was the one who knew about the book。 They didn't。
 〃Zedd;〃 he said softly; 〃you told me you wanted me to get us to the Midlands; and that you had a plan once we were here。 You were struck down by that underworld beast; you were unconscious; we didn't know when; or if; you would wake。 I didn't know what to do; I didn't know what your plan was。 Winter is ing。 We have to stop Darken Rahl。〃
 His voice turned harder as he went on。 〃I have been doing the best I could without you。 I've lost track of the number of times we have nearly been。 killed。 All I knew to do was try to find the box。 Kahlan helped me; and we found out where it is。 It has cost us both dearly。 If you don't like what I have done; then take your cursed Sword of Truth back; I am near to being fed up with it! With everything!〃
 He threw his plate on the ground; walking off a ways into the dark; standing with his back to them; a lump growing in his throat。 The dark trees in front of him became watery。 It surprised him the way the anger had reached up and taken him。 He had wanted to see Zedd so badly; and now that he was here; he was angry with him。 He let the ire rage; waiting for it to die of its own accord。
 Zedd and Kahlan exchanged a look。 〃Yes;〃 he said softly to her; 〃I can see that you have indeed told him。〃 He set his plate on the ground; stood; and gave her a pat on the shoulder。 〃I'm sorry; dear one。〃
 Richard didn't move when he felt Zedd's hand on his shoulder。
 〃I'm sorry; my boy。 I guess you have been having a hard time of it。〃
 Richard nodded as he stared into the darkness。 〃I killed a man with the sword。 With the magic。〃
 Zedd waited a short while before he spoke。 〃Well; I know you; I'm sure you had to。〃 〃No;〃 Richard said in a painful whisper。 〃I didn't have to。 I thought I was protecting Kahlan; protecting her life。 I didn't know she was a Confessor; that she needed no protection。 But I surely wanted to。 And I surely enjoyed it。〃
 〃You only thought you did。 That was the magic。〃
 〃I'm not so sure。 I'm not sure what is being of me。〃
 〃Richard; forgive me for sounding as if I were angry with you。 It is myself I'm angry with。 You have done well; it is I who have failed。〃
 〃What do you mean?〃
 Zedd patted his shoulder。 〃e and sit。 I will tell you both what has happened。〃
 They walked back to the fire; Kahlan watching them together; looking lonely。 Richard sat next to her again and gave her a small smile; which she returned。
 Zedd picked up his plate; gave it a hard look; and set it back down。 〃I'm afraid we're in a lot of trouble;〃 he said in a soft voice。
 A sarcastic remark immediately sprang to Richard's mind; but he stifled it and asked instead; 〃Why; what's happened? What of your plan?〃
 〃My plan。〃 Zedd gave a wry smile; drew his knees up; and pulled his robes over his legs; making a little tent over them。 〃My plan was to stop Rahl without having to deal with him; and without you two having to get in danger's way。 My plan was for you two to stay out of trouble while I dealt with this。 It would seem as if your own plans may be our only way now。 I have not told you all there is to know of the boxes of Orden; because it was not for you to know。 It was none of your business; it was only。 for me to know。〃 He looked at each of them; anger flashing in his eyes for an instant before it faded。 〃But I guess it doesn't matter now。〃
 〃What was not for us to know?〃 Kahlan asked with a frown; her own anger flashing a little。 Apparently; she didn't like it any more than Richard did that they were in danger without knowing it all。
 〃Well; you see;〃 Zedd said; 〃the three boxes work just as I said; each with their own purpose; but you have to know which to open。 That is the part I know。 It's all in a book; called the Book of Counted Shadows。 The Book of Counted Shadows is an instruction book for the boxes。 I'm its keeper。〃
 Richard went rigid。 The tooth felt as if it would jump right off his chest。 He couldn't move a muscle; could hardly breathe。
  〃You know which box is which?〃 Kahlan asked。 〃You know which he must open?〃
 〃No。 I'm th

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